Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1925, p. 3

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25, 1925 Decem her 25, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 3 THESE PEOPLE FIND OUR POLICE ON JOB Citizens Pen Letters to·, Village Board Commending Work of . Wilmette Department Three letter s from resident s of the ,·illage commending the p()lice department for it-- attention to duty were received by the Village hoard ~ t its last mtcting. The letter s were read hv \ ' ill~~ g e Clerk L. J . 0 r r an d pI a c c cl ~ n fi 1 e in th e vilbt!t' n·corcJ:... The se lt:tters were writ t<·n to indicate the 3 ppreciation of the \\Titn-., ir1r sen ire : whi -h th('y tl1ought eo.,peci ;tll\· worth\· of mention. Tlw l<:tter-., rt·;t;l a ..; ioflows: NEW YEAR'S PREACHER Dr. Georce Craig Stewart of Evan.ston Will Deliver New Year's Address Before Sunday Club The ~peaker Sunday evening, Decemher 27, at the vVilmette Sunda,· Evening cluh will be Dr. George C r a i g Stewart. rector of the St. Luke' s church. Evanston. Dr. S t c ',. a r t :ome~ to\ \ .i lm ette ~ach vear at thi s ;;easot~ of the vear with a K-ew Ycar'. m ·ssage. He ts ahYay-; 7 rccted b,· <t 1~rge ann ~·nthtt )iastic audiencr '111 d i ron<:. i d erc"l one oi the llHJ" forcd ttl spea kt·-.: Dr. G. C. Stewart a p p c· a r i n g c, 11 tl1e rlttlJ·.., annual prn .~ram. Tl~t· ~(lloi--t next ~unda' night \rill he ~I i.._:-. I -.ahd ( >. Clint c1( Kt·nil\\·o rth. .\11 1011g thl' "pl·; d-:<:r~ \\"Ito an.: -.rhed11 k d t (J ap p t' a r J 'do r t· t Itt: c I u J J in January are fnrmer ~ecrdan· , ,j tht: ~; ~·:~ . J<l...,ephth Danid.., \\·ltZJ come:-. ' '" Jallttar .\· JIJ. anrl l~alph O'Connor. autll<'r ui "Tlll' ~b· Pil"t." 011 January 17. · . 1 IPRESENTS _H_ea_d_s_c_om_ra_d_es- 1 SOLUTION TO PARKING PROBLEM Village Board Receives Recommendations Designed to Relieve Traffic Congestion fl , · ro~mcndations pertinent to traffic rr·"!"u lation s in ' the village, and more narticularh· to parking of cars, were ~cad hefo;e the Villag-e hnard at it:; la t meeting by Trustee Clarence E. Dravcr. chairman of the Ptthlic Service com'mittee of the board. Mr. Drayer'c; report is based upon investigation, ex' ending on.·r a period of more than a ' ··e ar of the o·encral lraffic si tuation in titc ~ommunity an~ is regarded as the 1ir:-.t comprehensive survey of the con·rtions. It was emphasized by Mr. lJra\·e r that uggcstions from resident~ l ; ;l ~c .village :vill be ,,.~Jcom:<:I a~d 1 i a ken · mto enous constderattOn 111 . · , .nTH:rtion with the solution of the lo.t! traffic problem. In consequence of the report, the :,( ..· rd a uthorizcc Village Attorney jackson to draw up an ordinance pre<;crib ing certain definite parking regulations. Thi s ordinance. it is proposed, ~an be amended at a iater time to include other regulat.ions as the need becomes apparent. ~lembers of the Public Service committee with ~I r. Drayer are Trustees J. C. Baker and \V. \V. De Berard. ~~ r. Drayer's report follows: 1 1 I 1 Protects Children · .. a ... . ... : ..·. .. ~ f ·· ~·· Col. Charles \V. Castle, 226 \YooclIJJitl. a\·e nue, \\' ilrnctte. \\·a:-. n .