Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1926, p. 7

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March 26, 1926 WILMETTE - LIFE i North Shore Music Patrons Have ·I Opportunity to Hear Clarence Eddy March 28 'a -- I 1 Buy at tvholesale direct from the greenhouses of THE ~ BOB WHITE FLORAL ,., I. ,..· !' Ill .I 1 :n tt: )..:. The dean of American organi:,ts will 1 On Peterson A vr . just five blocks west of Clark St.- 6200 North . play in Wilmette Sunday afternoon, 7 large greenhouses - ] 5 benches 142 feet long- full of beautiful growing plants. Make ?\larch 28. The name of Clarence Eddy ha s he en a headliner in the roll 1 your own selection. Better quality was never shown-drive out and see for yourself. Open of illu ·triou s artists for mor e than 1 day and night until after Easter. fifty years. As far back a s 1873 he i played to enraptured audience s at the fam p s Vienna exposition. He ha s Superfine Easter Lilies t decorated pots ) all orated pots ) ,3 rn a pot, 75c; 4 rn a pot, heen officially identift<:<.l " ·ith evl'ry important world's fair since, includin g sizes. 35c per bloom. Average $1.00, $1.50, $1.00. Philadelphia , 1876, Paris, 1889, Cl~i- I $2.00 pee plant . T'u/ips~ all kinds and colors (decorated pots) cago, 1893, Buffalo, 1901, St. Lom ~, Baby Rambler Roses ( Asst. Colors l in 4 to 10 in a pot, 75c to $2.00 per pot. J<J O-t, Jame ~to\\' n, 1907, and ~an Fran- 1 risco, 1915. ·1 Jonquils (all sizes, decorated pots) 6 to 12 heavy bloom cdecorated pots J · $1.50 and ~fr. Eddy will give the feature pro$2.00 each. in a pot, 75c to $2.00 each. 1 gram at the monthly Ve s per Conccrt Mixed and combination pots and boxes-all at the \Vilm ctte Baptist c hurrl 1. Hydrangeas ( Asst. Colors, decorated pots ), sizes and shapes, boxes and pots will be The . l' (·n·nts, under the direction oi I $1.50 and $2.00 each. decorated and trimmed with Pussy Willow, \\' illiam 1I. Barne s, organ i"t ni that rhurch. are drawing capacity audi~.·ncc Extra Fine Hyacinths ( asstd. colors, dec7 ;c to $2.00 . each~ irom the entire north :-h(lrt·. Tt \\a" a WE WILL MAKE UP ANYTHING SPECIAL YOU MAY DESIRE. COME EARLY. "troke of rare gocHI fPrtttJH: that \fr. Barn c·" and hi" a"" or i att ·" at t h.. ~Z:?Z::~~~~~:722~~~~:?a:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:722~:722~:722~~:?Z2::722:?Z2::2~z;z:2~ZZ:2Zi~Z~~Zi2~~Z:2~z;z:2~z;z~~ZZ~Z~ '- Ib 1,- ~azwPYAZZU&ZZ!Z/W@:IZI1'ld7!ipff!/h?&?////WAZIP/<M&PAW??Z7/////1/!?Z/W/AZ&/74WiAZI/L7/d/liH2W///////LHP'ffffL«vfl'lA"lfl'l//P'///P/fi'L'/fl'l/ffft«VP ti..,t llllrrh \\'tr(' a!Jk t o IJO<,k \lr. . _ _ __ 1 I 1930 Peterson Avenue, Chicago co. 1 Very Specially Priced 1 hid .\· ior a north ..,1J()re appvarancc. 'J hi-. di-.tin~ui~h<:d \'('tl·ran ni tiH· hi-. tlr-..t a i n· numhl·r (' r g a I! h for a" g n ronof r ~· r h i 11 c ' v r y porti<lll c,i tht' ('j,·ilii't· d ~ l ol>l·. II i-. l ;ht l't':..!!ll ;tr <ltttrr!J co ntH· rt ir ~n \\·a . . \\ith l tht· 1-'ir:-.t l'rt"-. ],\tnian church of Chi- 1 r a" c'· " h c n · h v "l' nT d i < , r Ill' a r Iv ' 1\\\'t t ' ~ v: tr". . \m ~~ng othl'r th ing ~, I \1 r. r<1c~~ 11:1-. thv <ii-..tinrtion r,i lt:t\· -1 itt:.!, rkdi< ';l t·d lll<Jt'l' Ill'\\' (lrgan-.. than ;!ll\ 11 ,. _ ~- ('ar. . t~~ ._~~~~ - ~f. ~ -T · Jto~W~earf®o~ - n ~S~@uC'SI?i'inn~;~y~~ . ~Srp"iYr~in~g~ D ~~a·twys. -~~:· ~-~-: t · ('- l'r ( 1 .g~.~ ~-~ · ~~ ~~ ~~~ -c, ~. · :· Consider the · .aR II\ ' til eel (II l'd lltll1ll>C'r:-. (Ji ll\111lh(·r-., \Yilt hl '\111:..! ll_,. \1 i " (~r;trt · l'a r ml'lt·. :tknl\·d '< pr:tllCJ -.r,J"i-..r lli th~· \\'il llll'tte l: :tp ti-.t cht1rdJ. \Jj,, l' ;lrllt de In ill!..! ~~r:..!,aiJi-.t. :trl diti<lll to thr · nrl!'all I z\ )(~~ ~J:~ ·· House Dress The nghr dresses for comfort and good looks to ,wear at ' your work - here now 'in broadcloth and gingh am E ver f .1st was h f a b ncs · . .,1 -~nPaTHHoo·w·u.