Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 16

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!6 WILMETTE LIFE February 26, 1926 church on Tuesday. The hostesses for the 1 o'clock luncheon are Mrs . .T. B. Denman, Mrs. H . B. Pruden, Mrs. A. T. C-alkins and Mrs. A. B. Hartmann. The Mayflower band meet at o'c l ock on Tuesday aftPrnoon. I Congregational Church l\finisters: Stephen A. Llo.' d. \V.' E. McCormack The Sea ~kouts meet Friclay evening at ' 7:15: Ewart Cook, skipp r. The C'amp Fire girls meet Saturday afternoon nt 4 o'clock :\Tiss Pauline P ttibone, g-uardian. .,_ l f ., ._. 3:30 I C'hoir . "y· On Satunlav at 7 o'<'lnck thf' .Junior r<'lH'n rs~~ un<l c· r thf' cllJ·<"dion of B. :\TC'C'ormack. :\lr!". L . F. <iat<'s a ncl :\Ii~~ Ruth Cal<hn·ll n~sisf. ThP cliffPr<'nt clepartm <'nts of the C'hurC'h ~chool all lwg-in promptl;.· at fl: ~o a. m ., Sunday morning-. Troop No. 2 meet at headquarter~ Tu sday evening at 7:lfi. Dt·. C'harlN; n. Blake, Hcoutmaster, David King-, assistant scou tmaste t·, in charg . Thf' 'V olf uh~ m<·<·t at 3:30 p. m. on \\~t·<ltH's<la~· afternoon, under the (]irection of Harold SpintH'Y· Thi~ Roosevelt :. _. .""'- Buy Your Tlw .Tunior congrc·g:-~tion ~c·rYie<· i~ at 1 ll:!lO. "Arouncl thf' \Y all" i~ the ~uhj<·f't of tlw ftr~t of n ~<'ries of ~f'r mons on "Frif'n<ll\· \Yalk~ from .Terusalf'm" h;.· :\Tr. :\f('C'ormnck. ThP Sun<lrt\' morning· ~c·r\'i('(' o( wor ship at 11 :1: m. TI Pg. inning with this ~utHl:l\·, nnd c·ontinuing- until EastPr. :\Tr . Llon1 will ('Onsicl1·r c·SJH·cinll,\· th' nrnhlc·m·s 0f th<· ;.·ou tH.:· pc>nplP. HiR suh.if·C't for t hi!-= .'utHla~· i~ "Our N Pe cl of .Tt ·s us. ·· nwf't<: :rt Bohn Refrigerator nowand Famil\· :"\ig-ht dinnc·r at 6:30 o'clock. is· th nig-ht for th · met>ting of tht· l~o:ud of D<'acon~ allll the Board of TrustP<·s, hoth at 1·i:::,·ht o'clock. 1\fr. Llo\·d It·acls the· nihl<· Stucly cla~s \\'hi.f' h immt·<liaU·ly follows th e clinner, :111<1 ~lr. :\f('Connack will ha \' (' charge· of tht · Social hour from S until !I o'('lo('k. (;flt your n·~·a·r\'a lions into th<· ofli<·c· t·arl,\·. Tho · t'1oz\· ('ot·n··r ('it ·t·lt·, :\frs. L . E. Rucld ('halnnan. will hold an :tll-cl:t.\· lllt>· · ti,llg :tt tht· ('htlr<'h. :\Irs. \V . .A . Hit'h:tnl~oll is in chargl· o( th · ] U llt'hHtll. Th· · Young l't·oplt· ·~ ··hoit· nH'<· ls fnr n·hc·a rsa I Th u t·~rl:t ,\' t· \'1·11 i ngat 7 o'clctC·k. J'lol'lt ·l' \\ ':trrin~t<J!t Hc·a. ps, dil't ·<: tor. From iar - d~:-.tant . ... A '; SAVE 20% to 30% Genuine Th <' " .ilnwttc· StnHl :t.\· E\·t ·ning club thi!-= ('hurc·h at i ::lO p. m. :\f. TT. H . .Toa<"him will !-'lll':lk. :1tH1 th<' ('hi1':1!:!'0 Y. :\T. (' . A . ('nllt ·t:"f· <il!·P <'luh will sing .. - THESE REFRIGERATORS must be sold at once, as we are soon to move into our new store. BOHN SYPHON REFRIGERATORS (New stock and floor samples) White Porcelain Exterior and Interior (11-wall insulation) Sale· ]~('g-ular Price Quantity Canacity Jloncdultt t< c.ur on :\Tnn<l:t\· th e· E:1st E1111 l"in·lf'. dl·:-.k C0111l'" a nw...,-..agl' ni ,t.;reet ing- t n '\lr·s . :.r. n. \\'t·S t, c·h:tirman. will he ('11- irit·tHb in the yj)bgt· ir(llll :.tr-.. . Ht·a f··t ·t:titH·<l :tt th·· honw 1of :\Tt·~ . .l. 'V . D ~argent and ).!r:-. . ~. 'J'. ~li r ldlvtnn. FislH· ~· :0..~1: C:rt ·t·II \\'OIH1 :t\·c·nl~c·. :\f!·s.l . ·10 .1r . . ., 11 , , ,j 1w :tt the 1\n..;cJa\\n 11 :\T;~e·;lltst· ·t· a11d :\Irs. :\TC'f'O\' \\'111 n~.