·ctnth· l'lectcd CCJI11111andcr oi Evan~ton Cam1;, :\(). ~7. oi the ~pani~h \\.ar Yeteran-;, \\'hich includes in ih mcnlbtr~hip ~ev "'lt, thv \ 'i]];t~v l~ r·ard: .\I i ..,.., F l< ll'l' nl'l' ~I aclJL·t It. _\mnica 's eral ,,·ell known north shore men. Col. 1 "<·pran(), i.._ tu ~ing at the Ca:-.tlc, who is retired from actin~ ~en· "1 vrmit 111v to thank tht· village for grvatl'-.t . \\ · i lJ Ill' t t t· :-:.un d a~ 1-: n·n in g c I u h <!TIL' o i ice. is a ,·cteran of two \var~ and sern:d tlJ,. rn-npt·rati 111 of Lieut. Borre and T h t' t · x a c t in the arduous times of the difficultic~ \';·p:. BrautiL!:an in connectirm with th~ t It v ~ 11 1H Ia y , i 11 J;ll1 tt a n ·. in th~~ variou~ i~Iand possession" oi (htl' \'.ill hv <lllll()ttnn·d . . tiO!l. n · ··~·nt ln1ndarizin~ oi my home on the the L'nited State..;. He was rated a-. Confers With Citizens t'\ t'lling of ~ ()vc mber 19. (lilt· <1i tht' ahiL·,t i1~:>tructor: oi pro "The Public Service committee has -.ptctin· nffi rer:-. in the officers' train- been considering parking in Wilmet~e "\\'!til~ " <.: wer<' most fortunate in tht' iart that till· Chicago J·olicc picked Lose Mr. Foster, Yet ing camps during the \\'orld war. for nearly a year, and pa~~icularly 111 llJI lw hurL!:hr and obtained from him L. \\·. F""tcr, \Ylw . had planned to tl:e area hounded by Etghth and ~l il admi~~i,Jil that the lo::>t came from di:-continuc lJi.., piano-tuning bu-.in<.·:-." un Eleventh streets, and Linden and Lake · WELCOME ;1 \\'ilmcttc home, Lieut. Borre accom- the north ~bore and makL· his home at 3 ,-enues. The committee has conferred P_~nied me in tO\vn in helping to iden- ~chohack Landing. Xew York. has de Churches Plan Interesting Services to with a good many citizens, and adtity the prnpnt~· and get a case against cifkd to rt'lllain 1111 the north ~hnre and Welcome Coming in of 1926; Many dressed a letter to the churches and l'niore~tl'll tl:e offendn and on the followino- <Jay r()ntinuv lti-- lnhillt'""· clubs in the above mentioned area and Special Observances. the capt;tin and tit<" licutrnant wer.e rirntlll t;tnct·.., haq· madt· it lllTt·.., -.,aq· ha. profited much from the replies. of ..,pJendirl ;t .. -.i . . t;tnrc both to me per- that ~lr. F<htn rvn1ain in tlti-., vicinit~· The advent of the ~ew Year will be "\Ye approached the prob.lem from '-Onally and in tlw inttre;;t of the vil- in<h·finitvl~ and hl' i" prepared to tak·e 11ttingly ohsl'n·cd at sen·iccs in \Vil- the standpoint first, of pubhc safet~: carl' oi hi" lar,L't' rliL'Iltl'le \\·itlwut in lag-e. TPette churches Sunda,·. Dece111hcr 27 second, flow of traffic; third, conventttTrttption. ht· a----erb. "The rna n rt·re ivcd a fine and a sixat ~fid-\Veck sen-ices the night of De~ ence of abutting property owners and . ~f r. Foster has hcen engaged 111 the lllont!J.._' Bridnn·ll sentt·nn· on the cr·mbcr 31, rind at special srn·ices the residents. tnano - tuninl.! hu..;ine~s in this vicintty n~orning of Xew Year's Day. chargc of r a rrying concealed weapons "\\. e feel that the time is at hand "()lllt' 30 or -+0 vears and j.., \\·e ll J...no\\ 11 ;tnd. at the time of his Bridewell re. tn lnmdn · d~ <·,j