Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 22

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, .. 22 WILMETTE LIFE March 19, 1926 .FAST SUBURBAN TRAINS Clean, Com fortable Cars Parcel Racks for Shoppers WILMETTE-CHICAGO Through tickds also sold. sleeping car reservations made and baggage checked Ti t k('t Ap;('nt-E. E. ORXER-Telephone 4 l.ca,·e \\"ilmc>tt<> :\ .\f. South - Week Days I Arri,·e j Leave ArriYe C'hi<·ngo ,\\'i lm£>ttc .\ . \f. North- Week Days Lea,·e .-\rrive I Leave ('hic·ago ' Wilmette Chicago Chicago .-\.:\[. I .-\rriYe Wilmette ~1 r. and Mrs. J. N. Raw leigh who have just sold their home at 590 Willow road, \\'innctka. have rented the Dr. and :\irs. ]. 0. Ely home at 592 Cherry street. \Vinnctka. for ten month , where thev will reside \\'hile they arc building tlieir nc\\' home on .Hill, road. This lease \\'as made by ~ft~s Glady · B. Thompson, \\'ho ha s complete charge of the rental department for the Winnetka office of the E. E. Stults Realty company, at 460 \Vinnetka avenue. 11iss Thompson has also rented the \Villis ]. \Veils home at 460 E ·scx road, Kcnil\\'orth. for t\\'n years. to 1f r. and ~frs. Joseph K . Arnold, \vho will take JHhs<·ssion ·M ay 1. Winnetka Family Rents Dr. J. 0. Ely Residence N. U.-Armour Merger Great Chi'cago Asset · .> .\ .\L :\ .\f. 26 7 33 7 38 7 51 7 55 8 02 8 14 6 6 7 7 7 08 45 09 14 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 37 45 57 00 25 50 30 9 16 10 06 11 17 9 45 10 45 11 45 8 20 I 8 40 8 28 8 48 8 54 12 13 1 12 A 2 07 3 02 5 05 5 20 7.13 7 19 11 12 633 8 28 8 47 A.\T. 9 30 .\ \L P .M. 12 45 1 45 A 2 45 345 5 35 5 57 7 10 7.40 7 55 1145 4 45 5 26 *7 00 I* 7 30 7 40 7 05 I A .:'lr. P .M . P .M . 8 05 905 A12 .05 812 10 A12 20 812 35 A 8 8 8 8 10 05 11 05 8 38 9 34 10 35 A12 39 812 50 A12 . 48 11 44 4.14 4 40 5 14 A 5 19 5.21 A526 A 3.20 8 1 02 P .M . A Ex<·r·pt :'aturday . 8 ~nturdnr onl~·_.\ .:\1. li;.:htfa<"t>-P.:\1. boldf::ce. South - Sunday s l .ca,·e Wilmet!<> A .:\1. :\rri'c C'hieai!O I I.. ... I J.~. I P .M . :\.:\1. ·---------------------------1 48 P .M . 1 05 1 20 1 25 1 45 2 05 8 1 38 IA 1 40 '8 8 8 1 02 8145 1 51 2 23 8 2 12 6.24 7 01 7 15 7 48 8 15 8 53 9 15 9 50 10 15 10 48 1~ .~~ .. . ~~ . ~~ 535 5 46 5 52 602 4 42 5 10 5 39 A 5 45 6 00 A553 605 A 6 18 6 21 628 3 58 I C'hi1·ago :\rri,·c .\ \T. Lca,·c \\'dniPII<' P .M. P .M . 8 19 9 12 11 16 P .M . 1 15 4 21 8 55 9 40 11 55 1 50 P.M . 500 5 18 6 07 7 15 8 24 11 12 P .M . 5 53 640 750 9 00 11 45 .\ .\[. 8 02 10 32 .\ .\f. P .M . P .M. 12 45 8 44 11 05 P .M . P .M . 1 51) 3 06 117 3 40 2 26 P .M . 7 15 9 05 11 35 5 35 4 25 12 06 A.\1. 4 59 6 09 7 48 9 44 P .M . *HOLIDAY SE R V I C E - On C'hri~trna~ . :\"t>\\' \'par· ... \I Pmo rial Ih~· . .Tuly l· ourth, l.ahor Dn\' and Th:tllb!!i,·ing, '-'l':'\1>.\Y :-;('IIFDT"T.I·: ;-; will hp in C'fT1·<'I. WEEK-I>:\ Y t r:11n;; i ndi<':d I'd h~· a * w ill al-.11 lw nJWrat!'d 011 thl' a bon· holida~·"· FREE Here is a treat that you will enjoy--a lib('ral sampl(' of rich, ~avory ~hicago may IJec_omc the great~~t of cngin<:cring educational ccntc:s 1f the amalgamation of. Am~our .. Institute and !\orth\\'c:-.tcrn uniYer sity School of J·.n gincning is con1pl~tcd, accordi1.1g to l:'re si dcn t \\'a lter D1ll Scott· of :\ orth\\·e:-.tern. ,,·lw contrib.u tcs an editorial to the "Armour Engineer," in the current quart (' rly is:-.tte. The editorial deals \\'ith the yarious side s of the amalgamation and !