Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1925, p. 11

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December 25, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 11 EXHIBIT MODEL HOUSE Coolidge Favorable to Federal Aid Road Plan Glencoe Garden Club Structure is Purchased by Heinsen and Real Estate Company Kroll, The Garden club of Glencoe ha s recently so ld the lllOdel hothe and garden wh_ich \\·as made this ~ ummer, to the Ilem su1 and· Kroll, n·al e~tatc company at \Vinn etka. It \\·a-, exhibited thi s summ er at Lake Fon:-, t in a garden ex hibit in \\'hich 22 other garden clubs competed, and \\'as ;l\\·ardcd first prize. ~irs. Carl ~1int·r of Clencol', whu . . e rock garden has been Yi~ited hy peopl ~ from all m · L·t· the Cnitcd Statl'....-, and ,,·Ito ha .., o\'er 350 ,·aricties oi rork planh in hl'r gardt·n, has rardulh· plantH·cl it :-o that an an1akur ra~ 1 clttp!i<~ate all the: y;u:il'ti<.'> thed in the l'XInhtt plan. lt ha-, hc<·n arr:ttlt.!'(·d '-C> that th ·re is aJ...c, a play yard l<·r childr('n tm.der t.h~· t rt'~·s and a dryin~-; yard 1111t ta~tly YhJI,k J rotn the :-trn·t. Anyone dl·-,irin~ t[) l'f)tltt· in :ttll! t;tkv ll<Jte . . ir<·lll thl' )..!'arrkn arranl!;t'tlll'll t i" l' :-. Jll' cia Ih- i11 ' it v d tc, d r , ... r 1, a . . ;tn· tho . . l· ' ' lw :trl· intl·n·,t<·d in build inl!. ior tit(· lwu-.l· lla-. htt'tl plannt·d h~ thl· \\(Jtllt'll <1i tl11 · C;trdvtl club t·· tltlTt tht· tH'l'd., oi \\<1tttl'tl in arrant!t'ttH·n t and Cflll\'l'nit·tll'<· 1"·-.idt·;; ht·inl! ;1 lli0'-1 dclit!ht ful hr11ne. Thr· plan-.. \\'('!"(· J·;t-- . . t'd (Ill hy an ai,Jt· arrl1itl'rt and tht· l":trdt· n wa" pl:tllllt·d irll- a lr1t 1~ ll\· }.==() i<·t·t dtTJl and int·ludv-.. a carefu l g-~r~uJ· ittl! of pcrt·nnial-... :ttld trn ·-.. a-, \\ 11 a-. :' (' ':~~ck J.!;trdt·n.anrl '-ttl:tllpn.r·l. Ldn t! '"II ht· 1111 dt . . Jda, ;t (·tn-.<·n and f- ,. II' 1 r · 1 I· ·. _ \\"I ': " " It! 1 ' 1111 1 1 .tt 1 '· tllll'l'l'. and 1 ·.\ :t lh1<1n (l ffit 't·.... Elimination of any adverse recommendation on federal aid for highway constructed from President Coolidge's messa?e to Congress indicates that organ1~ed motordom has won its first battle m the campaign to sec ure a continuation of as~istar1ce to the '>tates in . completin g a national system of hir.:h ways, the hicago 11otor club announced this week. That the pka of the m ~>tori:-,b oi the w ·~t brought re~ ults ~md that !'resident 'oolidge \Yilt sense the sentiment of the country in rcgarcl to iL·dcral aid is the interpretation of the n ~idcnt's action hv the: club \\'hil·h j., taking the l<:ad ·t:ship in ~q4;~nizin~ nJotori..,t IJchind a nation-wide ramJ1:tign to in . ure continuation oi arltquate fcdera 1 appropriations for high \\a~· ron truction nnder the I>rl'~cnt Ch_ I' ns THAT it may be above all a happy one for you and yours, is the sin .. cere wish of... bw~. ·'[i Pn:~ irlent Coolidge follow the rl'l·ontmenuation of the motor cli.lh ;t nrl -;ound"i out tit; real ~e:ntimcnt (it the c(·ttntry rl'garding il'ckral aiel, it ;.., J,t·lin·<·d that the respon-,e will he ny ·r\' hl'lminc:ly in fayor of continul'rl ap Jn>priatinn;; at least a-. large a:- )a . . t yt·ar. ii not larger." 'harks ~f. Haye . . . 1' r l' i d c 11 t () i the c h i c (U..!' 0 ::\ r() t (l r c lu h r lt·c Ia reel. I ~fr. .and 11rs. John P. leson or 2-tO \\"o<>cbt 11 d, an·nttt·. Kc nih,r·rth. ;tnd \fr. and ~1 r:-.. Hoy C. O sgood, 423 Es 1 d h S d '-t'X roa r. n:turne orne atur ay irom th eir southern trip. Thev vi.:;itccl . - a short J.r. th coa . . ts nf Flonda and took rip to Cuba with the Bankers' con \fr. and \fr.-. Frk.tr \\" . 1:1l!Cilarrl oi 'tn tion. I ~ II l 0 x ford r ad. J( t ·n i Iworth, Ieft \ Y e d. Ogden Co(lk Kenilworth Tnn 1 · -..<by to 'l'~·nd Chri.,trna.; with their 1 tll1 -in-la\\' and dau :..! h l'r ~fr. and ~ir s. 1-:t-; rrturn C'd for Ch r istmas from a trip (~rarlt Kn·hn (,j :\<'\\' Hnrhcllc, X. Y. 111 Texa s. I 1 I at Fountain Square Evanston 1 I < 1 _of~~~ i - THE NORTH SHORE' BOOTERY Announcing Our Semi--Annual c PRE·INVENTOR Y SALE STARTING SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 26 As per our policy every OXFORD- PUMP and DRESS SLIPPER in the store (with the exception of Cantelever Shoes) will be sharply reduced to the follo,ving attractive prices: FOR WOMEN $5.90 $6.90 $8.90 $10.90 · Also T\vo Groups at $7.40 and $8.40 FOR MEN '$6.40 $7.40 $8.40 You ,vill find all sizes in these lots but not in every style, we suggest an early attendance before the stocks are depleted. NORTH SHORE BOOTERY IN THE NORTH SHORE HOTEL BLDG., DAVIS ST. AT CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON :tt:'i! =====

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