Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 15

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January 15, 1926 WI .LMETTE SE'W FOR DORCAS HOME The children of the Dorcas Home will benefit by the sewing done today by the philanthropy department of the Woman's club of Wilmette, and a large attendance is urged to begin work at 10 o'cJock. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30. This is the only day this month allotted for Dorcas Home, and it is hoped by the committee that many women of the village will join club members for the sewing. LIFE tS ' r · New Trier Students to Present Play February 6 ety .. gue ansuesbeof usic. the rc- kets hargue vork ties artoon six 1 itcd Day Preparations are now being made at New Trier High school for the presen-: tation of the second major play of the season, to be given at the New Trier auditorium on the afternoon and· evening of Fehruary 6. The play to be given on this date is "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," by Jessie Braham V,'hite. The cast of this play was selected On Wednesday, January 13, Mrs. D. entirely from freshmen and sopho- M. Mickey of 1523 Walnut avenue enmores. This, however, does not mean tertained the "Bahies Friendly" for that it is an especially easy plan to pro- luncheon. duce. The leading parts call for a great deal of work and no little acting ability. Following is the entire cac;t: Rnow \Vhitf'. "!\farlf'lon Rf'all; QuP<,n Rrangomor, Elizabeth Eberh!"'flt · 0Hf·f·n r:rang-amor . Janf' Burrill; l\Tai<ls of Honor to Rnow Whitf' · Hosa}:\·s. Eliza hf'th K<>lly; Am 'loth< .Jan f' PhillH·icks; J·;rmengar·h'. Elizalwth Ranfonl: nuihiVf'l'(', Patricia nootlhn··: Christalwl, :\Jarjorie Bell: .\stoJaiJW, H<·thany ('r·ow(·: l·rsula, Faith Burge; Lynf·tt<·. "!\fary LouhH' C'otton; Th<' Court Chamht>rlain . Sir l>andipt·at HombaA Ramuel Leon Steffens; Princf' Flor('~1anfl of Calydon, Town <:>r \VehRU·r: Th f' Rt>v<·H Pwa1·fs: l·H ick. David Rf'hmidt: Fli<'k, F::nri ngton Rhadf<"l": f;l i<·k. (1porg·<· (~lo\·t·r: Rniek, Did;: Full(·r: PliC'k Jam<>s Baker; '\Vhick, Robert Culver: · )n··t ·. Lf>uis \V (·h<·r; \Vitch H<·x, I sahel :\fi ltnn : l'ag-t·s. Yirg-inia J·,·ost, Lolita Ht"rtling: f"ats: Long· Tail, :\Tartha Etzbaeh: Rhort Tail. Janl't ::\[arshall: Xo Tail, Clara C'onwll; Duchf'SSf'S: t:arhara ::\Tt·arns, .Tan (> Brook<·ns, H e len Fi rmo1Hl. Dorothy Durham, Betty Funl·u·: l>uk< ·s: Burton Ashi·im, ::\Tarti·1 ( 'asst·ls. Hichanl H.nssrna n, I lt·an Yai I. J)· ·llll:l r~rinCPSR I'UBL·OIL The correct grade for any make oil burner. Deliveries Made Promptly to All North Shore Users from our new EVANSTON STATION. The Largest fuel oil Distributors in the Middle West. Lynch-Clarisey Company From the North Shore phone our Evanston Station Greealeaf 1281 From Chicago phone our Main Office Lafayette 3201 Lyacb Clariaey F·1el_Oils are Tborouably filterecl aad atraia.t "More Heat per Dollar" {r~ . ctty yourne whylte commutes on the e IS S a in- ue. :vcs, ng <";tldw<·ll . lloi"<lon Yan Kil'l.; is dil·· ·< ·tin~ . ing ro rly ertdly the ·i th The South Side branch of the Iihnae a:-sociation will give a tea at the studio of Lorado Taft, Saturday, January 16, from 2:30 until 5 o'clock. --oThe Tuesday club meets next week with l\f rs. Charles H. Smith of 919 Forest aYenue. I SE.E THE WEATHERti\A N sq · FAR AND The thermometer ..--~·~ might no t agree with the weather ··YEAH -THAT man. so do MA'{ BE · HE SAID THAT ONCE n o t believe BEFORE. AND OUf'~ WATERPlPES FR02£ all he says. I It's better to ~ · It play safe and keep a supply of good ··l'M ORDERING A COUPLE MORE coal 1n your bin. Phone TONS OF. COAL -,- ViARMER.J· Grand Opera Service · Save money; use a 25-ride or 10-ride ticket. All south-bound trains arriving dowtltown between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. make a special stop at Congress and Wabash Station, Chicago, at the doors of the Auditorium. From 9:58 p.m. to 12:58 a.m., all north-bound tra. i ns make a special stop at Congress and Wabash for home .. ward-going passengers. ChicagQ North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The High-Speed Electrified Railroad Wilmette Passenger ·s tation Telephone Wilmette 2514

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