->hould plea:-.c students and alumni of both institutions, as Dr. Scott is sure the union \Yill help each of their alma maters. I rl' \Hill'S in part: \f r ~. Douglas H. Ball of 203 Third "The affiliation would mean for the street, entc~tained a group of friends Arnwur students a catnpu" homl', in at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday, creased facilitic:-. for \\'nrk, intimat(' 'March 16. con tart "ith student-. ui di,·<·r:-.e interests, and in man~ \vay~ a rich<:r and a iulln undngraduatc liil'. "The afl1liation \\ ould mean fnr thC' Armour alumni incrta~cd pride in tiH"ir :\lm;t .\1 ater l>v cau..;e ni the incrl'a-..cd pn-.,-..il>ility fnr lll'r ti-..tfulnt "'" in the iu t lll'l' . "The aft1liatiun \\tlt!lcl mean inr th<' .\nn()ur iarult\· ..,taJ,ilit,· and (' .' \pan -. i()n oi thl' work · ~' hirh th.n· han· ran it·d i r1t1 -..o i;tithiulh. ;tnd ,;hich \\ill l'llll t~nuv t<, ckn·l<~·p uncll'r tiH·ir l'«Hlpt·r.t · r t 1()JL "T h c a fli I i: 1t i uti \" < , ul d mt· a 11 i' 1r t h c !at(' 1'. U. :\rnJ<Il!r. hi" dl"-l'l' tlllant-.. ;tnd i<lr all \\hu hvar tlw nanll· oi .\rtllll\11', <t lllt·ttturial that i-.. appr11pri:tt<·. l·ttdur l in~ <ttHl -..t·rYin·al>k . "Thl' a ffiliation \\Ottld mean fur . 'orth\\co...tvrn unin·r-.,ity U1 OJ'vr.tti .. n in <kn·J,~ping an (1\lht:tndin .~ -..ri11H,J in ,,Ill' ()i th·· tl111-.t itJijHirt;tllt Jl kt..,v:- oi hutn;ttl k;trnin!.!. "Til(' affiliation \\<1\lld llJt·an i"r the I l'ity (lj <..'hi rag() pn:- t'lll int·nr<· in the n ·;. tlm < 1f t'ngintTrin!.! t'durati<lll. C h i-. Cl~" i-., inrn·a..,ingh a n·ntt·r ni thl· t·nginl'ning acti,·itil'~ <1i .\nwrira. ;1nrl till c < Jt nl, i 11 {' d d'i" r t :-. "i . \ r m ott r a 11 d "i \.""rt!J,,·t·-.tnn . . !J()uld n·-.ult in thl' l'fl·a tiun <1i an ithtitutir111 that \\IJ\lld r'·lllmand tht· <·-..tt'v lll and -..upp()rt <1f tht· enl..!int·<·rinl:' intl'rl" h <1! t!Ji . . .~.:n·at tt·r - · · I 1 . It . . I l 1 1 ritc,r~·. "TIH' affiliation \\uuld mvan '-< llltlrh fpr all C(II1Ct'rlll'd that the 1·rr1jt-rt lllll'-t ! not iail." \lr . and \Tr-.. . <.'hark-. T.. .\fohr r1f 1 · 101 Sixth -.trc<:t, <·tltertained a-., thl'ir t.: u <: s t o \T r the \\T c k- (' n cl. :\I r-. . /. < e 1 l>t';-~rl I Park. oi .:\l'\\' York Cit,·. :\1r<:.. Park is a \\'(' llkn 0\\'11 contr<~lto and tl' a r h <: r <1i ,.o i r <'. ~1 r. nnd .\1 r .-... Bvrnar<l l{l'itm·a ld ot -o- COTTAGE CHEESE Whipped in Pure Cream Dixie Cottage Cheese is a real delight. A fe ast of delicious ness. M ade from pasteurized m ilk w ith a most modern and scientific process. Whipped in cream. Smooth. Pure. Sweet. Appetizing. Be sure t~ get your sample today. (8~nthnerR 1\ein \\·a 1<1 a n ·n tll'. \ \.ilmette. an nounr<· the l>irth oi an eight pound daughter. J un<· :\fan·. \1 arch 13. at t he E\·an:-.t(Jn hospital. ~-1 r ..... 1\l'ill\\·a ld \\'<t" .\li!'>'- \far\' Tfiggill!-o. . ,f. ; ' Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, bas bad twenty-one years of successful service in this field. The best testimony to their careful, courteous, and conscientious work comes from those whom they have served during their residence on the No rth Shore. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral director residing in New Trier Township. Very Latest in Modern Limousine Equipment 112.0 Central Avenue 2 2. !\feat Market '\\' llmette G roe~ry Yaa Deuaea Groe~r,- Drlnkmaa'· Grocer.,.. Sehlo··er' · Groee17 Ea·t E nd Market North Shore Food Products Co. 42 7 .. 429 S. Morgan St. ~~~~~ ~-- Chicago / · ~· -----WILM-ETTE---Parlors phone, Wilmette 3 55 Home phone, Wilmette 3 55

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