March · 26, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 43 fJNDS ITALIANS ARE I puts str~tins up~~l human personality AMONG BEST CITIZENS I:·1·::1 ~~·;;:::~ ..~ohc"o" that test them to · · --1 ) I. ( ~~ c I · ( ... . } .r. . , I Intimate contacts of the familv case \\ orkn'l of the Cnited Charitie~ with Famdy Life Among Great Mass the Italian families have enabled them The meet ing of the Chicago Forum I of Latins Is Ideal, Says I to <j('C the rea l situation and under- at the Olympic theatre, Sunday afterOr. H. H. Bickham ,t;tnd the ,·;tluc~ nf this clem.ent in noon :March 28, will he devoted to a ___ I t hv · tt~ ·.., population, Dr. Btckham discu'ssion of "A Strategic American Policy for \Vorld Peace." Freel A. l'ractically no desertion and di\'orcc. d<.'rla~ ·d. ~foore, director of the Forum, ansocia l problems of con . id~rablc imFamily Fid elity 1 JHJunr:ed this week. Dr. Charles Clayportance among- many ractal groups, ",id<.'rinL!. ... he !-.aid . "the meager arc to he found among Chicag-o's , ec(JtH·Jllir ha~L" frClm which the great ton ~[orri so n. editor of "The Christian hicago's speciali~ts lt:dian population, Dr. ~[artin H . Bicl<- ' lllajnrity ui tlH'.:-<· Italian iamilies Centurv." one of t1a111, 429 Ninth street. \\ ilmctte, '-IJC- , start in old Jtah· and the almo t com- in the -con . tant studv of international cia! repre s ntatiYe of the United Char- ~ pl('t<: rh;tnge in. --ocial conditions that relation s. will submit propo-.,als for a it it"- of Chicago, ~ai d in a talk from t hn· fan· in moving to Chicago, the cnn~truc~ive American policy in vie\\' \VS\VS, S. \V. Straus and ompany pn~·entag<' of iamily breakdown re- of the Locarn:) agreements, the proradio station la<>t Tuesday . peaking quirin;.! the s<.'n-ice~ of the case work - posed entry of Germany in to the League of X ations, and the vote of the on "How Family Case \\'ork R<·veal. n ' ()f the l'nited Charities i~ sma ll. Senate to join the \Vorld Court. Th e tiH· Heart of the Italian Community." "During the enmomic cri . is of 1920will he foliO\\ cd by open dis" fmp~·e ss ion s tha_t ha_ve been pro- j ·.?t. \\'hen. thou.,and~ oi immigrant fam- address cussion. The meeting promisC's t =l dun·d 111 the public 111111d hy n·r('nt I iliv.., oi nearh· all tht racial groups have deep intere st to all intere sted in nnjtht pu_hlicit~' .c~ncerning crim..: in l ' hica .~o ,,.Z·n: in need oi a~si~tann· what should he the contribution of anHmg Italian ~ Ill ( IJJcago are j.!r()-,-,1~· ir:m 1 tlw l · nited Charities, onh· 742 America to permanent peace in the tlt~L· to . t!H·'. grc.:tt ~~ass of Cl_1~c-ago\ l lt~~lian ian~ilie:- ,,~e n·. und('r ~u-,tained \YOrJd. .'.