Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LIFE March 19, 1926 Mrs. Charles B. Blake ' Is Summoned by Death Services were held Monday afternoon, March IS, for Dorothy Lytle Blake, wife of Dr. Charles B. Blake, 1009 Chestnut avenue, who passed away early Saturday morning, Marc_ h 13, after an illness of five months. The services. at the home. were conducted by the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, minister of the Fir. t Congregational church. Burial was at Memorial Park. In addition to Dr. Blake and two small children, Th9mas Lytle, and Charle Bailey, Jr .. 11rs. Blake i survived hv her mother. 1-f rs. M. Theresa Lytle, and tv ·) si"ters. Mrs. A. W. Calloway and 11 rs. A. N. McCallum, all of \Vilmette. ~~ r~. J. A. Burrill of 812 Green wooll avenue. who has been seriouslv ill at her mother's home in Evart,· Mich., is no·w convalescing-. It expected that she will he able to return to her home next week. Plan Convention of Club Federation at Edgewater Beach Plans for the thirty-first annual con vention of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs to he held May 18-21. at Edgewater Beach hotel. Chicago, are being formulated by the program committee and the board. The personnel of the latter are t hl' first ten district presidents and chair men of local committees. Mrs \Vil liam Franklyn Farrell, president of tht· Tenth district. is chairman, Mrs. J oseph J. \Vorker, president of First di .trict. is vice-chairman, Mrs. Samuel D. Snm\'. president of the Ninth di s trict. is recording secretary, Mrs. \Vat ter \\y. H. Schwedler, president of Sixth district is corresponding secre tary. and Mrs . George \V. Gambrill. president of Sen·nth district. is trea.; urer. Featurrs of the program which haH' he en decided upon arc three depart men luncheon~ a day during conH·n tion. an :\rt prog-ram Tur . day e\·ening under direction of ~[rs. Charles \Y . Lrigh. Lionel Robertson, spcakrr. will l!in· a cl<'mon~tration of art in the home: \Yednesda~· rvening an annual banquet with music ancl o:;peakC'r: Thur~da~· eYrning· (linnrr for Junior auxiliaries. program t(· he furni.,}wd h _ ,. Juniors. \\·ith ).fr:-- . ).f. ~ - Xorthan. G-en('ral Fcclrration chairman. and \{r . . . :\11('11 ).f. Elrod. "tate chairman. a ... gu(·;;ts oi honor: FridaY for('noon rlul· in:-- tit ut e. ). fr·..,_ C',.cnrgZ· Th :Jill<l.'i Pa Imn . . taU· pr<:~ident. \Yill pn· . . idl' at all regular :--C'-:--IO!h. \Ir. and ).[r .... Fdward T. . \n(kr ... ,n, oi 1.;3() llil!hbnd an·nue. -,Yho <·xpc-ct tn nH·,·<· t :~ California in the near future. \Yen: gue:--ts of honor at a ..;urpri~t: party_ Sun.da~· t·,·r_ning gi q ·n hy a grnup ot Ch1cag-n fnend . . . -- 0 - ·- hopes to be able to open her shop by Monday, March 22nd, when she will have returned from New York with a most d_ iscriminating selection of SPORTS THINGS DAYTIME CLOTHES CHILDREN'S CLOTHES COSTUME ACCESSORIES -oand ~{ rs. Bernard C. Bm\'(_ · n of (>05 Eighth street returned la~t Saturda~· irom a short motnr trin thrnn!!h '1hio. They entertained at bridge Sat· urday evening. ~~ r. · Stock may be incomplete for the first few weeks, stnce Miss Thai is makinL her choice very carefully and with great consider. ion to please a most particular patronage. 5 65 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka wonderful new rubber mask wllicl~ rest~ ancl shapes the droopillg· muscles nt ey s and mouth, drin·R out tho poison of fatigue an<l permits proper feeding of skin: 'lns·tu.- le De-nut«·, with generous tulws of W<J!Hlel'ful leaning and Ti~~ut· <'n ·atn!-' and eopy of "Facing tiJ, . Futur< ·," !-'t'llt postpai<l $5; sent c·. o. <1. if more <·OHV 'llient. :\fAI~o~ A · ........................ ................ I~;Smrl!~~~~~"""'~""""~'"""~~~~~~"""'~'"'"~~~~~~~~~~;,~ :?-t~ II"'UU.UII""!I' 'l!ll!!'lf!lllll "II t- ' .u 'i l l ll ll lll!illllllllll l ll l lllllllllll l ll l lillllllllllllllll l llllll l lllllllll l llll lll l ll !llllllll llll i i ii ii ii i ii i i i ii ii ii i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ I 1 NEW SPRING and SUMMER MODES I! I·~ DI~A(TTg (House of Beauty) < l'lt<'ago, Paris. \\' .\ X'l't-:1)'· Arrangements to l~eauty ::-;hops. Atldrt-NN, Ji.4 E. Eri(' St., Chicago. '"A(a~:\'I'S and ).1 r~ . 0. \\·. Schmidt of ~27 Fl!n\\<lnd an·nta· \\·ith r.Irs. . . Van .'chaark. and ).tr~ . G. 1.. Fmrirh 11111 1 torecl to Jolil't on Friday. ~farch 12. for thl' ha~ket hall tournam('nt. ).f r. CHILDREN'S Oxfords and Strap Slippers Money to Loan Exclusive patterns 1n little 0 socks with cuff or English tops. on North Shore Real Estate. on improved property or for building purPQSes. BOY'S NOVELTY 3 ,4 SOCKS SPORT OXFORDS tn a combination of attractive leathers STATE BANK AND Current Rates and a fine selection of women's sport Prompt Service Real Estate Loan Department Orrington ar Qavis Evanston, Illinois HOSIERY as well as the desired shades in silk service and chiffon Hosiery. COMPANY TRUST · Prot i===-=== 1608 Chicago Avenue, at Davis Street CHILDrlEN'S S·~~~· SPECIALtSTS & PIPER =:-otllollllllllloiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Our prices are alwa'j'S reasonable for such .(/nod shoes and lzosierv.

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