· .::~~?.~ .:.. c.tl ~f.f... ll.) 6 J,~ \1 r. hlrly. 1 ;l \..!l'lllljl r :lf ( ! ~. , 'J: ~han11i11g ,c,ict· :tnd 1w,t\\a-. oi ; 1r\ · plt-;t-..cd 1l1; t t h\ ·r -..hv h)"\ n t(1 .tJlJl\ ar ' 1 It 'ill h :t cli-.. 1 i Ill! u 1 h l d :t rt i . . t a" :\I :-. hi< h . 'fr . l~ .ll.'.l ' ' " \\ ;11 .~· · · · <,tlljl,:lll\ \ . It'" ·' " " l'an lH·k in hn 11\lllll,l·r-.. Dt t~ing th(' ;titt'rll<HI!l \1r. I: Hrn~·-. \\'ill dedicate a lll'\\' ll :trp l\·lt·" tl· a dditi< 'n to tht' h ~· a u t i i ul or g a 11 JH ' -. .., l' " " t · cl 1' ~ · t h t 1(I r a I Ha p t i " t r h u r r h . T h i ~ m ·\\ · i e a t u r e o i 1 h t· organ i.., a m \.' n JO ria I gift 1) y \ f r. I~ a r n t · " i 11 m e 111 or y i h i ~ un c Ir, t h hte .\ . 1~ . narnl':-. (li ~-:,· ;tn"ton. The <·rgan n ·cital \..\ill r< 1llli1H'Jll ~· prompt}_,. at 4 o'clock. Tht rhurch \\'il" rro\\·ded to raparit\· ;tt the 1-'l'hruary \ ·l."JH·r ronrn :tnd it i._ rnt.tin that the appearall('t oi :\1 r. E<ld _,. \\'ill ht· th(' ~ignal i(lr ;tnotllt'r larL:l' turn -o ut. There an· to hl' t\\<' 1JH1r~· conrtrh in the . rrin. Sunday. .-\pril 30. tlw ~oloi:>t \\'ill he ~tank\· St·<kr. di stinguished EYanston <1rg ani"t. On \fay 30 Stank,· \lartin oi l·:,·an:-.ton and S. E . Gru-enstein of Lakt Fon·-.t \\·ill appear in a joint recital. Sunday's program \\·ill IH· a . . lt:t-. a ir i\ 'lHl-.. t (l ~~1:.. . ;r; .,.!,. 1 ,·,· -' Ji ;:=> r: The Sprt·ng Mat·d ttt ' :~ L· 1 D \\' ~ars "-., ~ :J"-.f, !I' aug ter WJ e of rhese drcsscc; of colorful crepe rub silk - a h at ro go course . one e h ·11 b h bright appy ·f J little s e h de chine or ·h · wtr tr. o f Important Details Spring calls for new sdk gloves and slik hosiery . New shades come with the first Spring days. Footwear to Complete the Spring Ensemble Who . doesn't want new Shoes fnr Spring? For Women and Girls--th~ famous A reb Preserve£ Shoe that combines healthful comfort with exclusive style. For Men- Nunn Bush and Florshiem shoes in rhe new models and lasts. For Boys- Sturdy and stylish Holland Shoes for the growing foot. For the Small Folks Pierl Pipers. the shoes that give little feer the right start. REPAIRING 24-Hour Service Guaranteed Work Carter's U\vear We ha\'e t h e wellknown Carter line in nrry s1ze. Sealpax .1nd Lady Sealpax. too. Tiny Sox Good looki-ng colors and designs. Serv~c£able fabrics. Active children need several pa1r for Spring . The Essentials of the Spring Wardrobe Men! We are ready for you. We know just the sort of dress furnishings the Wilmette man WJnts - here they are! Broadcloth Shirrs of fine quality: the correct gloves: the hat to go with Easter clothes: nt'ck wear in rhe new Spring colorings and patterns. · 1 1 -l 'l'ht· t·ruJtrtllll 1. hpi<- lldt· I) ........ H:IIph li. J:, . J]air ·~ :\lr. Edd.' Yf·rm .. Jarlll ( llew) ... Jf (lwa r·d ll:t ll!-'nll 1 a lTH 11g~·d hy \Varn·n ll. A llt·ll) . l\lr. Edd ,. ~- \Vi t h V ('r<l u rf' f'l:ul _: fr(lll1 "Cn·atinn" ..... ......... Haydn :\1 i:--;s Parm··lt · ~o. ·1. Ave ::\faria, 2 .... :\1. Enrico Bo:--!-'i "· Nig-ht Song .. II ·rhcrt .J . \Vright:--on l\[r. Edd~ · ::\[r. Ed<l~ 1 1 af1l'...l. The Satisfactory Stores I ~1\,o . t: . "Charity" . ... ...... ... ... JTag-C'man 1. ":\lary'~-; Lullaby" ...... :\lax Ht'g'Pl' 1 " hrist \Vent up into tht· .............. . . HagE'nw n I :\[iss Pa.rm<'l(· , . n(·dication of Harp C't·lC'stc Present d hv l\Jr. \Villiam II. HanH'S in me.mory of his late unele, Allwrt H. Jlat'IH: s of II ills" TAYLOR ' s TAYLOR'S DRY GOODS STORE 1125 Central Avenue TAYLOR'S BOOTERY 605 Main St. Tel. Wilmette 385 Evanston. 1\Ir. Barnes Tel. Wilmette 1914 :--. Emmaus (n w) .. J. Frank FrysingE:·r 1\fr. Eddy !). (;rand Chocur Dialog-U<' ........ Eug·enl· Gigout :\II'. Eddy · 1

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