26 Mrs. F. B. Elliott of 739 Ninth street has returned from her visit to New York, bringing with her Mrs. J. W. Macka~~, her daughter, and her two grandchildren, who will be with her for the month of February. WILMETTE LIFE February 12, 1926 Home Missions will be . M~s. Dan}el Stecker; for Foreign MISSIOn~, MISS Norris a teacher in the Methodist colI ge of Santiago, Chile . . Mrs. B. C. Davidson will be the chairman. 1\Irs. Fr<'d Lecker will give the vocal solos. l\[iss Allen will be at the organ. ~he meeting will be full of joy. and mspiration . · Come and join us m J)r~yer. Shine Retnoved frotn Your Clothing By a newly discovered process. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bevan of 1431 Forest avenue are in Long Beach, Cal., Dr. Stansell will preach Sunday visiting their brother, Dr. C. ]. Bevan. morning at 11 o'clock. They expect to . visit in San Diego beTuesday, February 16, 8 p. m. The fore they return and will probably be Young Woman's Missionary society away the remainder of the winter. will meet at the home of Mrs. Roy Hopkins, 1322. Greenwood avenue. The first two c)1apters of the foreign study hook will lll· pres e ut e d by Mrs. C. N. Stokes. Methodist Church We all have had the unhappy expfrience of being obliged .to discard a perfectly good suit simply bcause it had worn shiny. Months of good wear left in it-but its appearance ruined. You need no longer discard such clothing for we are in a position to remove these shiny places by a new process. The charge is $5 for cleaning and removing shine. The results are guaranteed.· The reg-ular monthly me e ting of th \Voman's Home Missionary ~ociety will nwd at ::\Irs. Albert J'ag- e s, ~0~ Ashland avenue. This is "Guest Day.' FridaY c·\' ·ning·. 1):30 p. m., February and women from the otlwt· church1 ·s lfl, the Annual l'atl'iotic dinner for the are inYit d. ·ntirc church. Th e m e mb e rs of the Epworth l eag- ue will b l' the guests of l\Iid - w t"k ~<'1'\' iC't' C(!Jl<lllclf'd b.'· th<· the ·\' ·ning. l'h·ase make reserva- tpinistt ·J', \\'l·dn··s d:t.'· p. 111. tion s pt·omptly to ::\Ii ss Stafford, T_e lephon \Vilmettt· 103-H. H <:>s<: rvatlOns ('hoir n·ht"<trsal ··:t· · l1 Thursda.' ' will clost · Thursday L'\'ening-, F bruary p . Ill. H. Master Cleaner Service Costs No More The Only Cleaning Plant in New Trier KBl'-Tl~S CLEANING t@ & DYEING Phones Wilmette 3400 Greenleaf 700 1%15 W &Abington Avenue Wilmette, lllinoia More Clean Fuel for 1926 In two months now home owners bum nearly as much clean, smokeless, sootless Chicago Solvay Coke as they burned in the entire year of 1923. More and more people demand this standard fuel for home heating- standard in cleanliness, in efficiency, in economy. This increased demand makes it important for you to conserve your supply. Better find out whether your heating plant is delivering the maximum amount of clean, comfortable heat from the Chicago Solvay Coke you burn. Call your dealer and have him send a skilled Service Man to look over your equipment- hot air furnace, hot water boiler, or stove. Get the most out of the best fuel you can buy. Girl ~<:out~. TruopR :!, 3, -! :uu1 ::> ~fr. and ~irs. h·vd C. . pinncy t' : mc·t·t TuPsd<tys at 3:30 p. 111. Gam ·s, 619 Fore s t aYcnue returned home Fc i.song· ~. instl'u<:tion in T{·ttfl<:>rfoot, ' cond clas.