Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1926, p. 55

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n.pril 2, 192~ WILMETTE LIFr. 5¥2~ . MONEY Have funds to loan on choice Improved North Shore Suburban residence propeny at 6% ~ lntere·t. See us on renewalL ss Protestant interpretation. · Eve~y effort HONORED AT PRINCETON ~~ is made to get away from the mediaeval William K. Tencher, II., of Wilmette, . W·i p 11 · h M h · method of bringJng Christ· on the stage. ] ames Burnham of Kenilworth, .and mette ··Tarh et odist Church. The picture is refined and spiritual. Robert W. Wales of \Vinnetka are inecures e Man Nobody Knows" eluded among nineteen Illinois men I for Showing Here · . who have acheived the honor r,ole at . . · I Princeton university, according to inA SIX-reel. feature film produced 111 · · formatiOJi received from the eastern t l1l' Holy Land by Errett LeRoy ·Ke-.chool this week. nepp, ti~led by ~ruce B~rton and given I a beauttful mustcal settmg by Alexan- 1 EASTER BAKERY SALE · dcr Savine will be prtsented in the I The G. B_eyre: Electrtc shop I Tile Logan-Hm·:ard Parent-Teacher \Vilmcttc · Parish Methodist church moved thts week mto tts new quarters, a ssociation will hold a bakery sale at \V 1 d A ·1 7 · · 1131 Central avenue, across the street the Van Deusen Grocery and 1farket . . cc ncs ay. P·l . tn two s1 wwmgs from where it has been located for a Saturday, April 3. A tempting array as foli9~VS: 7 p. Ill ., the children's pro- number of years. The change gives of baken· good<; and pastries suitable gram: B:30 ..P. m., tl1e adult's program. the firm the much-needed additional for Easter is promised at this sale. There will he no arlmission fee but space for its increasing business, which an offering will be taken. This new has grown steadily with the developfilm is based upon Bruce Barton's ment of the village a·nd which has in FOR EASTER POJJttlar hook , "The 11an Nobody recent years added a first class radio Knows," and is heartily commended h y supply and service department. \\'e offer beautiful ~he Protestant church leaders of Amer-. Mr. Beyrer and his son, Lowell. in Dresses - Coats - Hats 1ca. Here arc words from a few of addition to their general electrical 1mthem: siness in which they are pioneers in the Our selection is of the latest and John Timothy Stone, minister· of the village, have maintained the pace with All best styles and materials. 1 F0urtlt Presbyterian church of Chicago the development of the radio. both in reasonably priced and well worth says: · "I~ is insdpiring, upli_ftit;p- as well t~1e s'ale of high grade "se.ts" and als~ ! your inspection. as accurate an constructive. in the installation and ma1ntenanre ot , Melvin P. ·Burns, superintendent of the devices. : the .Department of Cities, Methodist All modern electrical appliances :-.o i B. COPLAN. Prop. Board of Home Missions, Philadelphia, essential in the home of toda\' are fea1 Ilb Central Avenue says: "The picture stimulates the ima- turcs of the Bevrer electricai store, to Phone Wit. 1403 gination, inform the ·i ntellect and which the publ{c is most cordially inthrills the soul." vited. Remember the nc"· location is Albert vV. Palmer. minister of the on Central avenue, just east of. the en- I First Congregational church of Oak trance to the Central Cafeteria. I· Park, says : "This film had the distinct value of being a distinct challenge to John Robert ~~ urray. 433 Cum nor the imagination at every point." road, Kenil\\'orth, and Philip Osgood, · Dr. Gilbert Stansell has secured two l423 Essex road, will be home Saturday of the largest and most complete pro- from Princeton for Easter week. jecting machines for · the evenin~ The film is non-inflammab!e and the screen lntt'rlor D~eoratlon is of the hcst material. The machines Tmport(>d and domestic fah!'i cs will be operated by two expert union hf:'low Chieag·o prict-s. ~[n king of operators. drape ri es optional. This film, as weJJ as 11r. Ba.rton's hook, "The Man Nobody Knows," upon 006 Jlieh lgan :\ ,·~nut· which the text is based, is a newer in'l't"lt'p)loue Gret-nlf'Of 1310 terpretation of the life of ] esus-the SHOW HOLY LAND FILM S B eyrer Electric Shop tn SpaciOUS New Display Place W.· I E. G. Pauling & Co. S N. LaSalle St. . Maia 1ZS0 ~ ~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;~- HORNER PIANO CO. ; Pianos Phonographs Radio Headquarters for UNJOUE. STYLE SHOP ZENITH RADIO 15 21 Sherman Ave. Phone Greenleaf 464 FOrYou~r Added Rose Marion Knight hnllltain ~quare E \·an-. ton on ~n1ence Railroadlickets to any deslinullon l'iqhf at YOU/' HOME STATION Correct Fitting Perhaps the principal reason why so many parents prefer to buy Children's Shoes from us is because of the CARE we take to see that they are COrrectly fined. PriceS1 of COIIrJe, are .ALWAYS reasonable. Next time you tra · el, just call on or phone the agent 1t your home C. & N. W. station. He V\:lll ~et your tickets for you, wherever you will want to go. Make sleeper reservations. Check your baggage. Furnish all information you need and help you plan your trip. _ H~ is there to serve you. Feel at Eberty to aLl u~on him at any time. W.o n~~d to fO to the City, just phon~ Every 'Day is HSouvenir Day" for the Little Folks in our Shoe 'Departmeni...J The illustration shows a hard wearing shoe jn White, Smoked or Coffee Elk or in Tan Calf. All sizes from 2 to 12. Priced according to size from $2.7 5 to $4.50 E. B. Orner Ticket A,gent, C. & N. W. Ry Wilmette, Ill. Telephone ·

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