WILMETTE terna.l diam<>tt>r of tt>n (10) inche!'l from the c nter: line of Grant Av nue to the , c<>nter linE' of Cleveland Avenue: an intcrnal diamet<>r of t wclv<> (12) tnche!'l from thf' center linc of f'lf'veland Avcnu<' to thc C<'ntcr lin( of Han cock .A\·c nu<' : an intE>rnal diami'tC'r of ten (l(l) inch ~ from th<' c0nt0r lin<' of Hancock .\vt>nue to thP ct>nt··r dnc of Forc~t .\v· ·nut', and an· int<'rnal diameter of clg-ht ( 8) irwh(':o: tn :;;aid terminu!'l two hundrt·d nn<l :-:·'Yi'nty (2i0) ft· t cast of tlH·c·a:-:t lint · nfFoll't'=' t Avenu<' . Th<' f·lf'YLlt ion uf ~aitl )':( W('r Rt said point t\\· t· J\·p (1~) f··..t ··a='t of the centcr linf' of Locn:-:t ~t I"PC't ~ hall h f." fort;.·-onf" ( 11) ft·t·t alHwt · dat urn and thctH'<' ~hall fnll nt .a nniform rat(' to an cl0vtion of thirt;.--t·il.:ht (3R) f<"ct abovf' datum at thf' (·,.ntf'r lin <' of Grant Avcnu<' : th 0ncc :-: hall fall at a uniform nttc to nn Plf'vation of thirt\·" ix (3f.) f(' t aho\·e datum at the center linf' of C'I('Y<'land Av Pn\H': thf'nC'(' shall fall at a uniform ratP tn an f'lPvMion of thirty-fiv<' and two -tc nth~ (35.2) fPf't ahov<> datum at th1· W<'~t lfnE' of Hancock A\·<'nuf' anrl thPnel' ~ hall fall At "'a uniform rEtt" to an Plf'vatlon of h"f'nty-two anrl fh·., t Pn t h~ ( 22.fi) f<'Pt above datum wht>r<' ~Rid i':Pwf'r Ph all connect with the sew<'r hereinbefore provided for in H&nC'orl< Av<'nuf'. Thc Rewer to thP E>a~t of Hant'o<'l< Av<'nU<' in KPnflworth .\venuf' !>hall hP connectf."d with th(' ~E"W<'r in Hancock Avenue at an .-lE>vatfon of twPnt\·- two and flve-tenth~ (22 .5) fE>et aho\·<' datum: thence !->hall ri~E' At a uniform ratf' to an f'levation of thirty-four Rnd ~<'ven tenthi': (34.7) ff't>t abov<' datum at thf" east lfnt> of Hancock An·nuf": thE>nce shall ril'IP Rt a uniform rat~:' to an elevation of thirt~·-l>t=>\·f'n and ~(·v.-·n-tPnth~ (37.7) ff'Pt abovE' datum at the <'<'ntf'r line· of Forf'F=t Avf'nu .. and thf'nrP !>hAJJ risf' at a uniform rate to an E>lt>vatlon ot forty .. one ( 41) fE><'t abovt=> dat urn at thP ~aid point two htmrlrPd Rntl "~"Vf'nt'· (no> feet t=>ast of thE' ea~t lfn(' of Forel'lt Avf'nu<>. A FPWt=>r havin~r an intf'rnRl dlamf'ter of ei~rht l8) inche~ ~hall be <'On~tructed along a lin<> tw(>Jve- (12) fPPt <'R~t of and parallt=>l wfth the- centf>r· lfne- of LO~U~T RTREET from and connf'cting with thf' S('Wf."r herf'inbf'for<' pro,·idf'tl for in K('nllworth A\·t=>nue- to R point two hundred antl fiftef'n f 215) fN't north of the north line of KPnfJworth Avenue. The elevation ot said sewer where the Pamt=> Phall connN·t with the PPWf."r hf'rt=>inbt>fore providd for in Kenilworth AvE'nue ~hall bE' fortY--on<' and two-tenths ( 41.2) ft=>et abovt=> datum and thf."nce ~hall ri~<' Rt a unifonn rRtf' to an elevation of forty-two and fourtenths ( 42.4) feet above datum at said terminus. A st=>wer having an int('rnal dlamf'tf'r of eig-ht (8) inches ~hall be con<>tructf'd alon ~r the center line of GRANT A Y8NUE from a point two hundred anrl flfteen (215) feet north of the north 11ne of KE'nilworth Avenuf' to a point three hundred and tt=>n (310) fe('t i':outh of the Routh line of Ke-nilworth Av<>nue. ~aid ~ewer shall be at an E>levatlon of forty and six-tenths ( 40.6) f(>f'l above datum at a point two hundrcd and fiftf."en (215) feet north of the north line of Kenilworth Avenue: thenc<> shall fall at a uniform rate to an f'levation of thirty-nine and flvf'-tenths (39.5) feet above datum at the north lfnt> of Kenilworth Avt>nue: thence shall fall at a uniform rate to and con<><'ting with the sewer hereinbefore provided for in Kenilworth Avenue. Th(· sewer to the south of Kenilworth A vPnue shall be at an elevation of thirtveignt and three-tenths ( 38.3) ff'<'t abo\·(' datum at its connection with the s<'WE-r in Kenilworth Avenue; thence i':hall rlst· at a uniform rate to an elt>vation of forty ( 40) feet above datum at ~airl terminus three hundred and ten (310) feet south of the south line of Kenilworth Avenue. A sewer having an internal diametf'l" of eight (8) inches shall be constructt>ti along the center line of SHERMAN AVENUE from a point two hundrE>d and fifteen (215) feet north of the north line of Kenilworth Aven11e to a point five hundred and five (505) feet south of the south line of Kenilworth AvenuE>. The elevation of the sewer at the point two hundred and fift en ( 215) feet north of the north line of Kenilworth Avenue shall be thirty-nine and six-te·nths (39.6) feet above datum: thence shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty-eight and fivptl'nths (38.5) feet abovE> datum a,t th' north ltne of Kenilworth Av<'nuc and thf'nce shall fall at a uniform rate to said connection with the sewer her<'inbf."fore provided for in Kenilworth Avnue. The sewer to the south of Kenilworth Avenue at said point of connection with the sewer in Kenilworth Avenue shall be thirty-seven and five-tenths ( 37.5) feet abovf' datum and thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty-nine and sixtenths ( 39.6) feet above datum at the terminus five hundred and five (505) feet south of the south line of Kenilworth Avenue. A s wer having an internal diam0ter of tight ( 8) incht. shall bf' constructed along the center line of CLEVELAND A VENUE from a point two hundred and fifteen (215) fe~t north of the north line of Kenilworth Avenue to a point ftv hundred and five (505) feet south of the l';outh line of Kenilworth Avenue. The elevation of the sewer at t ht' point two hundred and fifteen (215) ff't t north of the north line of Kenilworth Avf>nue shall be forty and on<'tf'nth(40.1)feet above datum and thence 1=:hal1 fall at a uniform rate to an ('lPvation of thirty-nine (39) feet abov<' ' d:-t tum at the north line of Kenilworth Avenuf' and thence shall fall at a uni form · rate to the sf'wer hPrembefore provided for in Kenilworth Avenu0. The S<'Wer to the sonth of Kenilworth Avf."nue at Raid point of connection with the sewer in Kenilworth Avennt' shall be thirty-six and five-tenth ;:: ( ~6.5) feet aboye clAtHm and thence ~hall rise at· a uniform rAtf' to an Plevation of Forty ( 40.0) fef>t abovt> rlatum at the tf."rminn" at a point fiv~" hundred and five (505) f<'Pt south of the 8outh line of Kenilworth Avenue. A PPwer having- an internal rliamPtPr of efg-ht (8) incheP shall hP conqtrnctPrl Afon..,. thp cPnter lfnP of WF.l'IJ'""WOR'l'H ..\VF.NUE · from and connf'cting- with th(' Pf'Wf'r herPinb('fore provir1Ptl for 111 Kenflworth Avenue to a point four h11nrlred anli thirty (4'Hn fPPt 80nth of the ~outh line of Kenilworth Avenuf'. ~aid sewer frnm "Rili r.nnnection with the ~ewer tn K<'nilworth Avenue !>hA.ll rise at a uniform rate to an elevA.tion of thir.ty-ehrht (38) feet Ahove datum at the ~onth line of KenIlworth Avenue and th<'nce ~hR.ll risP At a uniform rate to an elevation of forty and two-tenths ( 40.2) feet a hove li~t.t1itn at ~aid tf'rminu~ four hundred and thtrtv (430) ff>et ~outh of the south lfnf> of Kenilworth Avenue. A A<'Wer having an Internal diameter of efe-ht ( 8) inche~ shall bP constructed n long the center ltne of FORERT AVF.1'11CE from and connecting- wtth the ~<'wer ht>relnbefore provided for in Kenilworth Avenue to a point four hundrf."d and thirty ( 430) feet south of the Aouth lfne of Kenilworth Avenue: said sewer from ~aid connection with the sewer in Kenilworth Avenue ~hall rise at a uniform rate to an elt>vatton of thirty-eig-ht (38) feet above datum at the south line of Ken() worth Avenue and thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of forty and two-tenths· ( 40.2) feet above rlRtum at said terminus four hundred and thirty ( 430) feet south of the ~outh lfne of Kenilworth Avenue. A 1>t>wer having an internal diameter nf eiP.'ht ( 8) inches ~hall be constructed in GLENVIF.W ROAD along a line sixtf'en (16) feet northwesterly ot and parall<>l with the center line of GlenYit:>w Ro~~d from and connecting with t h1 · ~ewt>r htreinbefore provided for in "·llmctte A venue to a point ten hunrlr<'d and thirty (1030) feet southwestl'rly of the south line of Wilmt:>tte Ave""<' aR mt>asured along GlenYiew Road. ThP cl<'vation of the sewer at its point of connection with the S<'WE'r hereinht'forf' provided for in '\Vilmt=>tte Avennp shall be forty-one and ~ix-tenths (41.fl) fe<>t above datum anli ~hall riRt=> n t a un!fnrm rate to an <'levation of fort;.·-<'ight(48) f('<'t aboye datum at tht=> ~outh lin<' of 'Yilmettc An·nut:> and thf'ncP shall ri~l' at a 11nifnrm rat(' to an <>I<·Yation of ftft;.·-t hrf'(' (f>3) fef't nhovt' dRtum at !"aid t(·rminu:-; t1' n hunlir··ti nnd thfrt;.r (1030) ft~<' t ~o·,thwf·~t t'rly of the south line of \\.ilmette .\ Vt>ntl<'. "·hcrt>Yf't' tht> word "datum" appears in this ordinanc<' it l'lhall h<' C'on~truPd to b<' the datum a~ flxE-cl and <'RtablishE-d hv onHnan('e of thl' Yilla~e of \\'ilm('tt~ . Thf' E'l vations g-i\·en in this orrlinnnct> ar-f' th<' el('vations of the hot tom of t hi' ln~id<' of thE' scwt ·r at thE- rcspe<'tive point. and shall bt' thf' numh r of fp t and rlecimal parts of a foot abovt> ~aid Yilla!!P datum. The twt>lve (12) ln<'h. fifteen (15) inch, Plirht('en (18) inch. twenty-one (21) in<'h. twenty-four (21) inch and thirty (30) inch s<'wers shall be laid in a concrf't<' cradlf'. ~aid cradle shall be madE> of a Portland C'<'ment concrPte. composed of onE' part of PortlAnd f'f'rnent. threE> part~ of FAnd anli six parts of coarse gravel. The said f'ra<llE' Phall have as itf-1 base a planE> thrE><' (3) inche:-c below the outside of thP barrel of said S<'WE>r pipe. ThP 1=:irles of ~aid cradle shall be vertical planes three ( 3) inchf's distant from Pach ~Ide of the barrel of said sewf."r PiPt> and the top of said <'radle shall hP a planP three-quartf'rs (%) of the intl'rnal diametH of thf' pipP distant from and above the flow lint" of Raid LIFE March 19, 1926 Two (2) inches for tw nty-four (24) inch pipe; One and three-fourths (1%) inches for twenty-one (21) inch pipe: One and one-half (1%) incheR for eighteen (18) inch pipe: One and one-quarter (1 1,4) inches for fifteen (]5) inch pipe: On<' (1) inch for twelv (12) inch pipe: , ~even-eighths (%) inch for t<'n (10) inch pipe: Thr<'~-fourth~ (%) inch for eight ( 8) inch pipe. .\11 bJ'ick and vitrifi<'d PiPt' Ul'Pd in tht' construction of th improYen l 'nt here inbefore described shall b<' laid with the best quality of Portland cement mortar, composed of one ( 1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts clean sharp sand. All of said above described improvem e nt shall be constructed, in a workmanlil<t> mannPr under the superintend<'nct> of the Board of Local Improvements of the Yillage of Wilmette. The location, grades and othPr d etails in connection with said sew rs are shown on the plat ht>reto attached. marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. ~ECTION 2: That for the purpoRe of the imprevement aforesaid. thP following described territory within the Village of 'VilmE>tte. County of f'ook. ~tate of Illinois, is hereb;.· created and declared to be a dainag<' district, towit: Beginning at a point in the ccntPr line of Ridge Avenue at the northerlv limits of the Village of WilmPtte and thence westerly along the northerly Village limits to the Northwl'st corner of said Village, thence ~outht>rly and southeasterly along the westf'rly Ytllage limits to the east line of ~ e<' tion 33, Township 42 Nol:th, Rang~' 1 :~ East of the Third Princrpal Meridian. thence south along the east linE' of said Rection 33, to the southerly limits of said Village, thence easterly along the southerly line of said Village to the center line of Ridge Avenue, thE>nCQ northerly along the c<'nter linc of Ridge Avenue to the point of bf'ginning. · The owners and occupants of tht> lots. pieces and parcels of land l;.· ingwithin said drainage district herPin before described shall at all time1=: h<'n·after be entitled to the URe and bt' nt=>fit of the sewers provided by this ord inance. right, permission. privileg., and authority are hP.reby given and grantr-d to the present and futur<' ownf'rs and occupants of the land lying within :-;aid named drainage limits to connPct all st>wers conveying sanitary spwag-P which now exist or which rna;.· bP ht'rPafter constructed within said district. into and with the said sewt>rs hPn·inbpfore in this ordinance spf'citlc·d .. A 11 surplus material Rhall be· n·movC'd from the streets and all work don·· anrl all materials furn l1=:hed shall l1P lmder the direction and inspect ion nf. and acceptable to the Board of Ltwal Improvements. !o'ECTION !l: That the rP<'omm t> rH1a t ion of the Board of Local ImprnvP mf·nts of i':aid Village of 'Yilm<'tt<'. pro · \'iding for i':Uch improvf'm<>nt, tog..ther with the eRtimate of the coRt of ~aid improvf."mf'nt, made by the PrP ~ irl(·nt of !"aid Board (there b(>ing no puhlk En~rineer of said Villa~e of 'VilnwttE-) both hf'rf'to attachC'd, be and thr· :-:am·' arP hereby approved. !o'F.C'TION 4: That the it('m ,... ::;t imatPci to bf" the coRt of eng-Ineering St'rYit·t. . s whi··h may be necc~R .t ry to <'arn· int·) Pfff' t the provi~ions of thiR ordinanC'" and which has bePn incl ud0d a~ a s·· · paratf' item in the P~timate of cost ·)f thi~ improv('ment her0to nttaC'ht·d. b·· and the same is hereby ratift t>d and approved. !o'F.('TION 5: That said impro\'Pm··nt ~hall bP made and the whole cost thf'l"(' · of paid for by special al'lRe~'>smPnt. in accorrlance with an Act of thf' l;pnr·ral Al'>!=:embly of the State of IlllnoiR, entitlf'd "An Act concerning loC'al improvf"mentl'l," approved Junc 14th, A. D. 1897, and the amendm0nti': ther<'to . and that of the amount of Raid assf'ssmf'nt to bt=> collf'cted as afon·l"aid. the i':Um of Eleven Thou~and. four· hunrlrt"rl and ninety ($11.490.00) Dollar:-:. which 1=:um does not exceed six per <'ent of the amount of said assessment, shall be applied to the payment of all lawful expenses attending the proceeding-i': for making said tmprovemf."nt and tht=> cof-lt of making and collecting the a~ Res~mf'nt therefor, in accordance with the proviRions of ~aid Act. ~F.C'TION 6: That the agg-regatP amount assessed and each individual as8N!i':ment and ah:;o the as!':f'SRment ag-ainRt said village for public benefitR. shR.ll be divided into ten (10) equal in1=:tallments except that all fractional amounts shall be added to the first fn~tallrnent, so as to leave the remaining installments of the aggreg-ate, t>qual in amount and each a multiple of one hundred dollars. All installmentR shall bear interest at the rate of l'lix (6) per cent. per annum from the date of placed as quickly as possible after being mixed. The placing of the concrete shall be continuous. While the concrete is being placed It shall ~e thoroughly spaded to produce a uniformly dense concrete. The use of retampered concrete will not be permitted. The CEMENT u~ed in th<' construct ion of the Portland Cement concrete to be u~Pd in this improvement shall of the b<'st quality of Portlnd <'f'mcnt resulting from thE' calcination to incipient fusion of an intimate mix.. "r~' of properly proportioned argillac<'O U!" and calcareous mat er ials and to \vhi<'h no additioni': g-r0atcr than thrf'<' (3%) p er·ce ntum has b Pn mad " <>ubsequent to calcination. The re~ nltf\nt clinl{er !"hall b<> ~o ground as .. () produce a cement so fine that at lcast 78 p r centum of the volum<' ·wil l pass throug-h a sievp having- 40.000 m . h e.:; .. () the square inch and be so seasoned "i': to produce an initial set in not less ·h,..n forty-five minutes. The SAND used in making concrete ...,,..,,1 mo .. tar shall be torpNlo sand, nlpan dry and free from dust, loam ~nd rllrt· 'and of a sizP ranging from nne-Pie-hth of an inch down to the ~nPPt and in ~nch proportionR that thP ··oids as determined by saturation shall ... ot <'xceed 30 p ·r centum of tht> entire "olnme. The G'RA VEL uRed in making connrpte shall be Clf'an, frt>e from dURt and flirt. and of a size· ranging from on('"iP."hth of an inch to one and onE--half inches in size. Two hundred and fort;.·-one ( 241) manholes shall be buflt upon said sf'wer r~nr1 locaterl at necessary points. ~Rirt manhole~ shall be cylindrical in ~hape and shall have an internal diamPter of three (3) feet. 'VherE> the internal diameter of the sE-wer is less than thrPe ( 3) feet the invt>rt of thf' sewer through the manholes shall be huilt of two ( 2) ring-s of sPwer brick. and on each side thereof !"hall b(' built :t ~oltd sewer brtck foundation t Wf."lY(' (12) inches thick. making thp Pntirl' fonndation four ( 4) feet and six ( 6) inches tn diameter. The walls of said manholes shall be eight (8) inches thick and shall he built of Sf'Wf'r brick. and the tops of said manholes shall each narrow to two ( 2) feet intf'rna 1 r1iamt>ter, being drawn in by means of "'i::'( (6) header courl'lf'S. the diam<'tE>r being decreased two ( 2) inchel'l for each course. Each of said manholes shall be provided with a suitable cast-iron covt>r with a tight lid, each of which coveri':. inclusive of lid, shall weigh four hllndred and seventy (470) pounds similar to the dei':ign and pattern of the cal'ltiron manhol<' cover now in usc in the Village of 'Vilmette on the s~wt>r man)1olf' at the intf."r~ection of Fernl<'af Avenue and Isabt>lla Rtreet. The top of each of said cover~ l'lhall .be at thf" <'lf'vation of thE' adjact>nt surface of th<' ~trePt. '\Vhere it is herein provided that pipe ~'>ewers of different sizeR shall conncct. thf' samE- ;::hall be mad e at a manholE'. Said pipe covers shall tHminatP at thf' ini':irl<' face of !"aid manholf' . Thc floor of thf' man holt' ~ha II b<' 0n th(' sam<' plane as thP CPnt(·r lint· nf thp low~>st Sl'WPI' f·ntt·ring- th·· manhole. In cnses whi'r<' l"<'Wt"r=' chanc-P thcir direction or connPct with a SE'W(·r runnin~r in a differ<>nt dir Pctio n, the;.· shall make said changP of dirf'ction suhi':tantlcally along the arc of a tr\1(' circlt> having a radius of thirty ( ~0) ff'N for th~ center lint- of the Sf'W('r. and 1=:aid circl<' shall bt> tangent to thf' i':traie-ht center lines of thf' Rewc·rs it connects. In caseR whf."re points of chang-e of rlir'ection or fnter1=:ection of sewerR are hereinbefore noted, said pointR are intended to denote the point of int('rRection of the tangents of the C<'nter lines of said sewers. One (1) house connection slant of vitrified tile pipe of six (6) inches internal diameter shall be plac<'d in !'laid s<>wers opposite each lot, piec<' and PRrcel of land 1 having not to exct>Prl fifty (50) feet abutting upon said Rtreets. One (1) of said slants shall also bf' placed in ~aid sewers opposite each fnll fifty (50) feet and opposit<' f'R.ch fractional fifty (50) feet, exce<'ding thirty (30) feet, so abutting-, of each lot, pif'ce and parcf."l of land having more than eig-hty (80) feet abutting on said streets. Each house connection slant i':hall he closed with a six (6) inch vitrified clay ~f'"'Pr. rlisc or stopper, thoroughly cemented Thf' f'ONCRETE tt~f'd in thil'l im- in place. nrovt·M~>nt i':hall con:-·ii':t nr t"'r> follow- . All sewers constructed and used in ing- mixture: this Improvement shall be vitrified tile 1 part of Portland f't>ment pipe sewers. ~ parts of sand. · The vitrifi('d pipe to be used throug-h6 parts of coarse g-ravel. out said improvement shall be smooth, MTXTNG-All concrete shall be mixed Round, thoroughly burned. well glazed, until thf' concrete is of a uniform color free from lumps · and other imperfecand of proper consi!'ltenc;.·. The mint- t ions and shall be of a thickness mum amount of water shall be used respectively as· follows:which wfll make a workable mix. Two and one-half (2%) inches for PLACING-The concrete shall be thirty (30) inch pipe; '"'e .. ' · " ..