so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Tina WILMETTE LIFE April 2, 1926 Mae Haines Gives ·H. L. Ickes Buys Large . Final Lecture Tuesday Tract for N~w Gardena · Harold L. Ickes whose flower garden at Hubbard Woods is one of the show places along the north shore, has purchased a ten-acre tract on Kotz road near the Sunset Ridge Golf c~ub fvr the purpose of extending his flower prodm;tion on a much larger scale. Earl B: and Ste lla M. Hubbel were the former owners of the ten-acre tract, the p1., 1rchase· price of which is said to he $30,000. · Le\\·is 'f. Dodds of the \Vinnetka· office of Quinlan & · Tyson wa .~ the hrokcr in the transaction. ---------------------------------------- "The North Shore is ri~ing in deft:nse of its candidates," reads the · bold captioned letter of endorsement circulated thi~ \\'erk by the "New Trier Committee of 700," which is sponsoring the electicn of the Penfield-Busse Couutry Towns ticket in the Primary campaign Estimates given without of County hoard carididates. obligation T!tc "Committee of 700," comprised of large representations from tl-:e four . 1 \1 i:-s Ruth Meier hoff of 1714 WitHvpe Thompson, 1219 Ashland villages of New Tricr-vVilmcttc, KenPhone Wilmette 2764 mcttt· a\·c nuc gav<> a surprise kitchen ·aYenue, entertained eight guest-3 at a s:wwer at her homt rccrntly in honor vanishing luncheon Friday, March 26, !iworth, Winnetka and Glencoe, in its .1030 Greenleaf A··· oi .M i:.~ Florence Gc.ither, who is to be as a benefit fvr the Woman's guild of communicatio11s directed to the I<.epubfican v0ters of New Trier, is stressing married tomorrow. the Congregational church. the importat~ce for the good of the WILMETTE -o1__:_ocounty, of renominating Frederick \V. ~Ir. an<.! Mr~. 1. K. Stover, 1044 Asl'-1 f~ichard l\. Taylor of Oxford rva~, Penfield oi Glencoe, w~o is de~cr;bed =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii land avenue, havr returned from a ~l'nil\\'orth. k~\·e s S_unday lur the as "courteous, paitistaki11g, cap:lblc· 1three weeks' 3oiourn in Pi!l~, N.C. ~outh on ·t bus1ne !'~ tnp. --------------- with the it.tcrest s of our north shore villages at heart." Other candidates endors"'l in thf' lt.:t tcrs arc \Villiam Busse of Mt. Prospect. a county commissiont:r for 24 Years: Ce rn·gc A. ). f i)'('r, of Oak P1rk : .. ·oudle~· D. Pier ~o n, Chicago Height ~. and LacJdan JT. ).fa( l .ean 01 Evan ston. for seve n year:- assisu>nf forester nf the Cook r; untv Forest Pre:-l:· The "Committee of 700" parti r ular 1:.emp1lasizl':- in iH literature the · 11<.'"<'~ sit,· f<11· a large vote at tht· Pri·11aric~ "Be Surt' to Vc ·t<·" j..; their 1 on. April 13 final rhallt-·J .(t· to c·n r_\· Repuh 1ir an in I .:\ t\\' Trier. I '!'he Fxt·rutiH l'(lllllllitt<:t' <·i tht· Xn·. Tric:- ComnllltCL' c.i 700 i:- rompri . . ul ni r, .. 11. J (I h 11 \ .. c ri 1111 i 11 · t 0 \\' 11 ... h i p c 11 a j r - . , :nan. \1 r:-- . .-\ndrt\\' \fa rLei-..1· :tnd \_Ink B. \\ ' :· ltz , r('prt·..;enting . I l·.u·.(t' llv l~tlll rrnln and \1 r:--. \I 1·rn . , L. Crn·k~ . rl'pr\'~t' llting \\ 'inn t·t,,a: \1 :·,. J. I,_ F:trk:·. J r .. and Franl : I< . Yr ,t rn).! . reprl' "t'llt ing K t·nih\ ort h: \I r:-. 1[(,,-: Kin !-! ;111d J<1·hnt ~· t()dclard. rt ·p rt ' t l : in g \\' i Iml'l t t·. M. 'Portenbauser Painting DecortJ· ting Tuesday afte!"noon, April 6, at 1 :30 o'clock. in the \Vilmette Woman's club, Miss Tina Mae Haines will give her next and last !ecture on the programs given by the Symphony Players of Chicago. These talks, booth unusual and instructive, have been given on the current concerts of the orchestra, and han~ made tbem oi especial interest to those who have ht:ard Miss Haines. The daY of this final lecture has been changed from Monday to Tuesday, the cb~· f)f t!1e last program. p enfiefd-Busse Ticket .Receives Backing of "700',· " I ,. · I ~ I· l\Ir~. ·, . · ~· ·~ · · ··-------------------· · I "THERMOS BOTTLED" HOT WA'tER KEEPS IT HOT R A D K E A T E R HEATER { w MAKiNG TROLLEY SCHEDULES I·J('c1 ri~· r:til\\ ;·\· -..