· and ~Ierit Dadg · wol'lc. Git;ls ruary 5, from a \'cry enjoyable southcome in uniform . ern trip. They \\'Ct'l' in ~Iiami and Palm Beach for . onw time an~ fro m <:irl ~<·out~. Tt·oop 1 hold tlwir mePt- there \\·ent to Cu l>a, . pending scYc:ra: i ng- \V l'<l nt·~<lay :1 ft··rn oons at :3: :w. This troop has room fot· a ft' W lllOt'e daY~ in lJayana. and returning h~- \ \ i l'. High ~chonl <:irl~. ".ht: n :{~. th e per- o( :\ e\\' York. ft ·<· t Jllllllh\'r, is rvadll·<l. tlw g-irls will -0-lla \"<· to g-o on a wai tin;..; list to g"l't ~rr . and Mrs. A. Bald\\'in o i H)IJ .ill tht· High ~l'hool troop . Etm,\·o(,d aYenue left on_ February 4. Florida yacation. They ha' f · l:n~- ~ co uts. Troiqls :3 and I) m eet nt for a tll·· ··hun·h. ::\Ionday t-\' ·uings at 7:30. gone to Tampa and '"ill he a\\'ay ut> ·· ·nt~· in unifonn . til about :M arch 23. During their ahencc, their home i. being occupied h:: .Junior J!,,,. ~<·out~. nH·d Thurs<la~· rclatiYl'!', ~{r. and ~fr:-. . CcClrgl' Li-.tt r , ,·,·ning- at 7 o'cloelc En·n· Junior l·oy in t .. n ·stt·<l i~ in Yi t e d to \'ome a tHl of Des ~I oines. lo\\'a. , . i ~it. 1 -aDouglas Shanahan at tenrkd . <Lt Hard\\'are om·ention in ~f il\\'a u k<:t · last week and Yisited his parent:::., ~1 r . and ~I r:->. L. P. Shanahan. of 16 'I Forest a\'cnue, over the week-end, !'(' turning to Eau Claire, \Vi '., Sund a ·: CYCning. ~Irs. John :\[iller of l·: pworth l+ ·ag- u· ·. 1~ :30 Sun<ln:o> e\'enillgs. Tlu· lt>:Hll·r for thi~ coming~unday i~ . .:\It· . .Jam< ·R Heinhol<l. $uhjt·t·l: "T\\'istt·ll ~oul~ ::\lade Straight." lligh :-;t'hool }>(·partment of the ('httr<:h ~\'hool. :"\t·xt Sunda~· dut·ing· 1 ht · \\'Orsh ip H·n ·iet·. Profp:-:sor Scherrnt·t·hurn will gin· a talk on missions. Annual Day of Prayer under 1 lw a us p k e s of t h c· F t> <1 t> ration of \\'oman·:-: Boanl of Fon·ign ::\Iissions of ~ c·r t h A 111 t· r i <'a and t h · (' o unci I of \\'onH:·n for HonH· :\Iissions will bt· IH·ld Fl'lJt·uary 1 !·. at 2 p. 111., at the I 'rt ·sbytl'ria n ch Ul'(' h. The spca lH'r for Tlw -o- lSOi \\'a . hin~ ton aycnue \Yill haYc a . her guc s :.., o,·cr the week-end, Hcnrv :\f ucllcr c i Glencoe. Ill., and :\Irs. :\fa~ic Hendrick . on of Bonsteel, S. D ., relative .:; <·t ~Ir . ~!iller, who haYe just returnul. T bat we know bow to serve is best determined by t be many tVhom we have served f · l' UNDERTAKER Our Sitnple Creed To strive constantly to establish ourselves high in tne estin,:1tion of those requiring our service To perform our tasks in such a way as to lighten the burden of sorrow that the bereaved must bear. SolvqCok.e You11 Li1ce it Sola ~xclusively CHICAGO (' T Bum it Our Litnousine Hearse Its be.1uty, simplicity and quiet elegance, together with the entire absence of depressing and sombre atmosphere has mad~ a tremendous appeal to the discriminating public. We have served in our profession and have lived on the North Shore 19 years. t T H by rlOFFMANN BROTHER~ WILMETTE Phone 131 1124 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 654 a ~ a