WILMETTE LIFE March 26, 1926 Ro~OrlA~!)?ers 's Davis Street, at the ' '~" Bride of April 3 Kindergarten College to Have Ideal Kindergarten :.....------------ - - I ag-es J 1- - · Miss Elizabeth Munro \1'1 I)' 1 1 ~I d t f · · "=' ·· tza >et 1 ~ unro, aug 11 cr 0 .lcdlll C . \1 ttnro of 1119 Elmwood ave lltll' , lH·ro mc~ tht· hridr of Ed\\·in Rus "l'll Thompson. :-on of \Ir . and ~frs . " ·1 1ar 1cs 1· )-( G reen·.. 1~1 10mpsc·n ot· 1,1,"1, . . . . \\'ood Circle. ~atllrday n ·enmg. Apnl 3. ;tt H :30 o'clo ck in the <.· \Tiling, in tht· Congrrgaticn1al rhurch. the ReY. ~h: phcn :\. Llo\'CI oftiriatin~ . A rl'Cep tion \\'ill he f1t·ld in thl' Ott ' 1ctte 1 f o 11 (·\\ mg · tl H· rl'rt:mony. l , (lllll t r\' c 1u) _ ___ New Springt me Coats of Varied Charms The 1 fur -trimmed Topcoat made of beautiful novelty woolen stands high in fashion favor, while the full puff sleeves bring a smartness .that is distinctively new for Spring. The Cape-coat which invariably figures in significant fashions is also found in this collection of sports and dress coats. $25~$100 ~ f r :--. _I o h n Ca 111 ph e II o f 815 Lake l -oI an·nut· g aY<: a vani:-hin g luncheon : ~lr :-. John ~park .. oi 173:) \\"a :-. hin~ ~Iar~h .?3, _for tl~e benefit of I ton a\'l'llll<.>. :dw was.· ?Perated upon I Tuesday: the Lache : A.HI ::-Oc1ety ot the ~Itth - for appen<l!Citl s at the · t. Joseph hos1 A school for children between tl. ;~ of 2 and 10 years will be opened by the Xational Kindergarten and Elementarv college on ] une 21, in the new h~tilding, Harrison hall, locat~,J at the boundary of Evanston and \V 11 mC'tte. During the year 1926 the sc hool will include a nursC'ry school for children between the ages of 2 and 4 years, a kindergarten and the first thref! elementary grades. A grade will he added earh successive year until the srhool includes six grades and com pletes preparation for junior hip,h chool. The sc hool will he co-educational, an equal number of places 1H'itH~ reserved for boys and for girls. llarri~on hall in ,,·hich the sc hool \\·ill he held i~ a brick and s tone build ing of fire -p r oof con . truction, ha vin~ wide corridor . and large room o.; sc ien t iff c a II y I ig h ted. h rat C' <1 and ,. c 11 t i I ate d . Thr kindergarten \\'ill occupy the C\\TtHin1in .\rmour room-, on the fir ·.t I tl(lor at the \\<' St. T,,.o ~imilar roo111 ..; at th(' oppositt" ('nd of the corridor han· 1ll'<.'n especially planned for the n\lr..,<·rv srhool. The ca st and sou th rooms · on the sC'rond floor will he or : cupicd by the ftrst, sec ond and thir . ~ gr;td<.>s. The ~uitc for each class in; rlttd~·.., t\\·o adjoining r?om s, \\'ith conrn;tt rlnsets. kttrhenctte, l~n· a. 'fl 1nl'rtmg ' tone..; and supply cJo..;ets. 1r ~c 1 100 1 '-<.'!<> an unu sual <;fandard in the amo t1.1t nf spac<· arrordl'd to each child. · - - -- -- - - - I ~I (' I PI 'JI' f 1119 r 11 tps 0 ,<.·orgc · · ·or ~ · · r-. . 1 c:--t a\TlltH: ret urnl'd to1 her home f 1 'II );:ht \\'eek a t(' r a n ng <tiH ~e,·cre 1 n<·~ at the l're,..,hyttrian hospital. · , I. '\.. t .1 _ . I - I · I · ndi,t church. _ _ pita! Sunday laq , i:-; n·cm·cring rapidly . '1 ,,. J . regrets that dela y in completing alterations tn her shop makes definite announcement of the opening date impossible. Meanwhile boxes f I ~· ·· " Lovely Frocks ~Blootn for Spring Wear · Piquant taffeta frocks puff out their bouffant skirts ; gay litlte crepe dresses blossom in flowery color. The long belted jumper ties its scarf collar and waits for the approval that is due. Most winsome frocks for Eastertide. arr ive from New York dail y, containing SPORTS THINGS DAYTIME CLOTHES CHILDREN'S CLOTHES COSTUME ACCESSORIES to delight the fastidious shopper. Won' t you .· - ~ come in as soon as the doors are opened? Miss Thai will be pleased to show you the new things for spring. l I $29.75-$59.75 W omen,s Apparel Floor Second .. . 565 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka