14 WILMETTE LIFE March 26, 19Z6 · Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Littell, 322 \Vood· REPRESENT GARDEN CLUBS stock an·nue, and 1\{r. and Mrs. SidThe heads of the various garden ney Y. nan of Indian Hill, are leaving clubs in and around Chicago, it is next week to sail April 3, on the Ma- announced. were invited to pour at the jestic, for a two months' trip abroad. tea given \Vednesday afternoon in Field's galteries on the occasion of the exhibit of the garden sculpture of PERMANENT WAVING Janet A. Scudder. Mrs. Douglas ( Larce Deep N aturnl Lookln" Flood represented the Kenilworth Wave·) gardens. and Mrs. Charles W. HuhOar t215.00 qaallt7 If booked before April 30th hard, \Vinnetka. $15.00 FRENCil The Critics on the Hearth held a TRANSFORMATIONS Wit· natural pnrt8 UN reading meeting \Vednesday with Mrs. low al!l V. K. Spicer of 312 Essex road. The $%5.01 members brought their own luncheons. FRENCH BOB WIGS ·· low as NEGRESCOIJ'S DRAPE Ask Big Attendance for April Sewing at Club The sewing meetings held under the auspices of the philanthropy department of the \Voman's club of \Vil mette for Yarious charitable institutions, will close for the season the end of" April. For that reason, the committee in :barge desires an especially larg-e attendance for the meeting-s on April 2 and April 16, \vhich are open to all women of the village, whether club members or not. The Francis Juvenile home will be the beneficiary of the laq two session s. New Trier Girls to Motor 'J'hrough ·. Historic England One of the most interesting features of the European tour to be conducted by Miss Jessie M .. Sentney of . New Trier high school thts summer wtll be a three day 1110tor trip through the Shakesperean country. The birthplace of the famous ~an ~nd many ?f the spots mentioned m hts plays wtlt be visited. Miss Sentney will conduct a group of ten girls on a ·two months' tour of Europe. starting J unc 30, and visiting France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Holland Belgium and England. It is thought' that most of the girls who make the trip will he pupils of New Trier high school. Nearly the entire number have already made reservations. Some will he given the trip by their parent . a . . a graduation pre sent, it is said. This tour is warmly recommended by Miss Elizabeth E. Packer, dean of girls at the high school, and by Miss l\fabelle A. Pa\'ton. chairman adviser of senior girls. -Both pay high tributes to "Miss Sentney, who is a teacher of French at the school. I I 'l · $35.00 WAVES Beautiful Gives a well-a-roomed youthful appearance. Thin, faded, streaked, gray or broken hair ls draped Instead of dyed and bleached. Thousands of women have been helped by these DRAPE WAVES. EASTER DRESSES SPRING COATS SPORTY HATS Our selection is of the latest and best styles and materials. All reasonably priced and well worth your inspection. Marcelling, Waterwaving, Scalp Treatments for falllng hair, etc., by competent registered operators. Our experience of 30 years on State Street Is assurance of good service. THE WIGGERY SUITE 1314 STEVENS BLDG. 17 N. State Street Tel. Raadolp· lOSS UNIOUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN. 1 12 WORD TO WOMAN'S CLUB At the March meeting held at the Rogers Park hotel by the conservation committee of the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of \Vomen's clubs, the chairman suggested co-operation in promoting use of federal lands for recreational purposes and con~c;'· .ng nature therein. She also recommended that legislatin~ chairmen have ,·ote bY club members to act on the Nationai Land Stanfield Grazing bill. \~ ... .. Pr~p. o Central Avenue Phone Wit. 2403 HOLD COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Sen·iccs of prayer and praise are at\J10Unced by the V\' ilmette Parish Methodist church for \Vedne day e\·ening, ~larch 31, in the followJUNIORS TO STAGE PLAYS ing homes: Mr. and 1Ir~. H. \V. Mons. The Junior Membership of the 157 \\'oodstock aYenue, Kenilworth; \\'oman's Catholic club of \Vilmett c is ).1 r. and ~r r~. E. ~I. Stafford, 936 putting on two plays, both of which ~heridan road. and ~I r. and l\f rs. L. arc by \Vilmctte playwrights, \V edE. ).labon. (d(l Fiitecnth :-trcet. nesday, April 7. at the \Voman's cluh, for the benefit of the St. Francis Xa\'ier School fund. The procluction s ""ill be ".!\ ancy" by ~f r". ar 1 Hug-o Linn. and "The LoY of Pete" hy ).lr " . I am(' s :\. _n _,_u_r_ri_ ll_ . _ _ __ _ ... .f )he~l\. 14 S. Wabash -( I SHOP I 1 The Ouilmette Country cluh is gt\'iormal 7 o'clock dinnc'T anrf 1 dance Saturday eYening, 11arch 27. ing a I ;liiiiiiiiiiiii!UIIIIIIillliiii!II:IIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ { i 1 I I . _~=-§ \ .... I ~ ' t 256,102 Miles for One Reo passenger car, serial number built in 1917, was recently trade<J in after completing 25 6, l 02 miles. Other Reo mileage records are in existence to prove that this is not an unprecedented feat. Evidently Reo's claims for long service are more than mere boasting. ~5,787, ,. ( : I~ 1 A Reo I Children's OXFORDS and STRAP SLIPPERS Suitable for I I t I( · A /J .. EASTER and SPRING I The Series G the qualities such records S1565, f. o. Sedan, inheriting that have madP possible. lists at b. Lansing. ssg:so ii r l - ...... * ·' · Reo ·E vanston Co. 110 1 Chicago Ave. Univ. 6190 uBuy where service is bandy,, Coat · Event The m ode I sketched, Charmeen with embroidered pockets and adfs, natural Squirrel trim, is but one of our many values for which the Frank Shop is famou.Priced at $59.50. I Exclusive patterns in little half socks with cuff or English tops to match our · shoes. POOL & PIPER .. " " ' " : I .IMOe UIC'AUS'I:a 16o8 Chicago Ave .· at Davis St. I!IC· J. EVANSTON. ILLINOIS :i'tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ l ...