M arch 26, \926 1 WILMETTE highly essential that scoutmasters tmJH·ess upon their troops the necessity for a full attendance. 7. The presentation of awards, inn·stiture of tenderfeet, pass in reYiew, retreat and recitation of Scout (Jath will follow as in the two former :tssf'mblieR. - Distribution-General s c. Stanton, Lieut. H. J. Leach, F. A. Karst, S. M. r\o. 1; K D King, S M; No 2; W. Osborne, S. M. No. 3; H. White, S. M. No. f.; \Y. E ook, S M No 7; Mr Soamaes ~. M. No. 4; Lieut. Palmer, S. M. No. 8. By order of l\lajor Harbaugh, JOHN E. HOFFMAN, Hrev<·t 1st. Lieut. Adjutant. LI FE CHILD PASSES AWAY 15 ln Scoutdom \Vilnwtt<· Hoy Scout Association, Ottice of Acting- Deputy Scout Commissioner. (.; c- o~ ral Eugene Hamilton, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Hamilton, 1326 Forest avenue, passed away Wednesdav_, March 17, a victim of pn~umonia. " . Services were from the St. Francis Xavier church and burial was at Techny. ~Irs. Ralph S. Gromann. 206 Sixth street. entertained at a bridge party Saturday eYening. -o~ ~hri§t~~n I~. ·zo E · .Jackson BIY4., "' Chicago. W rl t e for Free, Booklet J.A P7P7 i n 20 Lessons on Ortl .-rN, No. !I ' \Vilmette, Illinois, ~larch } I I ""' I .. l .. \~ "" -l- The regular monthly general a~ !'embly of Wilmette Scout Troops will !w held at the By1·on Stolp gymnasium on Saturday, March 27th, 1926. 2. First call will :-;ound at 'j :30 p . m; assembly, 7:35 1> m.; Adjutant~ I call, 7:40 p. m. I Fo1lowing is the standing of the 3. Troops will take station as here- ~ix Boy Scout troops represented at tofore and form line e~tabli~ht-d by the February assembly of the Wilmette th('ir resp ctivt-· troop color bt·aJ·er!' . 3%. Troop ~o. 7 Sea Scouts will Boy Scout association. furnish the colors and color hearer Troop 1 attendance 8.5 per cent, inand color guards (two). :-pection 80 per cent, total 88.5 per cent; 4. Inspection will ht- <:onduct<.'tl as Troop 2 attendance 43.5 per cent, inthe February assembly. :\o. 1 inspecting: No. ~-No. 8 insrweting xc ·. spection 97 per cent, total 143.5 per 1 - ~n. ~ inspt-c·ting- Xn . i-No. ; in- cent; Troop 3 not represented; Troop · spf'<'ting No. 2- No. ~ inspt>cting- No. 54 attendance 77 per cent. inspection 44 No. 5 insp{·<·t ing- N<·. ~ <a~ 3 and f. are per cent. total 121 rer cent; Troop 5 <·ombiHt·cl, no provi!-:ion b macl(' fot· Xo. 6) Xo. 4 will bt- itt!-:JH·et"cl by Lt. ;·ttendance 23.3 per cent, inspection H. J. Lt·:wh of tht· ~taff . !';ht·Uld 9i.3 per cent, total 120.6 per cent; (·it her of t ht· clt·sig-na t<·d Trootls not Troop 6 not represented; Troop 7 atht· JH·t'st·nt. a sub~titutt· ilt!-:Jit·t·t<·r \\ill tendance 40 per cent, inspection 27.5 i.H· clt·taif{·d ft·o111 the !'taff2 T 8 :-.. Troop <·o 1nnwndt·t's will ht· par- cent, total 96. per cent_; ro~p at: tieular t<· r·t'JIOrt iJnnwdiat .. J~· upon tcndance 40 per cent, mspect10n 2.7:,., arrival to th .. adjutant. ~h·ing- the per cent, total 67.5 per cent. IIUmht· r t·nrollt-d and prt·!'t·llt in tht· ir· 1'1 . 1 .· , .. d. . · , d · · 11 rt'SP<'ctiv·· troo}ls. 1 ~H.: o 0\\111~ a\\ar ;:, \\ere tna e. fl. l"pon th·· cornpldi 1111 1 ,f tlw in- · · ta_r Scout badge-Scout m~ster Karl !-:pt·t·tion tht ·n· will ht' a cotdt·st be- j D . Kmg. Jr., S_fout Robert Kmg. t WPt'll rt·prl'!'l'nta tivt's <·f t-><wh troop 1 ~fcrit badges-Assistant S. M. BradP.1'l·!'t·nt ir~ Fin·t Aid. utttln tiH· clin·c- ' ford Hutson. Interpreting, Surveving: tton of ····tlt·ral :-;. <'. !