~ ·I H · clult· , .rr1 ~l ;: ·t "' c·rt tl it' v.:.tirn;t!t-d rturttht·r l't'ljlll'-l ll,t..,: r:t n~ JH· rt : tticnl 111 l':t-~l'n;._:t ~ ... .HEATS WATER AND 1\t't'lls l)i till' (h\· l·>·.tr;t ~'1/llipliJt·r l t 11111 ... 1 1lt 1· :: 'h and to lllt T I t hL· rtbh -h,,ur dt ·JJt an d. cular IHI!tr :tt :ttl\. p:trt :n r -.v;t . . un ot the Yl':tr . AVTOMl\TIC ·:··.......... ~~~~,,.._.,,_.. .·.· RADKE SAYS~ '· ·----------~----···-- \\Htt·r lwt 18 hours "ithout rt·lightlng S T O R i\ G E I I ' . To h('at watt: r pcono rtlieally is important but to kt ·t·p it !wt i:-: · · qual!~ · ··s:-:(·ntial. Th ' R ht·att ·r is lJuilt II) 11" II!Jth and 1' .' lht· aiJ of our pat t· lltt"<l walt~ r lt ·Jnp·· ratun· t·on tr ol g-ives you tilt· idc·al autnn1atk hot water storage system. Ft-:ATl'J:I·:s : :-:h\11!-; ·----------------·················· In furtherance of .our UJHl e rstanding- that 1 WHAT ONE USER SAYS: or llllt' th··nw:-:t:ttit- ('ontrol WHtt·r val\'(· l'l'aches IGO <lc·;..::·<·(·:<. so that tht· W<~lt · r will not overhert. TlH· tan!\ i:-: t·ntir ly covert ·d with three in c he s of mineral w oo l, an ins ulatitq..:· material which has pro\'t·n undt' l' lahoratory t ('~t to ~ton · w a tc r for 24 hnurs with only a lC' n de grt'C· h ea t lo:-;s. The <·xterior i~ a. well tlnisht'd m"tal shC'll an<l the sturdy C'ast iron basE> makes it a w<·ll :-upporte(l and balanced unit. Our standanl sizes of 24, 32, 40 and 60 gallons nH?I:t the nv<·rage requirenwnts of homes and :-mall apartment buildings. Hadke .\utoma tic Storage Heaters are matle in Chi cago an(l have fourteen y·ars of rractical ··xperit·ncr· anti development b~ck of then-f.' Wf· ( il'AHA~TEg the heat r fot· on e year aga i n~t clf'fective materials ancl workmanship and will :-:t·n·ic+' it frc· C' of <·harg(' for that off tlw ;.:a:-: ht·fort · tht· was to k(' e p n, thr(>!' months' compari1;on cost the No. 4 Hadke An fc·t v Automatic Gas \Vater He::ttC'r. vs. Anthracit (' Chestnut Coal that r wa s using as fuel in our hot wat e-r heatill!!.' pl:lrlt previous to tht· installation of y'o ut gas hPat ~· r o n October 1 !l, 1 riL':i, my records show that W{' us r d one-half ton of Anthraclte . Cheitn u t <'oal per month at $17.65 per ton, or $8.82 P<' r mont_ h fuel cost for hot water, p.lus cost of n·movmg- ashes, of which I kept no record followiug statement is self-explanatlory: ' <:a~ bill for October 24 t0 Nov. 25, 1925 .. $8.02 " .. ov. 25 to Dec. 24, 1925 ... 7.56 Dec 24 to Jan. 26, 1926 .. - 9.63 ~ ·~ 1 ~ 1 'l'otal .............. · ................ $25.21 ton coal for July 1925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.82 " " August 1925 . . . . . . . . . . 8.82 September 1925 8.82 Total ........ · ·.................... $26.46 The gas bills as noted above include cost of cooking- gas so · the comparison is not i'mttrely fair to your heater, but justifies your guarantee beyond itself to such' a good marg·in that I tal<C pleasure in assu·ring you of our appreciatitln in reducing our fuel cost. You r s v c· n · t r u 1v ~nmt.· of writf.'r ot· nhon· lt·ttt·r '>d Oil rt~tllWNt. I Wilmette Window Shade I I I I Peter Paint tell s the story (It ;, I 111 an \\' hn co nld n' t borrow ~4,000 I on his hou se. This thoughtful put two hundred dollars I chap 1 worth (,f paint on it and raised 1 $5,500 \·rit hont half trying. Paint . I protects your inn.·s tment. I I I I I ... Jl(·J'i!l(l. ·································· SAFETY WATER HEATER CO. Phone Winnetka 2670 I I ~~ I &Paint Works ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor Glass, Picture Framing, Mirrors and Mirror Resilvering and Art Materials. ... Linoleum and Wallpaper 1 r 3 3 Central Avenue Phone Wilmeue 3493 . .l · i----------------+ ...