WILMETTE LIFE February 12, 1~' II HERE is. a list of arguments ··whyyou-should-buy-coal-here" - and we are proud to be able to prove each and every one of them. A call to Uni -. . versity 5200 will give us the chance we want. WIL . 33 NORTHB'K 93 6LERlC.OE 1100 VNIV.S2o~oS 1111 YARDS CHURCH 5T · ct:NTRAL COAL c; }1ATERIAL en T :Jk answer~ the Bur11ti'lf t;uesltoJt WE HANDLE KOPPERS COKE EXCLUSIVELY Genuine Nilles Service accompanies each order whether a ton or a- load. CENTRAL COAL & · ATERIAL CO. UNIVERSITY 5200-WILMETTE 333-GtENCOE 1100-NORTHBROOK 93 Fireproof Storage SCULLY BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Moving- Packing- Shipping WILMETTE 410- PHONES- WINNETKA 232 ·-I' I I' ---- --We Put Sunshi~y Freshness Into Your Laundry -and sunshine into old "blue Monday" Y Telephone Wilmette l!JOO Greenleaf 2180 Glencoe 100' Highland Park 1500 OU'LL be delighted with the sunshiny freshness of the snowy white linens and spotlessly clean clothes that come back to you each week from this laundry. Thoroughness is our watchword-thoroughness in every operation, supervised with an expert hand in every operation. . I ! I e I· .I ·:a e' ~~ I el From the moment your laundry is turned over to us, it receives the care that y~u yourself would give to it, and a hundred modern ways of doing things better brings every piece back to you 'cleaner, fresher and sweeter than even home washing could make it- at a cost that is the most sensible economy for the wise and cautious housekeeper. Your neighbor knows-try it and see! 2.0% discount on work brought i~ and eaUed for NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central Ave. Wiltnette ie ~- ···