Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1926, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE February 26, 19'~() WINNETKA BUILDING NEWS Vol. I Winnetka, Ill. · Political Primer A department of Wilmette Life edited by Hoyt King of the Wilmette Forum for 1(1() /Jefccnt votu.g. No. 6 \ Vhat is a home without a garBusiness is like a wheelbarrow. It won't go unless you push it. age? \Vould you be interested in The X. P. Severin Co. will soon plans and specifications? · If you be starting building operations on the Mch·in Stone estate in Glencoe for Mr. Rothchild. These are to be quite extensive, including residence , garage, greenhouse, swimming pool, etc. Seven buildings in all, and will requite something over one year to complete. "Xext to the dime," remarks L. A. Vollmann "the hardest thing to keep is fifteen cent.." l~SULATION need a new garage, take this little tip. See 1)s. A lady who lives ncar Winnetka tell s us that her hens lay such large eggs that it take s only eight to make a dozen. You can accomplish a lot of things with \ Vall Board or Celotex. We handle both, in all sizes. There's no guess-work about Cabot's Quilt. It actually cuts down the cost of heating. It keeps the Tourist. - "1\ot much g oing on heat in and the cold out. No home shou ld he built \\·ithout Cabot's here, is there?" Qu ilt Insulation. XatiYc. - "Nope nuthin' but the intt:re st on the mortgages." Tile Clll.lclrerl an d t 1 1e radio rar ely behaye nicely when there's company. CHAPTER VII An in iormcd of-ficial of an impartial ci\·ic bodv claims there are on the primary !)allot to he vote-d 'Ap~ il 13. twenty-eight candidates who are of aYerage or above the average ability and \Yho sho\\· a desire to se rve the public well. Ten of these have proved their integrity in public office. Their defeat would show the in se nsibilitv of the public to good service. · Thev arc selected from both the Republic~m and the Democratic ballot. If they could all be among the nominee ~ of the two parties. a creditable selection could be made at the election in November. There are others, he says, who, while colorless, might make good under the influence of a popular backing. \\'ith the support merely of the usual machine vote, they would he questionable. He hoped a full investigation of the tickets would disclose at least one good candidate for every office. Great satisfaction was expressed as to the County ] udgeship. \Vhether this office should be lost to a bi-partisan combine that \vould throw all law enforcing a%encies into control of a single factiOn, was up to the people. This civic association official added that a list of the names of all these eligible candidates were sealed in an envelope and a prize of five dollars offered to every citizen or child wh o sent in a list that tallied with the se aled li st, such a study of candidates to fit the description would follow as \VOttld rival the cross-word puzzle in popularity. Aside from suc h an inducement to st uclv, he sa\·s the fact that such a num.her of good men arc on the ballot. justifies st udy hy the Intelligent voter. ~Ir s. B. F. Blymyer and ::\[r . John \V. Fisher. Jr.. gave a vanishing luncheon for the benefit of the \Vilmctte ongrcgational hurch guild at the home of }[r~. Fisher, 622 Lake avenue, on Tuesday. February 23. -0- ' . · '· ". \ \ '. C. Reinhold of 1005 Ashland avenue. who has been seriously ill for sometiml', is s till confim·d to hi~ home. and is recon~r ing- slowly. -o:\1 r. and :\l rs. C. :\I ill's :\[ c Donald of 1239 E lmwood avenue were hosts at 2 dinner-bridge for 50 guests on Saturday evening, February 20. --0- . , ... .... Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hapeman of 1009 Ashland avenue entertained a group of friends at supper on Sunday evening, February 21. lliunrtku <tTnnl -ilumbrr Qtn. 823 Spruce Street . 4 .. ·· Winnetka 7 34 That we know how to serve is best determined by the many tuhom we have served FOR LUNCH Drink Bowman's Milk men have come to BUSINESS know the value of Bowman's · I UNDERTAKER Our Sitnple Creed To strive constantly to establish ourselves high in the estimation of those requiring our service To perform our tasks in such a way a·s to lighten the burden of sorrow that the bereaved must bear. Our Limousine Hearse Its beauty, simplicity and quiet elegance, together with the entire absence of depressing and sombre atmosphere has made a tremendous appeal to the discriminating public. We have served 1n our profession and have lived on the North Shore 19 years. Milk as the mid-day health tonic. They appreciate the quick energy it gives -the "pep" to carry thru the busy day. You, too, need this great ener1{Y food. Its creamy richness will build you up- give you health and strength AND THAT EXTRA POWER NEEDED TO WIN. Order a bottle of Bowman's Milk today. Prove its goodness. Taste it~ creamy richness; note its freshness and delicious ftavor. Once you try this great health food you'll always have it handy -morning and evening as well as at noon. t · · r · · DAIR.V COMPANY . 1124 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 654 : : I~ · t - . :Mill\/

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