·1sl \\ 1 ' l · . fll·· lw~t· ·s~. · l l k;trh :tlltH·x :tt 1 ltiiHllllltl. \\ l11rh tl1<'Y term tlw "P;1radise of the Parifir." '\Tr·s. F. 1 ·:. :\l· ·nill. 111it~ Ct·· ·t·n\\·on<l - -0--:· \ 't·ll lH· . " ·il l hf' } HJ!-'tr·~s to th1· Xorth :.r r. and \f r .. 1f. F. Spinney of 9?.7 l·:nd <'ir<'l· ·. :\lr ~. L. E. :\!· ···. <·lwirman, :t I 111·1' hllll il' !Ill :\flltHl:l \. ~ht· Will 1!0 A:--hland a\·cmH' , are in ~outhcrn Cali:t'-'~ist··<l 11,· :\lr~ . If. t;. Tltt ·!JJH·ll atHl iornia. and ,,·ill he home about \f arrh :\I r~. 1 ·. r .. I 't ·lcl! t ~- .. · ~ s I 'ricr· 1 75 lb. 125 lb. $125.00 178.00 $ 97.50 139.00 Oak Exterior and One -piece Porcelain Interior (7-wall insulation) Salt> T·' ric e flc'g' U] a r 1 'ri ('(' (':1J)aC'it;.· Qunntity Tht · \\'iltilt·ttt· and \\'it·tlt·tJ.>a \\~. r . --n·T . 1·. \\'ill tnc·H 1111 :\tond:t,\' :rt ~ p. m . ~I r--. \\ '. \\ ·. l' ht·IJ ui ,;.)(1 l.inclt t1 \\'ith :\lr~ . Eut:.t·JH· E . 'Tt ·al. 1017 C'f'n- I a\TIItll' -..nfil'rcd a iall \\ .t· dJw-..cb;. ·~,j tr ·:tl ,.,.,.,,u··_. \\"il!IH·ttl·. ~lt·s . . ·. 'Y i··- l la:--t \\t·ek and }1 r··k<· lwr kit It-!.!. ~Ill' llli · I'~I:Jg·· nl ( l;tk !'ark \\'til !-'J)I'<Ik. rl:'!urnrd to hn honll' irom till· ~-:,·;tn ... - II· I 2 5 2 1 75 100 125 160 lb. lb. lb. lb. $ 69.00 86.00 93.00 125.00 $56.00 69.00 74.00 97.50 Th· · <'rt ·~< ·l'nt <'iJ:;J( ·, :\Tr~ . E. ~ - l!nnd, {'llainnan, \\'ill h old it s nH ·Pt itH!. at th(' ton ho~pital I ,·; tlt·sring. Su11tLty and j.., no\\' ron- ... ... Also several used refrigerators of the better type This is the first time and probably the last time that Bohn Syphon Refrigerators will be sold at these prices. IT IS OUR TREAT Todaygo to any of the grocery stores listed below and ask for a free samp le of Good Housekeeping Shop Inc. Formerly Oil Burner ~ Refrigerating Company. · 508 Davis St. Evanston University 2132 ' ·· Sail from Montreal to E!!!!!Pe Leavin8 Montreal, you enJoy an ever· chanalna panorama of beauty to the Adantic on a Monoclaea (one da··) Cabin ateam1bip. Two dav· down the plctureaque St. Lawrence- then 1 -~ {One Class} Cabin Ship COTTAGE CHEESE Whipped in Pure Cream Get acquainted with the cheese that never fails to please . We can't begin to tell you how much better Dixie is than ordinary cottage cheese-we can't picture the rich , zestful flavor or the fine, smooth texture which are the results of whipping in pure fresh cream and employment of infinite care in the making. You must · taste Dixie North Shore Cottage Cheese to appreciate the full meaning of its de liciousnss. Do it today. It is our treat. llrlnkmnn'M Groct>ry SchlosHer'" (~rocery I·~ a·d End 'larket (oit>nthnt·rH .\INtt . Jarket \\' ilmt>ttt· (irocer7 \ ' an DeuHt>n (oiroct>ry om, 4 davs open sea Empreaaea and Monoda11 (one class) Cabin 1teamahipa to Cherboura. South· am}!ton, Hamburs, Uverpool. Antwerp, Belfa1t, or Glasgow. Ftequent sailinaa &om Montreal and Qu~hec. A revel·· tion of travel comfort eervice offered by Canadian Pacific. Further lnformatioo fw.nm loc:a1 ateamahln ··enu or R. R. El worthy, Steam~h in neneral Agent, 71 E . Jack son Blv<l., Telephone \Vabash 1904, Chicago, Ill. W. A . Kitt et·mnster, Ge n. Agt. Freight Dept., !140 The Rookery, Chicago, Ill. .. . North Shore Food Products Co. 42 7-429 S. Morgan St. Chicago Canadian Paeifie

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