Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1926, p. 1

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j. WILMETTE LIFE A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth ~rOL. XV, NO. 27 \VILMETTE. ILLIK OIS. APRIL 2, 1926 PRICE FIVE CENTS $25,000 : IS GOAL IN ·CHEST SOLICITATION ·Workers Ready to Open Annual · Unified Charity Fund Campaign on . Sunday, April 11 Cartoon Endorses Play Plan FINANCE MADE ISSUE · IN VILLAGE.CAMP!IGN Home Party Replies to Community Party Attacks; Latter Claims Assessments Too High .. · \\"ilm\tt c will be asked to give The "Frenzied Finance" advertise $25.000 to charity this year, according ments of the Community party in the to the budget of the · \Vilmette CommuVi11age ballot ~ai11paign, wJ-tich appear!lity Chest association, which will open ed in the public prints of the vil:agt! 1ty second at~nual c,a,mpa~gn fo_r funds · 'Sunday, Apnl 11. 1 hts ts an mcrease last week, brought forth this week of ahout 20 per cent over last vear from the campaign committee of th~ \\·hen approximately $20,000 was raised: Home Party (endorsing incumbent Thi~ alllount was found not to he large trustees) a contribution of advertismg enough to meet the needs of the variliterature under the pointed · caption. ous charities and so was in~reased this "Straightening Twisted Facts" ~tnci ·Year . "Efficiency Compared by Facts." . The entire village has been di\"ided In the Home Party"S statements 1t h into sec tion s. each one of which will strongly intimated that Wilmette is not be in charge of a captain, who will have quite a s independent financially as tht individte 1 workers under him. There Community Party sponsors would hav e \\·ill he a solicitor for everv block and the villagers believe. A "Correct enry fa111ily in the village ,\·ill he asked statement of the receipts and expendi · t0 cuntrihu te to the Chest fund. tures" points out from April 1, 192~ · . Letter to Citizens to February 28, 1926, receipts :tt $302.A letter directed to the citizens of 285.24. and expenditures during that the Yill'age from the association fol1ows: period of $249.073.97, leaving an actual "T he 1926 campa.fgn of the \Vilmette available cash balance on March 1, 1926. C0nm1unity Chest a ssociation will start of $53,211.27. It was the contention of Sunday. April 11, 192o. and continue the Community Party in its publicity until (lll of the residents of the Yillage la st week that the balance on hand ha\·t· subscribed aud until the budget ).1 arch 1, 1926, was $96,370.43. ha" been pl edged . The object is to colThe Home Party Publicity dwell:; at lect. in o nh· one drive and M"lleh· Sr;.e ~ow M~c1 MOife FLlr:\ "Tf..f1 Ca" \\G.Ile..--W~Q" Ut.l fi 1\ Get To 0 e:fhe.J..o length upon the handling of the through thi s one agency. sufficietit ...The abo,·e cartoon ~ders to th ~ recreati on act which allows a tax of finance s of the village by the present funds to provide for the participating \Vilmette Play and Recreation C(llll- unc and onc-,\1ird mills will he YOted administration as compared with the charities listed below. as much money mittec, a recently organized body. The on at the coming Village election. to financial record of the Zipf administraas the~· were able to raise by their preCommittee consists of members of the he held April 20. The recreation com- tion. declaring that material economies ' inu..; indi,·idttal clrin·s. School hoard, the Park boa·nt. the lllittee will appoint a director of com- have been effected during the pa~t year Gives 1926 Budget \ ' illage Board of Trustees and the munity recreation and a comprehcn· and la\'ing most of the abnormal ex'·The following is the htt<lget for playground trustee s. The proposition s in~ play plan ha s been outlined for pcndittires at the door of the previou.; ad111 in istrat ion. 19](): Ardt'n Shore, _$6.000. Near East to come under J.he state play and the \\:hole year. Reliei. ~3.000: Tnfant \Velfare, $6.000; Claims "Legalized Extortion" Young \\"oman's Christian association. ! Republican Group Opens The second broadside of the Com~1.000: Salvati()n Army. $1.500: Amer· munity party appearing in adverti_seican Red Cross, $1..650: Volunteers of New T r·er ea quarters ments this week. bears the starthng America. $250,: Local Charities, $600: Th e Crowe- Barrett group in the Pre- title '"L ega lized (?) Extortion," and Emergency iund. $3.1)00: and expenses 0 makes ,the claim, supplemented by ~lAOO. Thi s mean s that we must raise J>ri111ary election campaign ha s op-ened figur es, that villagers are being "over~25.00!1, a n in cn:ase of t\\·enty per cent 'l'hr Annual Good Frida,· Ye spcr ! hca(tquarter ~ at 605 ).fain str-eet. \Vii - charg-ed -tO~tc" on assessments levied for on"r last ,· ea r. sen·ice will he held at the First C'nn- \ llll'tte. and ha s launcltcd o ut a vigorou-s improvements including the widening of " Tt is ti1e sincere helid of all those \rhn han> ~· iven . timr and thought to l!regational church at 4 o'clc>ck, today . 