Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1925, p. 17

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December 18, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 1'- Catholic League Wellesley Circle Holds Enjoys Duo Art Its Christmas Meeting Christmas music and a three-scene Musical Program Christmas Masque composed the pro·:·!l e monthly meetlng of the North gram given at the meeting of the " '. ·~ · Catholic Woman's league was Korth Shore \Vellcsley circle ~londay 'f' 1 ~· 1 vans ton. M r~. \Villiam Sherman Hay ·1; c day. December 8. at 2 :30 o'clock. oi \Vinnetka played a group oi un- The Lasting Gift . A Radiola, ·with its single control, j t J~' 111 the Winnetka Woman's club at the home of Mrs. Irwin Rew in president, Mrs. William i ·, ur··rd all members to rememher the i 1.' :1 -., tockings, sizes irom 5 to 7 year-.,, ( ,. the orphans of St. J o~t:ph ':-. H oml' i· ;· 1 he Friendless. The s tockings are 1 · ilf' ready not later than December 'I · an d arc to be dcli\'crt·d to ~1 rs. rq· ~fills. Highland Park: M r ~. T. p En right, Glencoe : ~ir s. E . c. \\' ti~ _ , Lt·rg and ~Irs . ( 'harle<> c . Coyl<'. \\ : tl t"tka; Mrs. ] . Brown , uo.;ual violin selections of quaint and unthual carob,, and a group of north -.,hort girb gave the reading. with the nnhir accompaniment pla)·ccl by ~fi..; .\1uri1 ·l flypc s of Evathton . Ioop PLANS KIDDIES' PARTY Tltt· \\'oman':.. l'lub (l i \\' ilmette is gi\·ing a Children \ party D<:cember 30, ;tt 2:30 o'clock. Ge(·rgL'lll' Faulkntr hl't t n kno,\·n a s '"The Ston- Lad\·," .1 1 ·11 · 'fw1 11 l' IJllll' to t H' c 11 c n ·n a-. .\ r ~. Santa ('}au ~. ll e r e\·cninl-! talk ... on: r rad i11 ... tat ion \\' ~1 A Q. an· . . ou rn·-.. c ,i l!rc ·al pJtoa-.,u:<' tc, th <' children . I aerial and ne\v power tube, is finer than ever 111 Cook. \\'ilmcttr ; '· .. ~- P. Ander~on, E\'anston. 'l Ill.: program for thl' aftC'rnoon wa c; ;, tll th ir a k, t ht artist~. Oli H~ J un ~ 1 , t y. soprano, V..' illiam Bc.:llcr. pianiq. 11 · .~ the Stcinway Duo Art . Tlw <' 11 -. - - -- , :··· prngrar;n was mo~t cit-light fttl. ~1 j..,.., ~~ j ....... . \1.!;n 1 ·-.. Bic-..<: nH.:in .. "JH , 1-- mc.:m 1.: ··y pronng- hcr~elt to h(· a cultured IH·r ,,,- thL· iaculty at \ a~-..,ar ro lltgc . , rl c harming -;inge r. and ).Jr. Bl'lkr 1 t hi-- \t·ar. returned Thur . da~· to ht:r , . .':11:i..; t oi temperament and t"\qui-.,iu· j l· , 1111 .'. XU.f Central a\·cnuc; to ptnd '· ·l nl ~qttt.·. Tht.: leagtH: feels vcr_Y 1 Ill' 11oliclay-.. \\·ith her tathcr an~l 1 _ .tl t'ltll to Lyon and Healy for thh 11 H,tht>r. ~fr . :tnd .\Jr, . Hobert L I· ' -1·i 11d id ~ntcrtainment. 1;i('-.,rmc·in . It a wa.., then '-Crn·d, rlo..;in .L: a happy , · ·rnoon. !'he next meeting oi rlw ... twing t·ir 1 , · w ill be held Tue sday, Dcn:.mher 30. "' ~ o'clock, at the residence ui ~f r-. I ) :ilt Janettt, 315 :\hhott ~fonl road. I ,. ·d \\'orth. s. perfortnance and tone quality. Yolutne on Radiola No. 25 $165 with 6 Radiotrons (Less Batteries and Speaker) Selective near and · and sen itive, it gets distant stations. I I It can be operated with batteries electric or light off the circuit. .\lr ' . G(·t,r~L· Cro\·t:o.;. HOLDS REGULAR MEETING 415 D;l\ h ... trn·t. i .t l l ... ton. a mcmiH.'I' oi the ~(,u·rning ·., .. t d oi the :\ational k:ind('rg;trtt·n ,. d l·~ lt·Jnentan · t·nllt'gt· wa -. IHhtt·... . ., :' .. I,d;t Y aitertH~ott to till' ::\orth ~hort' .'. P lll;.tt: a~-..l1ciation oi till· t·,·dk!-!t' i<n· lT~ ular monthly ntn:t ing and so' .. · h(lu r . Give Real Estate Bonds for Christmas A gift-not of a day- but of years of benefit. Other standard. radios, including At \V ater Kent, Howard, Federal, etc. are here also. SMART and The new Orthophonic Victrola brings artists and instntn1ents right into the room, \Vith a naturalness of tone that Radiola No. 28 S260 with 8 Radiotrons (Less Batteries and Speaker) GOLEE 1580 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Ill . wa _ neYer before possible. It has a clarity Yoltnne \V and hi c h Loans Without Comniission ..... ###############################~~ ########################### ~ · m a k e s it absolutely true in tone. ,....,.~ Order ~o'v for 'I' h e I , ,11 11 I I; tn r 1 , r k Con1pany prepared \\ ' 1~ 1 ~ lu t 11 a I . 1 t<, ann<ll11ll'<..' I . i 1. v In :-; u r :t nr ~· tl 1a t tll e ,. ,'ll'l' 11<1\l<lr Christmas Delivery to ron~idcr ;tpplirati<ll1:-~ 11 l<lall:-- t~il Piano~. ~Iusical In stru- h o 111 e ~ an d a pa r t 11lt, 11 t h u i 1d i 11 g·.. t h i :-- r < ' 1111lll1 C<l11111li:-;:--1,,n ments, ~~ u sical Toys. Etc. ~e\\: $8~. nity at pre\·a ilin ~· rate~ and \\·ithuut the usual guarantee i H 1licy. nr expense ol any kind to the horrn\\Tr~ t",l'l pt Orthophonic Victrola $110. $150 and $275 :\ pply to :\. l). Lang:\Yort h y. the Loan . \g·en t Convenient Time Payments ot the con1pany. at 112 \Yest .\datu~ Street. Chicago, or telephone Randolph 4910. North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 Church St. Evanston . ,. , . 554 Cent~r St. Winnetka

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