Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1925, p. 5

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December 25, 1925 o he1 fron 1 WI L M E TTE L l FE 5 of 531 aininr Frank G. Soule Is F. W. Teegarden Dies Summ()ned by Death; Suddenly in Carolina Frank W. Teeg?.rden, 1102 Central Prominent Analyst avenue, died suddenly Monday evening Funeral services for Frank G. Soule. o! this week in Asheville. N. t .. as he 1045 Michigan avenue, were held from was about to return to Wilmette after the Scott chapel at 1022 D~vis -;treet, a visit with friends in the southern Funeral services were held ~vanston, Tuesday afternoon of this city. week . Mr. Soule, who had been a Thursday afternoon of this week from resident of Wilmette for the past three the Graceland chapel, the Rev. Leland y<:ars, died last Saturday at the Evans- Hobart Danforth of Kenilworth offiton hospital where he had been under- ctating. goinr- treatment for some time. ~1r. Teegarden was connected with He was president and founder of the the Chicago Board of Trade since 1879, X a tiona) Bureau of Analvsis and the and had been a member ior 36 years He had 01 iginator of the lahorato;y system of when he retired last spring. detecting disease. He was prominent lived in \Vilmette for the past 15 years. I in the Chicago Rotary club, having He was born in Salem, Ohio, coming · been one of its earliest members and to Chicago when he was a small child. aiways an acti\·e worker in the cluh . He is survived by his widow, two He was also a member of the Guilmette daughters. :\ladamc Teeg-arden and Country club and of tht Fir~t Pre~b,·- Georgia R. Teegarden, and a tcrian church. · Frank vV. Teegarden. ] r. Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd officiated at the fun.eral services an.d bu~ial wa~ at Monologist Entertains ~femonal Park. ~fr. Soule 1s surv1ved L h Cl b I hy his widow and three daughters, He- j · unc eon u s, Legion I len and Lynette Soule and :\1 rs. Grant I larry A. James, mot , logist and Hamilton oi Oak Park. ':\1 r. Soule'~ ~tory telltr. who became famous as boyhood home was in Carlinville, Ill. director of entertainment in the army whence he came to Chicago 46 years camps both in this country and overago, Ji,·ing in Oak Park for manv vcars. ~cas during the \Vorld war. sopke heHe wa 67 n·ar~ old. · · · fore the Optimist and Rotary club luncheons last week and again at the Gi lbert Osgood of Essex road, who annual h~nquct o! \Yilmette Post of . t o n, 1s . h orne f or th e h o 11. 1 the Amcncan Lcgwn. a t t en d s P r mce . · . · · days. R obe rt Osgood return e d Thu r sI 11 .addttlon to l~~:, sc~mmgly mexday from Exete r and C'Jifton Os ood h<lustthle ~upply ot stones and ar:ecis at home from Lake Forest aca.d~m d~>tC!->, ).!r. J amc:-.. gave dcmonstr~tlons Y ot the new electncal phonographtc re~ production a-. represented in the ~1 r-.. George I· Tarno,,· (Ji 126 :Otlrtll ·· l.J anatrope, a super-phonograph now J ~trcct \\·ill entertain 16 l(ttest.;; being demonstrated and plactd with its at a family dinner Christma::-. day. dealers by the Brun::,wick Phonograph -ocompany. The · dcmolht ration was ~j r: and ~~ r". G. Ro-;.., Stcwar~ of gin:n through the courtesy of the f> 19 S<:\'l'llt h :--t rt:t't are holding on en \\'ilmette ~f usic Shop. 1179 \ \'ilmettc house informally Chri-;tmas eve. a\·cnue. Greetings and Best Wishes for Christtnas and the New Year I W We wish to thank our many patrons and friends for the generous support accorded us during the passing suc· cessful year. And we e~·· tend to all of you our HEARTY HOLIDAY GREETINGS .I Wilmette Music Shop Orian A. Galitz 1 HOLLY HILL INN, Davenport, Florida Excellent Cu isine Modern Throughout Bea ut iful Spacious Golf Tennis Fishing G rounds and other Moderate I Outdoo r R ecrea tions ~I ·I R a tes I I " A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Dave npo rt is on top of the Ridg<:. in bea ut iful Polk County. of the Famous HOLLy HILL ORANGE AND GRAP E1·K UIT GROVES. Winte~ Vacati?n Hom.e of Many Wilmettr and No rth · The Home . Sh ld b M d No w fo r Janu ary an d febt uary. R ates quoted and anformatton furntshed by WILLIAM G. COL YIN, Shore People. R eservations ou aW e ' l cte phone · gton St., Ch'1cago, p h one C entra I 09 2 2 . .e 50 Ea5t Washm 1 149 . 709 E lm w oo d A ve nu e. 1 me .

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