~ l a rch 26, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 47 D~ (30 ) f tH· t, at $2.41 p e r yard ................ $G ,663 GO Total .................... $7,42X.50 The ow n e r s or a majority of t h e r,-.,ntag-e of th e l o t s and Jands upoll :--:1 itl streets w h creiu said work i:,; to !J,. done may, wit hin 'ten days from th..- date hereof, as tn ·ovided by ln.w, ··l····t to take said work and enter into a wl"itten contract to <lo saifl wo1·k at t.·n (10) per centum l ess t h an the price ;1 t which same h as been awanle cl. EARL E. OHNEH, JOHN CLAHK BAKER, l·.. l.sMER D. Hl'~CKEH. WILFORD W . DeBEH.AH.l>, CI... ARENCE It;. DHA Y E TI, 1-'A UL A. IIOJ<'FMAN, :-:q u ar(l ,.f t h ir ty Church Will Present Logan:.Howard P. T. A. I! Famous Easter Cantata to Hold Bakery Sale i The Easter Cantata, "Olivet to Ca lYary," · \\·ill he gi\·en In· the \Vi lmette Parish ~1 et hodi:t cht;rch choir for Good Friday. April 2, at 8 o'clock. This \\'ill bl' the second musical concert of the :-.<:a~on given under the direction of l Ierman Baker. The . oloists for the en·nin~ \\'ill be ~!iss Adelaide Jones, -,oprano: Elbert R. Hcrlocker tenor; :·nd Rollin Smith. baritone. 'George \f cl'l<1y i..; the organi · t. :\ . \\· . Hannah. 256 \ Voodstock avenue. left \\.cdnesday to join hi · familv 1 JOH:--; F. t ht> 'Vl EDLIN, t·l' ).2ft . J I I" Boar<i of Local IruprOV(.\lllent :: Village of Wilmette. The Logan-Howard Par ent -Teach er association will hold an Eas t er Ba k en· sa le Saturday, April 13, at the Va~ Deusen Grocery and :\'I arket. ~[ rs. G. T. Hellmuth, 1705 Forest avenue, will he in char~e of the sale and h as expressed the hope that there will he a generous response to thi ., opportunity to swell the f unds o f the a ssociation. This sa le is the first effort on the part of the association to raise money during the current year. ~Iiss ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Oateopathic Phyaiciana Re~tdenc e and Office Phoae 300 1 M. Portenhauser Paintin8 Decorating Estimates given without obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf A··· ., ' I ·-----------------------------I Our Schools Harriet Xe\\·ey arrived in \\.il- ~ mette Thursday from the Cniversity -oof I ll inois to spend her spring Yaca~1 r..;. Bl"n tley ~f cCioud oi 416 Cum- tion with her fat h er and mother. ~fr. n :)r road entertained her bridge club and ~fr:-.. F. ]. Xewey, of -U6 Lake at luncheon \\ ednesday. · a\·enuc. :'or a lllonth in Pasadena. ~~ r. and \[ rs. Le Roy \ \ .oodland, 336 I r ) I l· l · . I ~ I I · I· · J. I I Priscilla Lloyd come-.. frvm Leicestl·r road, . arrived home from C ol dwater, Mich., this evening to ~pend l i a Yana ~I on day. her holiday period with her father and -o~ outh centered around the "three R's." john Cook of 1017 Greenleaf ave- mother. Dr. and ~1 rs. Stephen :\. Xot on ly did teac h ing revolve aro u nd nue n:turncd recentlY from the St. Lloyd. lOJ.:; Lake a\·enue. ·hi..; trio hut it co n fined itself solei" Francis hospital. -0· to it. T hat day is past. \\' e have d i ~. -ORohl'rb Prentis:-., who attends t he I..'D\'Cred there arc SOllll' th ings as \"ital · ' J. H. X nqwrt, 520 Abbot t:.fo r d road, t·niYe r si t y of ~ l ic h iga n , is at home for ly lll'ressary to cduca t io n -the de,·cl- 1s ~pending this wee k i n New York. . the holi days. opment of character and physiq ue, a -.timulation for truth, the promotion of 1 .: ! ·ar thinking and clean li ving. Today Reading, \\'riting and Arith. llJt.