JO WILMETTE LIFE I March 26, 1926 ~==================~ I Loc~M~Drowm~ NEW MARMON SALES AND SERVICE Sl'ATION I 6017 Broadway, Chicago Phone Long Beach 6428 Open Evenings and Sundays Marmon North Shore "1'////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.I.O .\rthur Fi ftcenth street, was drowned Ill a ditch m~ar ~ilc-, Center last ~aturday cn.~ n 111 g . \\' hen the body was found 1)\· count\· highway police it was tl; 8 ught ti1at he had ht·en :-truck by a motor car. hut this theory \Yas lc.~tcr abandoned. Police said that he had · been arre sted in Nile "enter earli ·. : r in the eYening on a , charge I t·nne-; s, and had been _ \ coro ner's jury decided at the Inque s t tltat he had come to his death ir o m alcoholi s m ancl drown in~ . On Saturday afternoon. ~larch 20, \f r-;. Robert G. Halliwell oi 1133 La ~e an· n~· entertained 16 childr<.' n on the o c ca:-;ion n i the "L'Yenth birthday of h n . , 111 a11 daug-hter. Joan. The tahl~ (kcoration:- \\-ere in pink ancl green . · 111 t 1 and a n : ntcr - plt'Ct' w torm ot· a "lnhn Honwr Pit·" tllkd with fa,·or s. I SaUykyBrown~ Ditch at Niles Center Tribune Gives Talk Xettlcman, 26 years old: 123 at Babies, Friendly (Contributed) ··The llabies' Friendly meeting Wed nesday .:\larch lU, at the home of 1\lrs. Rudol1;h Bacon. 1520 Lake av~nue, wa . . livelv and well attended, With much work accompli:,hcd . .. An added attraction was the visit o l Sally Jay Brown. of the· Chicago Tri Jnmc "Friend in Xecd" corner, through \\·h om ~eYeral layettes have been di ~trihuted to worthy cas s. \1 is~ llrO\nl read an art iclc regard ing the in,·cstigation of request s for help. The Ycry nature of these ~cquest i a fair guarantee of gcnuuH· need, and the few unworthy cases a_r_ t· far outweighed br those to whom a gtt of baby clothes ts a god- send_. "To be a real help, these gifts mu "t be promptly forwa~dcd, _and. not de , la··ed by too much mvcsttgatton · ' _ ¥ · ' back j of the few prmted calls . for helt.>, ar c I HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Prompt Deliveries from Our Winnetka B Jk S PI u torage ant · B "For Fuel-Use Oil" o BraUD ros. il Co. "For Fuel-Use o· il , I ' · l.;r~~·t·d · -. . n.'ry intere sting to tht' little· ~::~~l~~e~~~r;a;~bli~~~t. relteved \\"tthout . · ' d~· . TO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Wilmette and Winnetka WILMETTF. 290 WINNETKA 1565 How to Add Value to Homes You can now see, know and judge the materials, the equipment, and the various essentials that create greater value, greater economy, greater comfort for the home new or old. I abroad, and ,,ill traYel in ~ra 11 cr. ltal y. l;tncl ;tve~ue. ~tltcrtatned at luncheo~ Switzerland. and GermanY . lll_l \\ edncs<!a~. ~1arch 24, 30 ~ember s _ _ · ot the :-t·r:·trt' counse! commtt.tee. for 0 \ [ r:- . Frank H. Sprag Ut' of 1522 , the J un·ntk conr_t gtr}_-;. This Is_ a 1 Forest a,·enttt' entertained a group of I new movemetlt 111 \ \ tlmette whic 1 1 iriend:-. ;1t a mid-night lunche-on aitl·r ~l .rs . Thomp~on an<! a numher of hrr the danrt· at the \\'ilmettl' \\'um:tn':- lrtt·nd-. art' 'P >n..;urtug . rluh ~aturday en~ ning. \farrh 20. 1 J> 'f . . ·1 . I -. ) . ·' Ltzt an( ta~n ,)0/ t umherland an·nut'. kaH' tt)r :'\n,· York next \\Tl'k to sail f11r Eu rope April 3. They expect to he ~·ont· three months. Thev wilt meet their son-in-law and daughter. ~fr. and :\Ir--. Robert Prindle. III. of £,·an:-ton. ~_:LIH_ ·' :- . ·· 'r - . 1 'f 1- r: j I "Ther~ were s_everal urgent calls to . ht· -,upplted, makmg necessary an extra meeting- \Vednesday, March 24. at tht· . 0 f \f , G T Hellmuth 170; For 1 HliiH: · r:, . .,, · · · l'-,t aYt'lltH' . \f H I NN?iA I TION H~R1~ 19 \ · I 1 10111 P:" 011 0 - r-. . ope - ~ -oOn \ \'ednesda Y afternoon week. Xe,,· Trie~ high school I scene of a tea gi,·en for the oi the girls of the freshman CIRCLE BAKERY SALE oi thi:-; The Coz\· Corner circle of the Con wa-; the , grcgationai church will hold a bakery mother.; ! ~ate at Van Dethen·, :-tore Saturdav. · etas ..;. ·March 27. · Chicago's Sixth Annual I j .- - - "OWN YOUR HOME" BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT I :I EXPOSITION (Auaplcea The Clllcqo Real Katate Bo·rd) The New Orthophonic Victrola Cotnbined tt.1 ith the Eight 'Tube 8 DAYS Coliseum March 27th to April 3rd 8 DAYS Whether it concerns the building of a small house or a large one, or remodeling an old home--the "Own Your Home" Exposition is a veritable Museum of Home-building for Architects, Builders and Owners. Every step in home ownership-from the selection and purchase of the home site, the financing of building operations, down to the last decorative touch-is shown in . practical, picturesque display~ This Exposition saves days of research or Investigation for under one roof, within four walls are riaualized the facu concerning Radiola Superheterodyne norgia $675 .00 less Batteries · Home Ownership Qood Construction Be·utlful Interiors Improving Old Hom·· Better Equipment H·ppy Surroundlnp ········CUT OUT THIS COUPON. IT 8AVU YOU 2S CENTS········ · The world's two greatest musical achievements, combined in one, bring the soul of music into your home. You owe it tc yourself to hear this achievement of the age. You wili hear many instruments never heard in a reproducing instrument before. You will note a better definition of voices -a greater variety of tone color and a better relation of loud and soft passages. COME IN ANY TIME ··OWN YOUR HOME EXPOSITION·· Open Evenings Convenient Terms ·· Good Until April 3rd , INCLUSIVE TillS COUPON AND REGULAR ADMISSION 50 CBNT8 Forfeited if Purchased Children not admitted unleN accompanied by Uuk'ud a re.W.r dc:bt provided for each child. 25c ONB~c:ON North Shore Talking Machine Compan7' 712 Church St. Evanston Cc>me an ~ Mmqlq Director a, apeclal arra~ement with the l!xpoaldon Manqement, we are able to praent with our ccapltmenta thit coupon which. wtth a payment of 2S centa at the box o8ic.e. will aable you to aecun a debt. · 554 Center St. Winnetka THE CHICAGO REAL ESTATE BOARD