-....,.._ , · March 26, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Zl ., ·~ I . . A NoticeofSpeciallmportance to Evanston and North Shore Residents: vhere is, of course, a limit .to the production of an automobile as fine · 'as the LINCOLN. Just so many and no more can be made. We continue to get our share, but we urge that your selection be made and your order placed at your earliest convenience to insure that your Spring and Summer motoring joys may be undelayed '. . . .. , . ..,. I f · .-. ... ,. . . Triangle Motors, Inc. Evanston Branch High land Park Branch Chicago GaJleries .· - 1824 Ridge Avenue Park and St. Johns Avenues 2229 South Michigan Avenue Where you Jbuy in the correct atmosphere and where y o u a r e s er v e d w i t h c o u r t e s y, p r o m p t n e s s a n d e x p e r i en c e - .