~· n . ., trl< nt-... ..,,lH~ Dr. BH kha!n . L!'tlldann· (IJ tht· tan1 1Iy ca:-(· \\'nrkn:-. I hcy are ltard \\ orkmg, clt·c <·nt Cit- I :\t 1!Jj . . '-CttlH· 1 im<.', thnl' \H·rc clo~t· ~~r~. Jo se ph 0. Convcr ~e nf }{, ](~ i:rt' Jl '· . f:tithful to tht·ir wi,·<· . . and chi! 1(1 .?.:; .0011 ltali; 1n iamilie~ in Chicago." drcn .·· Highland avelltte, and her . on. Jo-,eph "Thl' "t ren . !..!t h nf t hi-, p<·npk lin in 1 -hayc returned to \Yilmette after :1 tht' ra,nih· cohr-.inn and intt·!..!rit,· that Grammar School Cagers winter pa~~ed in Florida. i . . a clomi.n;tnt trait nf_ ~h('ir !-O('i;.t! life . to Play Two Last Games Tn tiH· face (tf rondttH·ll" that hcnr · prndured falllih· di-,nrganizatJon .The t\\") Ja.,t t!"<tlllt·-, - \\"I oi the C :-ea~< · n aJJH·II!~ othf'r racial t.:rrl!lJ'" in C'hira(.!rl \nil Itt· Ilia~t.' f 1 }1\' I llH:tte rrammar I th·ct I tt·am-. t<,night and thr· _ , . :trt' ;ddt· tr· kt 't'p tlwir familv "l' IWCt I I 1 a:-.-:~· " . . _ )I'f l' Ill . t ;1 (' t . - l lt·!llror.rcJ\\ IJJ<lht. 1 hi.., (' \'l'lllllg at I I . .- . . · · 11 ~ - lnrh: tht·\· \nil mt·<·t a team from ,. M ake Valuable C o nt.n b u_ h on Ecn\\ll at . tht.· H<·\\~ 1 rd ~chor1l gym01 1 11 1 "( h.<· ,·;dtt<· Clf a. ~' . _tnht:tJr·n " ~~' ln a-.i 11 ; 11 aiJd ~;tturday l'\l·ning the team ;.1 t h ! .., t o t 1t v " (ItT t1 l1 1v o r .\ lllt' n c: I 1 " i 11 i 011 r 11 t.· , . 1< , 11a r n · , · i or a game. I ,, ill ;tpJ:<:ar lllllrt' rk_:trl\~ a-.._ tbv .~· t·ar: . . . \II r·,f thv · ~ciH><·I tv; 1; 11 :- haH· made l'il"" ·.· .. II~<· . :~< ' J_trJ ..... _:n. t;untl.~· lit~· ~- ~~ L!.o :HI -.h(l".i 11 L!. . . thi:- ~- ~.·ar und.n the di~ j . \11 1t 1 11 ,, . < 11 u Jdt nt \\ t "~ . rt·t."tinn nt J. I>. ~tOlll'. dJrl'ctor ot a, ;1 1' 1'"1,Jt· JH 't·d t(l I;~,. hnld ttpnn ;1 thktir . . in thl' \\'ilmtttv ~chool:-. ).fr . , t··~.·n_!.!th_rn ~t!llll' an 11 "ttnrv., that he hope-, to he n ·t n · r< ·.., c·nrc·<· tltat \\'Ill iamil .'.' liit· ;tnd -. ~·~·ur.t· ;~. bq:· r t:tnlll~· :ddt.· to <1 rganizc indoor ball team:-; to ( <.!H· . . t!lll and "oiJdan ·'·· i<·IJC,\\ thr ..HtL!.h the ha~kcthall game:-. \\ '!tile th(' ('('!hit:- oi l ~.:;n . . ]1<1\\'('d tllf' . <·n t i r t' l · 11 i t (' d . t ; 1 1 t · .... to h an· 3. fi-l.:; r l' ~ irlt'nh r·f Tt ali:tn l1irth. -l.) of whom wnt· li, · in!~ in lllinoi -.. . tlw 1020 C(·n:-;u-, indi· atul hat CltiCt!.!(' ;tlonv h;td .::::0.21:1 1 n · . . idvnt..: fH, rn in old Tt ;th·, or 2.2 pl'r- ~ n·nt (,j tltt· total populatit~n of the rit _ ,. and 7.-l JH'rCt'tl t nf t lte f(lrcig-n - horn ' pnplll;ttion. it \\':\ · pPinted out. " :\rlrl t o tiH·-,c the children horn of Ttalian p:tn·nh. nrar!