re--idents in all tl,l· fn addition to the' Sunda\· ~ew when we must recognize the paved lea.:;e, will ht· arrrstt- d on a warrant and nnrth ..;}wrt· communities. T.a. t winter Year\ ..,<:rvice at the First Pre ~ l;vtcrian ways of our streets as. primarily for J,rought to \\'ilmettc for trial on the ht· \\a" 'L'n· rl'l~· injured when :-.truck church. there i:-. announced a -specia l moving- vehicles or flllld traffic, and hurgla r _,. r It ;t r~ e. 11\· :1n automnhile. at Kenih,·orth. huf ~cnirc at R o'cloc k on Xew Year's Eve much les than is now accepted for the "Tn concluding. let me add a little he has for . ome time been ahle to to ht· icatured by thr appearance in ~toragc of standing vehicles. pn .-.on oi ~f r. and ~r rs. Lance B. "ord oi prai"t' iur the village force as he about and attend to his \\·ork. Cites Parking Plan Latham. \\'e1l kno\\·n for their radio <t whole an rl t n .., ;n· t hat I am c crt a in "Two ways arc available for providTwo Are Injured When pro.!.!ram..; (li ~acred music. There is to thc·y arc doinL!:· Yrr;· exrclknt work. ing torage space off the paved way: J,t· no \\'a trh Xight sen·ice. "\'en· truh \'() tJr-.. (a) Usc of the park\\;ay (area be"('If.-\l~f.ES ,· _ \\FOI{J> . CI.AT~KE." and Train Cras~ The \\.ilmette Bapti~t church will de- t \\'cen curb and sidewalk.) Two per. ons were injured in a colli- ,·ote its morning worship hour on Sun(b) Parking space on private or p~th Thanks Officers .-ion hetwec·n a :\orth Shorr rlectrir day to a program approf>riate to the .\ tJr· tlwr lt-ttt·r rOillllH'THiinl! the \Yil- train anrl an automobile at the LindPn ~l'\\. Ye :t r :-ea·OTJ. The sen·ice wilt lic ground within easy access to bUtldt·t,·tlt' p<,Jict· \\·a.;; received ~lirccth- hv ;1\'enuc rro. sing last Saturday rvenin~ ··ompri"t'" a -;ermo n ])\· the Rev ing or as se mhlin(,.. place that such park\\ . tr.\rETTI-: T.rn: thi.:; \\'l't'k. tTnrlcr . elate Thr~· were ~[r~ . \Yilliam H. Thomson . Francis l·. Stitlcr. pastor: and a pro~ ing space serves. "To illustrate (a), on Wilmette and .1f De cemher 1R it o.;tatl'd hridh·: 125 Lattrl'l aYL'11tlt~. \vho \\·as with ~fr . ·ra111 oi mu~ic by ~[r. Barnes. organ":\ resident oi \\'ilnwtte "is lies to Thomson in the automobile. and \Vii - i . . t. and the Choral soc iety of the Central avenues, particularly west of l'".llrt'"" appreciation of sen·ires re- liam Shine. motorman of the train. ·· lturrh . Anotlwr Xew Year's scrvic':' the track in the bu~iness sectio n, the n·iq·d. in th<.' ca.;;t· 0f ;tn ;tutomol.ilc ~fro.; . Thomson "·as taken to her i · arranged for Thursday e\·cning at g curh could be cut down for autos to drive on the parkway, after it has been acciden t. h,· two \\'ilnH'ttc officer~. De home wiH're -.,he was tre1tcd lw Dr ('clock. Cr"nt and . Srhacfcr. ThC' y were right ~f. C'. He cht. and the trainman was Tlw Fir..;t Congngational church will suitably surfaced. "To illustrate (b) above. St. Joseph's <~n the joh." !..'in·n fir..;t aid near the .;;rene of the nLscn-r "Family Dav" at its Sunda'· church at Lake and Ridge, has ample Tl"' name 0i the writer. placed in accident. Hl' was cut nn the It-a tem morning services. ~~~· file..; <1 i tlw \\'"n.