·tic arl' ha..;ic as en:r. But it is a :nort.' rounded training that develops r~· t-.oning and fosters indivi<l u alitv. \ Vc ha\'t: o u tgrown primitive (~ d nc~~ t iou ~ l llldhods. l.i kewi::-,e, our attitude toward l i \·in.~ h:t, changed. \\' e build bettc·r homes; "t· I! ave r eel uced our working honr~ u1d incrcao.,ed our social activities . ( >t1r playground · haYc supplanted the :tlk~·.;; inr our l1oys and our parks afionl the picnic grouods for our cit i;t·ns. School building<; han: hcconH· 'lit· Co1nmunity Center for play a11rl H · i a I r c c r e a t i () 11 a 11 cl t h <' lw a d q u a r ll' r ~ i ·r adult l·rlut·; tti()ll and training. · \ \ · ,. J 1.t ' ,. r 11111, · i r n til ; t n (· "1 , t 111 !..~ t n 11: n ·oh·i n:..: IJtt . \\ ·, . .trt" -.t ti\ill !~ 1<' make cdur;ttitlll a 11Jt·; t JJ -. 111 \\ i dt~lll Ttl();(\ tilt· -.ch·~td 1J,,I1..._, . j . . tilt' lllt";t.., 1rin~· r<~cl · ~i Jll·,,:..:rt · ....... . ()jt, ·n it j.., tltt' ;trchi tt'ctur .t l prit 1 t· 11i tllv ~"lllllllttllity r: i . . cquippl"cl 1~~ ·. 1111 d the drt·< tllh pf .1 I ~:t·rH · r;ttitnl ;t;_:tl. l'Ja..,._ room..; and ·. Jth it·,·t matter no lonQer repel pupil~ . ·, ·,, 111 p 11 l..,tll"_\' a · ndanrt· l;t\\ . .., dn not ·~~· · · < ,llltt ior tlw \'t·arh J'\'rallliding nf ,·i 1o'1l attcnd;tnr~·. 1~ht· .tt.'ac her per ,, 11 ,. tl it ' . r o ml> in v d " .i t h ire :, I! air, s \Ill · ..,!Jtnt· .and good rh<.~rr are impdlitl!.! . PIH ~ira! ckH·lupnwnt i:-, encourage<!. t ht _- practical in <'duration tre-; :,ed att<.l ·IJ,· cultural "ide oi liil' emphasized \lu-..ic. art ;111d elrama IJaye hecotn<· .111 important part of the curric u lum . FotuH.latinn:-; ar<' laid for better and more abundant li\'ing and a finer spiri t 1)f human n.:lations. The . e influences reach beyo11d tltf' pupil into th<' home. ~1ore an d more ar,· \\' t' bringing the .:;chool into r ela · ·in·n..;hip \\'ith the fami ly. The Part'ttlT(·ach er associations have pron·d th(' ~ · o1t tH.Tt i ng Ii 11 k. They are an {'\'idencc ni the t·ro\\·th oi a common ittiNl'-1 in e du cat ional work. Our se h oul<; are the m ir rors of Olll' na tional prog r ess. It is one of t )J {' l>lc--..sings of our d e m oc r acy t h a t w< · kt't.'P t.h ese schools pli a n t, res po n siv t· to the country's g rowth . \ Ve are of tho..;e wh o f ee l th a t t h e " three R's" Ita \ ' C n o t suffere d by th e c h a n ge hn t that a g r eat s t r ide ha s b een tak en heYond th e m . W e have added t o t he~e th e " three C's"-Ch a r ac t e r , Cul ture and Cit i7.enship. T he Enri c hin g- of th e 'Three R' s' is 1142- 1144-1146 a story not only of education a l prog · ress but likewise communit y be tte r · Central Avenue m e nt. 1 A Comtnent on Modern Elementary Education aa Applied in Wilmette Time was when the education of ~- -o1Ii~..; WILMETTE Get Quality. Ham and Bacon From A Quality Store 1 I The ham and bacon that we are offering is the ·v ery best- Wilson's certified brand, selected mild cured. It was especially smoked for our customers. We also recommend highly our .fully guaranteed eggs, strictly fresh, clean, and full size. We are showing in our big \Yindo,vs on Central Avenue fruits and vegetable that are now in season- Oranges and Grape Fruit, Grapes, and Bananas; Lettuce, Cabbages, Califlo"'er, Radishes. As you kno\v, we carry everything edible and all of the highest quality. What you buy at the Wilmette Grocery and Market is bound to be satisfactory. WILMETTE GROCERY ·& ·MARKET "For Better Things to Eeat" RADKE B'lOTHERS 6 Phones ·Wilmette 420 to 425 Tames H . Pre ntis s , 201 C umb erl a n d av.e nue , le ave s Saturg a y for Florida.