1calllpaign on ' behalf of its canclid;;ttes \Yih1tette a nd Central avenues, paving r of allev between Greenleaf and Central the \YQrk that th e associati0n is a dis - Thi s scn·icc is especially planned for i()r the \·ar iou ~ Cl)llitty officrs. avenue. and the paving of the alley tinct benefit to th e communitY as well the young- tkoplr of the parish ~u~d · Oi yarticular in_tere~t in tl:is \·icinity from F ourth to Eighth street between as the charitie:-. concerned. The can. 111 the _mt;:est. of Lake .and \Va s hingt~n aven?es. Esti\·a ..;s ing \Yill he done hy Yolunteer cap- their friend s. EHry.hody is cordiall~· ~ also ~~ th_e ca~np~1gn 01 } ·hear \\ ·. Schn,Hlt. mates, up on tL1e hasts of whtch assesstains and \Yorkers . Thrre will he no im·ited to partake 0f this se rvice of th e Cdncl~~lac) ~onner \~ !lmet_te \ lllage prcs1clcnt. w~10 ments are levied. arc uniformly 40 perexpense othn tklll for .actual clerical mrditation and music. Thr choir and ~~ a candt~ate tor Cook cout!ty· commts- cent higher than the contract figures, assistance and the n<.>ce ssa r\' cost of (Juartette under the direction of Porter s1 oner. 1 he Osc~r ~chn11dt J?oostcr ·as se rts the Community ticket publicity. printing, postage and the lik.e. \\'arrington Hcaos will sinq the sac red club ha s heen wag-1~1g tt s campa1gn for "On $72,882.5-l worth of paving, proper Promise Nq Violations cantata. "The Crucifixion" h~· J ol111 :;e nral week~. m~~t.ng a. thC?rough can- tv o\\·ners were overcharged $30,131A6." "At least one of the participating Stainn. Thi..; \\"ill he one of the out- Ya~s of the t\ ew I ner cltstnct. the statement declares. in urging the charities has inadYcrenth· Yiolated its s1anclinq musical events of the vrar at i1.1terested property owners not to pa~: agrl'ement hy solicitng fut~ds in the vil- this church . A brief Vesper ~{ edita their assessments in full. and adding Act to Avoid Use of l(lgr during the past yt·ar. \Ve have tion \\·ill he delivered ·b,_.the Rev. \\.ilthat "theY shou ld rlismiss all these pro thr per sonal , assurance of its officers liam E. ")..f cCormack. associate minisGarages as Residences ceedings." th;tt this ""ill not he repeated. \Ve so- ter of the church. on the theme. "An The opposing tickets in the annual The Yillag-e hoard at its special meet , licit the support of all residents of the Amazit,lg Friendship." in~ Tuesday of thi~ week adopted a re- election on April 20. will he as follow s.· Yillage and assure them of our support . olution in structing the person in the Cnmnntnitv Part\' ticket - for village in protecting them from additional soEASTER ANNOUNCEMENT \ ' iiJ ;H'e hall responsible for issuing clerk. Mrs.· Lela tid V. Pierson: for licitation by any of the · above charities. building permits to issue no permit for villaqc trustees, Joseph F . O'Neill. Announcements of Easter scn·"\Yilmette must not fail in her effort a nrivate garage unless permit is grant- Fn.·dcrirk Tilt and C. D. McCallum: for ices in Wilmette and Kenilworth to serve those ""ho so hadlv need the en simultaneously for a permanent rc- village treasurer, Earl A. Pettibone. will be found on Pages 51. 52 atHl. 53 thoughtful an<l generous as-sistance of re ~ idence structure. Home Partv ticket-for village clerk. of · this issue of Wilmette Life. a community filled v.-ith happy homes, This action of the hoard is for the Nicholas J. Miller; for village trustees. the members o1 which knm-.· almost Easter Day programs are gi\"en in nurpose of prohibiting the use of pri- John Clark Baker. Cl<trt>nce E. Drayer . nothing of the distress and hunger of complete detail in many instances. Yate crarages as living quarters. as is and John F. \'V iedlin: .for villa!le those babies. hoys and g-irls. yes men Go to church on Easter Sunday. nO\\. ht>ing done in certain localities in treasurer, H arn· \V . M tller. The and women. who are less fortunate than You arc assured a most cordial \n..' lthe :f ast of the Yiltage: it was ex- trustee candidates and the village they. come. treasurer candidate s are incumh~nts. plained. (Continued on page 57) I congregational C hurch Invites , to Service T day ' H d . ·-

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