_,. all oi whom . p t · a k It a Ii; 111 :t 11 d 111 a y h l' in r Itt rho cl in 1 \Yit:tt i..; lwn· called Chicago':-; Italian pnpulati(ltl, and tlti-. commtmit~· \\·ill · JJtllllll(-r appr(l itnatcl~· 1~0.000 at the i prncnt timr. about :1 pnrent of the !t1 t;tl popuLttifln," D r. Bickham said. 1 1 1 Forum to Discuss ----------------------------------~ Auto Repairing America,s Policy Guaranteed Work Reasonable Rates for World Peace Rosa Skelton 4 r o Prairie Ave. Wilmottte 3 55 5 Phone Wilmette 2814 Genthner's Market for Quality Meats Courteous Service Free Delivery 1145 Wilmette Ave. Opposite Post Office No Extra Expense No Incidentals Incl uding Pullman berth. Round trip R. R . F are , Meals on Train, first class Hotel Ac c ommodations, Rooms and Meals, Deep Sea F ishing Trip. M otor Trips and all incidc n tal~enses even to "tips" and cigars. Absolutely nothing to bu y. clu ~es 1 A ssi milat e Mode rn Ide as .. · I · · ·I ., hackL!_rOtllld and perspccti,·r arc e.;-..cnti,d to undcro.;tancl the ituati(ln of tltt · ltalian ltt·n· . A desire for l'r nno mir "<'Ctlrit ,, kts been rC' . ponsiblr fnr tit · emigration nf peoples from 1t:dy; a homeh· prm·erh current ;t1110il" tltt·tn i-.;, 'lt: ·lv i.; ior us whol'\"t·r ~i,· es u..; onr hr~·ad.' The ~"arch f<'r :1 . hdtC'r economic status involn·d the majority of thc-.,c Ttalian worker.; in a mo,·<· irorn the agri!'ttltttral kt~l' i11 It a ly 1 (I ; tn in d 11 s t ria I t 1 a.., L' in C h iral.!o. ;,This tran~itinn h:1s nwant '-t'riou..; inroad-; upon ancient mode-, oi social and fatnily !if<', the abandonment of d('cply imbedded traditions and folk\\';t\"> and the adoption of m·\\· mode-; of -life prn·ailing in indu~trial ;-tnd urban Chicago. "~Io,·ing from the simple, rural and tH:ighhorly associations of an Italian a1.~rirultural village to a bu . y, con~ ~~ested metropolitan community like Chicago, with it" industria l prc~surc;o;, ·'J~nth We offer an 1 1 I 1 Excellent Table d'Hote Dinner for 75 Cents It includes a choice of satisfying foods , expertly prepared and served quickly and quietly . And it must be admitted that the price is un usuall y low. " 1 .,~ I T he Itinerary inTampa. Florida's Largest City : St. Petersburg. the Sun\J shine City : Tarpon Springs, the Venice of America, and Clear\ , water, the tourist mecca of the West Coast: ,__-...~... also the famous Gandy Bridge. 1 , It's Springtime all ..... ~-=-the time in Florida --. -Let'sGo! · Get Away from ley \\1 inter Blasts for a Fer.v Days-Come to Florida and Get" Sunburned" Bathing .. - Dancing .... Fishing - - Golf - - etc. Phone or Write For Detailed Circular to The Learn to Draw Fashions wt ·t·ks of prat"tieal training- -- draw g-arments furnisht>cl ~~~tw,v:-:pa JH't' a<l Vt'l't ist>rs. Hat unla~· aft(·t·noon <'la:-:st>s. l ~ happ~· Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy C. C. HENDERSON 1409 Chicago Temple Building Telephone State 7304 Chicago \ "t·rsatil !o't·buot ot' .\ch·.1 \rt au ~math Stnte, C hic!ngo