\tF.rn: LrFr. nffices. t ir. The automohik \\'as . erious) _ ,. St. John's Lutheran church an- space ~n its own ground v·hich it has ,q" nmitted h~· reC}tle~t. <Ia maged. n<tttnc.e d a Xe"· ·y ear's Eve Commun- surfaced for parking. It is to be com·--- inn ~ervice at 7 :-+5 o'clock. and a New mended for thus ably taking care of l..ooks Like Good Skating Oberammergau Players Y{ ar's morning Communion '>en·ice at its own parking problem. Would Save Trees o'clock. or e o 1 ay eason rovr e mas tsp ay 9 :45 The only genuine Watch-~ight ser"The assertion is occasionally heard \\.ith the adn·nt ni cold ,,.t·atlwr. al.l Hill and Stone's real e . tate .)ffice at Yice among the churches united with in Wilmette that the pavements of all . \'ilnH· tte i..; going skating thl·-.,e <Ia~·,. 404 Ljndt·n a,·cntH' ha..:; an unu.;;ually at ·bt \Yilmette Church Council is to take our residence streets must be widened 0 ···,, rink-; have het·n prepared for the tracti\ l' (. 'hri-.,tllla" \\·indow di-.,pl;t_\ rc - n]··cc at the \Yilrl'lette Parish ~fethorl- to provide parking space. Not only 1·~·· ni resident--. one at Dupl'e place "· 1·..,cn ti 11!r till' Plall).!"l'r scene at thl' i,t church. This setYice hegins at 8 would such widening cost a prohibitive ·, d Fourth street. and an(lther on tltt· · · fi , · · 1 1 llirth nf hri :-.t, \vith muuature 1gures )·l·loc k and, with one intermission, will sum of money and result in p:1tchwork 0 ,·,:u n:ctpla ,P a~l·g~I?Iund~. \H'~tl ~ ktl:t.· ,,:·ulc !)\· the Pa~--i :->n plan·rs of Ohcr-, con tinue until 12 o'clock. The choir of appearance. but much of tht! beauty (I\ \ an ~CtlOO. 1e Wt.'St ~H l' rill - 1!:> ' · : · . 1 · ' ' · . · .;J 1l· l·trr ·· t 1 ·· · . ··· , ·t nlmt·rg·au. Tht· decoratiOn W<b cone ·J~~· church will gr,·e a ~[essrah pro- " f Wilmette would be forever de' g<.::-., la\mg ,tn .trea o 1 :-.tx .ten:-.. · . · · 8 · 1 k F II · h' l :t W<h cstahli~hed last Yl'ar ll\· the 11.v ~lr~ . ~tont· \nth the, a..;sJ--tance ot at o c oc ·. ·o owtnf t .1st 1ere stroyed by cutting down our trees. If l)layg round commis ·ion. Large c.rowds o!hrr men~ hers nf the o.ffice fot c~. Th(' ".:II l·.l· . an acld:css by Dr:.\~. H. Sm:·~h >arking space must he provided be· · ·· expected to attend the rinks, es- d:splay wtll be kept m. the wmdow 1 ot lh It ~~t. Ireland. pre~tdent of Insh tween street lines, let it he between I· ria lly during the Christmas holiday . , during the Chri~tmas holtdays . ~lcthodt:-.m. ( l'ont:nued on Page 32) "To the Chil·i r·i l'<din: :. '· f \\ a 11 t 1 " t' :\ jl r t · S-., Ill_\' a pi n·e Cia t i 0 II ~~~r your kindnt·..,.., in tdacing an oft1cer ;tt the C()r!lvr (li Xinth ~ trcd ann T.in{k!l a \'L'IliH' t 11 prott·ct tht' childr n at tl1at p int. Thi-., ha~ been ;t \'Cry dan t!trOth ('()J'ncr and f (1111 s ure V0Ur man ,,·ill he the nH·arh oi a \"(li<t"ing m0re titan one acrident. . "f tkmk _.. o_u \'(:ry sincerely in behalf oi the pari , h <Jl. ~t Fran · i-., Xa,·ier . \·n_.. truly your'. "\\ ·. I' . .'!-:~(~ ... l North Shore Will Not NEW YEAR Auto f th H l.d S p ·d X o· I ,.-,-.;qn

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