22 WILMETTE Andrew M:. Taylor of Indianapolis I arrived in Kenilworth Thursday to see his wife who is ill at the Evanston hospital. Mrs. Taylor had been staying with Mrs. W. ]. Taylor of 310 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, , when she was because ill and was taken to the hospital Thursday of last week. She is now recovering and expects to leave the hospital the end of this week. LIFE December 1~, 1025 Kenilworth Club to Provide Setting for Much of Holiday Fun With the approach of the holiday season, the K~nilworth club, ~ center of much of the village gai-::ty, lists the following events: The children's Christmas parties and the young people's formal dance will be held Satur<~ay, December 26. The entertainment for small children will td.ke place from 2 :30 o'clock until 4, the dance for older children from 4 :30 until 7, and the formal dance for young people from 8 :30 until 12. Members will have the privilege of taking guests. The hostess will be Mrs. Walter Marx, and Mrs. George C. Richards. The New Year's Eve ball will commence at 9 o'clock. with breakfast served from 12:30 until 2 o'clock. Mrs. R. Ward Starrett will be hostess for the occasion. A tea dansant is scheduled for New Year's day with dancing from 4 o'cJock until 7. There will be special music. The hostess will be l\[ rs. Herbert B. Taylor. SPAULDING & CO. !Jewelers' rrworthwhile 9ifts at flleasonable c:Erices" 4 -oMrs. Fannie Burns of Port Huron. Mich., who has been visiting her~ son, Robert McNeill Burns of 1-<..ssex road, for the last five weeks, returned to her home last week. Thursday ~~ rs. Burns is expecting her sist er, ~~ rs. Hamilton of Port Huron. and her father, Marshall Ncy Petit, also of Port Huron, for a \·isit through the holiday period. -oM iss Lillian McLaughlin of Detroit will come to Kenilworth Satur<hy to spend the holiday s with 1f iss J anc Young of 333 Cum nor road. ~f i:-.s .\f cLaughlin was a former resident here. -0- 9 lassware and CJhina for the Table The North Room at Spaulding's has always an adequate as well as a fascinating stock of English China and Glassware. One may enter here into a magic world of color and brilliance. Spaulding prices are ever consistent and low by comparison Mrs. Harry Crook., 615 umnor road, Kenilworth, entertained hrr Mrs. Charles Rowe, for:merly a Ken- bridge club at dinner Saturday c\·c ilworth resident, now of New York, ning. -0spent three days with Mrs. 12ruce V. Crandall, 515 Warwick road, KenilJames Burnham, S36 I{oslyn road. worth, thi s week. Mrs. Crandall en- Kenilworth, spent la:-.t week -e nd with tertained at a luncheon Thursday for hi s parents. He will return ac.;ain from :M rs. Row e. Princeton M:onday for the holiday s. KR 5() YEARS THE STANDARD OF QYAU'i Bhristmas 9ifts 9oblds $12, $16, $20 the dozen 9lass c$alad Plat(S $7.50, $12, $15, $25 the 9lass CJandlesticks $5, $6.50, $10 each &nglish f13one Bhina ~erYice Plates from $42 the dozen dozen &nglish f13one CJhina CJJessert Plates from $18 the dozen &nglish fBone tJhina S'lft(r <Dinner Bojfe($ from $18 the dozen Nature's Recipe for Rosy Cheeks GLASS of Bowman's Milk -three times a day-will put a new sparkle in your ey.es, a new and natural bloom in your cheeks. Makes you look better because you'll fell better. I ~azing? Yes, but it is true! Bowman's Milk is whole milkrich in cream, fresh and pure. It contains all the precious elements which doctors declare are so vital to lasting beauty and well-heine. Paint your cheeks rosy from within! Nature guarantees results. What could be fairer? The name H Spaulding" on a gift creates its own welcome A SPAULDING & 1636 Orrington Avenut, EVANSTON Qoldsmiths "' Sil'Ytrsmiths "' jewelers Michigan Avenue at Van Buren Street "' CHICAGO 23 Rue de Ia PaU:, PARIS Co. UNDERTAKER !· tlliJSiiJ.,.!I:Miiiiiiiii!il~t!i-[iqje!i.iii . -~iiiiiiii!ii!~~~!§i~ii§-aP.iiiiiii!iii!J!§~ _ ·!'_~l We have served the peopie of Wilmette antt the North Shur1 for NINETEEN years. Space 'Will not ,ermit the names of those in WILMETTE who would be glad to personally recommend us. We were the FIRST on the North Shore to install a Limousine hearse. We specialize on service. 1124 Central Avenue, Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 654 I d i~