-'ta11ton ~1. 1' . ' ....:,R 1 C K' F. ·1: H.t'l . Tht· t·ont· · :-;t<~nt:- ,\·ill Itt · r···quin·d I . C~)Ut . <, ><:rt . ~ mg . tremans ltp. to t i" a11.'· handagt· <l· · ~i~.mat{ · d . ~tat. Serncc ... tar- 1 hree year:'. Delmar tl11 · rt ·n .. · d~ t·r ····urst · ··f al'tion in a · ('alch\'(.:11. d· ·:-:ig 11:1 t· ·d · tnt ·t' l.!t· Jil' .\ . dt · lltr·n~tratt· Second clas-,- \Y. Blankshine. Cecil th'~· diff<·lt ·nt lift:-: :tntl ··:tt'l'it ·!--. littt>r .... D Da\· 1 · I.n tt . 0 .,, dnll. ··t<'. . < · . , \\' · G age. D a\·t:' ,; ':! · Tht · ··vlltt·!'t fcq· th· · April a~- · ~<· ml.J ., · will lw on lntt·nwti<·ll:tl ~lor~<· ' Tc . d T· k R'l . ·I . . tan.rl ~· · m:q,hore !-:ig-nalling-, ancl knot 1 · ~ 11 · · · tc . . 1 e~ ·. ~\ 1_o_ :trc , a . t.nn;..:·. < ontesta11ts must hav their ttndtng .tt St . John:- ~1IIttdr~ acadull.'. own rupl' a~ pn·~wrilH~d in ~cout man- ;trl· :-J·<:tHiing the ~pring holiday pe~'.a I and their own !'ig·nalli ng flag:--. ric.d at their home. 730 Lake avenue. 1 h· · ~Ia~· Ass<'mhly on )lay 2ft, }lrt·- Tl .. 1. . . ·'tl 1 . 1 ,· " ' ·t·· cNling- Pt·<'oration J>a,· )londaY )la,· H.\ ld\<: \\1 1 t lem ,b t Htr ,...ue:- "'· :{ 1. will ht · <l<·votP<l entirE>h· to i;1struc·- t\\.(l :-choolmates. Robert Clapp and t ion i 11 parade forma tioJ1, an<l it i::; .Tame::: X or trom. 1. 20th, 1926. Do you know that you ,., own a HART OIL 240 Kenilworth avenue. enttrtained the members of her bridge club at luncheon Friday. 5%~ ~Ir s . Charles Howe, BURNER a low a $50.00 down and about SZJ.OO oer month! H ave fun ds to loan o n ehotce improved N orth Shore Suburban re s i d enc~ prop erty at 5 %% ln · te r es t . See ·us o n renewals. MONEY HOUSEHOLD DEVICES - COMPANY- E. C. Pauling & Co. I N. LaSalle St. Main 8250 BURNERS EVANSTON Greenleaf 1752 HART OIL 1514 Sherman Ave. LAMP SHADES Hand Made to Order I The ·Lamp Studio E stablisbed 1 9 1 9 61o D avis Sr. Over DuBreuils 742 Elm St. WINNETKA Win!l. 1146 c· :m Where the ·Best Is Not Expensive FOOD need not be high priced. G OOD The evening specials at The Library Pl aza C ateteria (served after 5 P . M .) are ty pical of ex cellenc~ combined with economy. Yet they are no exception to Plaza standards : ,.For 5c-C reamed Salmon sandw ich, w ith Sl iced Eggs and M ashed Potatoes ( Fridays ). For 35c- Toasred Tenderloin Steak Sandw ich with French Fried Potatoes ( Mondays ). For 4 0c-Hot Turkey Sandwich w ith Green Peas and Mashed Potatoes ( Thura days ) . Roast Quarter of Philadelphia Chicken (leg ) with St~ifing and Cranberries Tuesdays) . For 4 sc- koast Quarter of Philadelphia Chicken (B .. Past) w ith Stuffing and Cranberries t J 'uesdarjs ) · Broiled English Lamb Chop en Cassuole ( Wednesdays) · Filer Mignon with Fresh Mushrooms and Roast Potatoes ( Saturdays) · 2 .. . . ' ., f ,. Here's Linoleum for You The Largest Line Between Chicago and Milwaukee Armstrong's Nairns' Wilds' Certaineed Blabon's Inlaid Linoleums ., t I · $1.35-$3.25 '" I Per Y ard Barry's Scorch Linoleum made by one Barry. sold by another Barry. Felt Base Floor Covering )5 C a Sq. Yard Remember Our Clean ing and Repairing ... ~ David G. Barry .. I. ·. l ... ' RUGS - University 5 7 1 2 5 14 Davis Sr. Evanston Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings Ll BRARY PLAZA CAIIIETERIA Orrington Avenue. just South of Church Strttt in the Library Plaza Hottl CARPETS - LINOLEUM