24 I WILMETTE l 1 LIFE \ 1 March 26, 1926 I 'l'ELEPHONE UNI \ rERSITY 1024 \r\T ILMETTE 6qD IT'S TIME FOR THE prefer to either n1ake or have n1ade their E tnan;r titnely offer ings and h elp s on this page . A {.Tip to planning the costun1e. =0 ~Iany \VOtnen 1 0 I 0 .. Bits of Spring From- t F AS HI ON NOTES As Gleaned From Vogue Fashion-Bi-Monthly Mingtoy Crepes $2.95 yd. The-..L' :\fin gtoy Crt'lH·'" in all the tJC\\. ~pring can he made into beautiful tub frock:;. The color~ arc fa-...t and th~..· matt..'rial i-.. -tn i 11 r he" \\.ide. -..hade~ IN THE ENSEMBLE The Gigolo hat outdistances all other n1odels for the present-Feathers u . eel flat or in fto\\·c r de . igns ,,·ill in tluence spring tnillinery 111 ode-Vivid pink appears frequently for evening and bla ck chiffon is a fayorite for dancing frocks-S he er silk stock in gs haYe adopted chine effect, two shades of S;t tn e color-Siayc bracelets in exaggerated size frequ en tl y seen-} ewellccl pins continue to n1ake their appearanc e on s 1nall hat s. Son1e ne\v gigol() tnodels have adopt ed then1-Long pendant earrings grO\\ longer daily. Etneralds appear in great quantity-SeYeral \YOnlen \vear buckled sh oes slightl y higher in cut than the pun1p- Gray is increa si n g as a stnart sh oe color-Colored shoes are not sn1art no\v. Shoe shad es include only b lack, bro\vn, beige and grey-Envelope and large pouch hag seen in blue, green and. reel shade s. n1ore brilliant hues than · fonnerh· -Sotne tendcnc\· to\\·arcb even shorter ::.kin-.,. ~ ~ Colored Pongee $1.45 yd. E :--pt..' ria II y ad apt c d f n r pI a i n : p (I r t i r 1 H ·I~ , and children\ dn·...,-..t·-.. i..; thi-.. J>ungec in JH..:at 11. JHl\\ der hltw, grt'<·ll , ru-..~..·. pink. ~Tt..'y and ()tlhT ~ p r i 11 ~- r" lt , r..; . T h 1..' \\ · i d t h i :-- .) .) i n c h c :-- . tyle ~763 Silk and Cotton Crepes 85c and $1.25 yd. Thv lc-..:-- vi\·id t..olur, jll·vd(nuinatt..· in thi-group of ~ilk and l't>ttun Cr~.: pv~ at Sl.<)5 yd . The patterns take the forn1 of sq uar e-.,, flO\\'Cr~ and -..mall Jignre . . 3() inchL·...., \\·ide. :1 rv Uuttl't irk Pattern', \ l'ry l'IT ect ivc in :tt:a\·y crcp tLtnnt·l anrl man\· otl·er fak>ric s IN FABRICS Chiffon, Crepes and Taffeta all appear in printN e\v Silks Favor Plaids, Flowers and Small Designs :\foderni stic fe elings expressed in small de s igns in s tartLing color cotnbinations, dot s erratic in size and arrange ment lacking aln1 os t entirely in regularity, plaid s effective in ne\Y arrangetnent s and colors, nc\v nutnnish stripes at1d dainty Spring flo\vers are noted in the printed fabrics for the new season. A taffeta used a great deal by Paris couturiers is a broken plaid with superitnposed flowers. A tnodernistic broken plaid and a diagonal plaid are also used in silks. Modernistic pen and ink designs on crepes are also popular. 0 0 0 .\lH>Ut 3 1 .: yanb 0f 40 .nc·l · mater: \ ithtT. Spring Flannels $3.50 yd. . \\' hat delightful little sporl dre ...... e!., and tailor~d c ffccts these che cked and plain 56 inch flannel. \vill tnak e. The color" arc brO\\·n. g r ay, vrchid. blue, black and r ose. But~eri You m\ st ha Thi will uH"ered in '~1 e B latest issue· of w scc6 ons. ~T l·re .' e patterns a".ll1ey O\\.IL