Februa ry 5, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE . 7 ,I 11- Tenth District ·will Hold ()tub Institute on Thursday, Feb.ll l It 11. ·' man of the committee in charge of program and her. committee include s Mrs. Reg inald F o rd a nd ~rs . N. P. Colwell. Th e Tn ~ tit ute is o pe n a nd a co rdial T he T enth di strict, I. F . \V. C., .will invit a ti on is e xt end ed to every club ho ld a Club In stitut e at th e N o rth E nd wo m a n o f th e T enth di stri ct. club, S he rid a n road at G r an ville, T hur sday . Fe brua ry 11 ; :M rs. \ Vm. F. F a rr el l, H. E. Chandler, Evanston president of the di st rict, w ill p resi de. Merchant, Taken by Death The ins ti t ut e "·ill ope n \rith lu nc heon at 12:30 p. m ., a t whi ch time ~Mr s. H. E. Chandler, iorme r <:dcl erma n o f Arth ur B url an d w ill ope n th e progr am I·:,·anston, wea lt ln- boo k a nd station " ·itll and a ddr c~s. " Va lue o f Clu b ery dealer. and o~1 e time pn::-. ide nt o f Lunrheon." Fo ll owing ~1 rs. Burl and, the Evan . . ton rhamher of com m er ce, the aitcrnoon \vi ii h e occ upied b y we ll died earh· thi" \n·ek at t he hom e of kn0\\'11 ~pca k er~ o n ubj ccts of v ital hi . hrot h ~'r. Cllark-. fT. Chand ! ' r , 17.13 inten:~t to the c lu b woma n. T he p ro- Asbu ry street. f.!"ra 111 ior th e day is a. fo llO\vs: :\ I r. C!Janclln ,, a . . fJ4 ,·ears o ld an d L unc h e o n 12 :30 p . m. had lin·d in 1·\·;;Jhtr>n tor thirty-one \"alut· ni Club Lunchcon - :\f r'i. :\ rthur n·ar .. ]:nr tWl'llh" n·ar'i he was t he Burland . j,rinripal nvw-.pap~:r .di~trihutor in Ev- l e!llhn~hip in Cluh:- - - :\f audl' ~a\\'1111 athton. ·\ \ "bile he ,,.a.._ a nwmht r of J-:,·an-.: tlw C<>llllCil he rkYI·tvd him . . elf to fur n (a) Uualificati()Jh ior :\ft·Jnhn-.hip i-..hint.!" rvcn·ation iacilitil'-. ic>r r h illhl \."t·\\' :\f emb<:r-.hip-.. dren. H t· ,,a . . llt '\"L·r 111arri(·d an d i.-, tel l~t·-in-.tatcmcnt -..un·i,·c rl loy ont· l>rothvr and t\\'0 ~istell .:c>n- 1\<::-ident :\ f t·nJhn-..lJip t<:r .. Out _ , . (o.i ()ffi.u·r-.. ;-tnrl DirtTtor:--:\f r-.. Fun<:ral -.c ·n· icl'-, ,,.l' rc !Jdd \\'crlne-; :\ l aunce J.lt'I>LT. ~· , rl;t _, at ~t. .\1 arl ·, rlJttrt·h in l·:,·anli,ll. \l>;t·ntt·t·- l im,· t() J·tll Plact·, <'11 1 l~urial \\·as p r i\·ate. h1 ·a rcl - :\f r' ..1. :\fa rr F()\\'ltr. _ __ Dutit·. . and (>ldil!atir·n oi l'lub to ()r "TO LE RA NCE"- SUBJ ECT l!:tni/:ttio,·J-. ni Ui-.trirt and :--.tatt·"Tokrann:- thl' ~trug~k jnr Fru· :\I r-.. . l'harlv~ Tra in11r. rJI,Jll in·Ill J>v traint." " ·ill ht· tllf' ..,u!J l\t'L!llhr l'lul> Bu-..int-.-. :\ f r-.. B . F . jt·Ct at the . t·nin·-.. r·i the . ·rJrtlJ .'IHJrt· T.:11ll!\\'l) rtln·: l'onl!rt ·~atir>I1 in tht· (~Jt.JH'· ~t · :\ f a -. <Jilit· t a 1 l"l11h ;tnd lr t· ncral .\ nnnuncchall. thi" cn·nillt!. Thv rli t" t --.. irm \·.ill I ll\' 11 t :inc lude a rn·ic\\· r1i 1ft ndrik \"an 1 l 1 , I >t· k l! a L' ... · R v port . . l.r .r 111 '.., "T (Jk ran ct·... TIll' -.(' rmrJn t· 1 <· f r l T1 1 \\"ha Fxknt ,'hall Bt·.trd 111 i1·!' hC' Ht ·lil!ir ·th -.(·hrorJl hi-, ."unrl;t ·: . I ;111:tl!t r-. CnnrJu, ·: Bu-;nt·-.- 1 1 ' I'H·rnin~ \'.ill ht· "~chcJr,J l'ri,IJ(·r ::." · ( 'l l ' I l' !"\ .t : i i l \ll! c h l' >I · · : t l' c( -,1ll j·:tllit·f, i,:, t'iJ, C-... ll:ll-t lw ii~ tilL· : .. tnt!-. ,.;· .lr -. Fred J..:: . . ·,.:··~: .::: .~.~ 1 \\ "it t1.:·,,:, tt.\.t'!1:tt· . 'f·t·lL·t" J·:d··t.:',\.tt< :· .:.~,IJ. ·-. Tut-.rla-.. F , '·rtta:··.- 1J. . I r.... \\ ;: ; ;··· ~ 1. \\.. I. ill.. I ':· t < d t :. : q i i':t\'t·: ....... ... .d \\ ."IL:tn'-. l·ll:"· ~ . . Lha irI I ' I ; · ... I ' :· -- ~ ...... _ _ __ _ -.......: WOLFI'·GRD'I'IS, lao. Hardware Tin Shop and Furnaoe· Also Cleaning, Repairing, Inst a lli ng If your furnace don't beat proper. lloilcr and Pipe Covering \Vood- F e lt and Metal Weather Strip 1185-87 Wilmette Avenue Opposite Villaee Hall Phone 158 Automatic Air Moiatner T h e fuel sa.v d so on pays for the machine. SKATES SHARP E NE D BY OUR SPECIAL MACHINE j ~ f IJ· I DR. ARTHU R H. TUTTLE D R. A L ICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Physician s I~· ·:=:rlr·nc~=1 11:~ t.\. lit 1l ,. a .. tl IJ:fir··· Phon <' ~ no a l'. C t'ntrnl .\Y e nu {· ' ·. l wr ·stanil ftrm--lttr ·tr" 11ltall nnt +. l~lt . ) i:--. -,. " r~; 11. CITY MARKET CO. 627 Main Street That was Abraham Lincoln 's philosophy in the dark days of the Civil War whe n this great nati o n's solidity wa ~ threaten ed . his hopes of victory! And than k s to his unwav(\ring courage . he Jived to realize From that philosophy uf his. you · a nd J ran gather a \\' orth while mor al. Stand firm In y ur determination to ge t ah ead er y opportunit y 'not f a il ~·· ke ep up the a. h t' Phone: Wilmette 1870 he gc: itc Jl .. ' nt Wholesale- M E A T S- Retail Much More for Your Money SPECIAL SALE FRI. and SAT., FEB. 5-6 2 7lf2 C SPRING ROASTING CHICKENS Highest quality ....... ... . .42c NATIVE RIB ROAST BEEF Best cuts ..................... . .. 40c SPRING LAMB LEGS ........... .... .... . .. 35c ARMOUR STAR BACON Half or whole side . .. 44c NATIVE POT ROAST BEEF ........... 22c Cut from young pigs .. . WiJmette--Kenilwortb---Glencoe--Winnetka Four TIDies Daily-9A. M.-llA. M.-2P. M.-4P. M. PORK LOINS at gives you th e st ren g th to m ake th e and . as Lincoln said. you 1 Money, of course. IS nece ssa r y to ga1n1ng yo ur I I goal. So open a Savings Accou n t with t h is : I B ank, be firm in maki n g reg ula r de p osits an d n aught b u t a successfu l fut ure wi ll be yo urs!- I J I I We Pa)' 3 % Interest on Savings! FIRST NATIONALBANK OF WILMETTE The Home of the Saving Depositor