Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1926, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE March 26, 1926 -------------------------~ .& . , WITHOUT 1 n COMMISSION : Oa Dealrable Dome· and Apartment 1 ~ Dulldlnc· ' I A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loaa Ageat I 112 ,V. Adams St., Chlcaco I L0 s I Kenilworth Kenilworth Happenings TO MEET VOYAGERS BRING GARDEN PLAN John Hancock Mutual Life lnaur·: ance Company 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Women Voters Hold Next Meeting April 1 .. ....... ·------------------------" . e · B. B. WARD I'UMERAL DIRECTOR You can recom mend us when the occasion demands professional attention for friends, relatives and acquaintances. Lady A.rsistant Privat~ Ambulance II \\"arren Pease. 320 Leicester road. The Ho~e and Garden club met left Tucsday with his son-in-law, Ed- recentlY at the home of 1-Irs. Frank win Sheridan of Evan ton, for a stay Cherry: and · Monday's meeting will he at Vvhite Sulphur Springs, Va. They held at the ho~e of ~frs . B. H. Bisbee, witt go to New York to meet Mrs. 317 Cumnor road. Each member of Pease and her daughter, Mrs. Calvin the club is expected to bring a plan Berghalter. who .have been around th.e of her garden. world on the Belgenland, and are ex-~ pected to land early in April. B'ETROTHED . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Steven..;, 330 Lf 1 t J· tt h tt St Ahbottsford road, announce the en' er arrc . w o a ·n etH1s · daughter. 1'.!Jzabet r. · 1 · >L'r ~fTt t. gagement o f the1r 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J n s " . afry a,::;a< emy, "" d' >e ~ to OgdeJl Cook, son of ~~r~. Carolvn 1 wme n11tt 1 a tcr J'.aster, spen mg 1 11s tl f ·~ spring vacation with his parents, Mr. 1·. 11 s\\·c:· 1 o 1'-elll 1 wort 1 1. '{ R H I :~ dd 1~ rs. oy · Jarrett, of ·~ 34 F.:>:;ex The Skokie Valley chapter of the ° a · Telephone Wilmette 334'1 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN Speclallzlnc In the treatment of )Your beat frlenda tile "Dos and Cat" All calhJ receive m7 personal attention . 724 Prairie Ave. · Wilmette, 01. PHONE UNIVERSITY 600 Daughters of the A_ merican Revolution met with :\Irs. Edwin Hedrick. 304 :\1 elro..;e ayenuc. :\{onday afternoon. 'M rs. Fred McNish spoke on "The D . .\. R. \York on Ellis Tsland." -0- I A pre-pri~ary round table for the Kenilworth Wo~cn Voters under thc direction of -:\{rs. Mark Cresap, is haYing a series of three mecting-s, the first of which was held recently at the ho~e of Mrs. George R. Benson of 210 1felrose avenue, when Mrs. Walter Benson and 1f rs. \Villiam G. Hihhard of \Vinnetka gave a talk on "The Structure of County novcrnment." The next se:>sion will he held Thur . day, April 1. at 11 o'rloc-k in the morning, at the home of ~frs. -:\far k (' rrsap, 239 F.ssex road. The hostrss will give lk "C Cl · · " t 11..r a ta on ottnty . 1anttes. anr ~vtrs. Walter Benson is to speak on "County Officers." A light luncheon will be served after the meeting-. The last meeting will take plar<:' at the hom(' of Mrs. E. F. Snvdacker. 1349 Chest nut ave11t1e. thr clatC' to hr announced later. More than a Fashionable Shoe Dr . H. 0 . . \Yrishaar of 816 OakFO ASHEVILLE wood avenue. has bought the :\IcTO LEAVE R Callum home at 1331 Chestnut a\·enue. ?vfr. and :\frs. Bentlev ~fcCloud of · Cu~ncr road. ~I r. and if rs . l·.dg-ar :\. a1HI expec t s t o move co f ."'\ .\ll f d :oa d , an d 'f -o- m soon. ~tevcn" o >)Ott~ or 1v r . :\1 rs. H~rhert V. :\fesick. 331 £-,sex Jame..; H: P,rentts~ ot Cumberland road. left ~fonda,· for a ten daY:-' '"'isit avetlu~·· wd~ leave T·.aster \fonc~ay. f<:>r in ~an-,as City. · · . shev!lle. )..;_ C.. where t.hry will JOin _ _ I Mr. and :\frs. Grant R1dgway. :\{r. 0 The meeting of The ~cighbor:- last 1 ~ret~tiss expects to come 011 from Thursday was thoroughly enjoyed. T·londa to meet them there . ~Irs. Edwin T. Johnstone of the Chi. cago Woman's club gave a talk 011 I :\1 r. and ~frs. Perry H. Eckhart ar.. Eug-ene O'Neil." and \Ya~h· Hevmar rin·d in X c\\· York ~~ onda ,. from t he1r dl'lighted her hC'an. ·rs wit.h ~e-,·eral : trip to South America an-d the \\·e~t violiry selections. 'I Indie.s. They spent the rrmaindcr of 1 . -o-the week Yi:-:.iting- their da ughtcr, M r:-. ' ~{r. and Mrs. \\y. X. Gillett. 624 .-\b-~ Donald :\IcLaughlin, of Bo-,ton. and hottsford road, entertained eight guest:-. return to their home at 200 CumJ,erat dinner and bridge Friday evening. land avenue, tomorrow. 1 \ 1 ' I I . . (- L· I ' 1 ,. Fashio.n able ?-Of course! Fo~ 25 years The Red Cross Shoe has met and satisfied the critical inspection of fashionably shod American vvomen. But The Red Cross Shoe is more than foot\vear of fashion-it is footwear of comfort, too. Every shoe is made over the exclusive "Limit" lasts, for which thousands of feet were measured to secure ideal dimensions, or "limits", correct for practically every foot. That is why The Red Cross Shoe gives you a new standard of comfort and fit in really fashionable footwear. Drop in today and see this famous shoe, which we are now showing exclusively in your city. J I· F otuitain Square, Evanston ·· · r .I First'The Proper uFit" Here's a sma rt little shoe for the "Kiddies"\Vear? yes, of course it will wear, and it's good looking, too-but, best of all, it is shaped to conform to the foot-lots of utoc freedom,, and support for the arch Itts what is known at a Blucher Oxford and is made in Patent Leather or Smoked Elkskin-in sizes from 5 Y2 to 12 .. Every Day is "Souvenir Day" in our Craven-A simple thtee-lttap in patent and black kid. Price S 1 o.oo ' Children's ~epartment At Fountain Square-Evanston

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