Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1926, p. 12

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12 START LUNCHEON CHAIN Mrs. Harry Bertram \Vilson of 611 Laurel avenue, and Mrs. Hubert Carleton of 1103 Forest avenue will be hostesses at vanishing ·luncheons Monday and Thursday, respectively, of the coming week. The affairs will be given a$ benefits for the Woinan's guild of St. Augustin e's EpiscQpal church. 1 WILMETTE LIFE I April 16, 19l6 ... p7 Mr. and Mrs. Willis ii. ·Hutson of 1112 Ehnwood avenue have returned from an 11 days' trip to Biloxi, Miss., coming home by way of New Orleans. -oAlthough spring, here only in theory, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Day and their daughterj Miss Marjorie, and Mrs. has not been conducive to golf by even Henry Griswold have returned from the most ardent players, still various commit tees anticipate a busy seasqn their s9journ in Tryon , N. C. and are making their plans for the sum mer and fall. The Wilmette Golf club, with its attractive new buildings this \'Car will afford increased space for club activities. The hou se committee composed of ]. G. Gallaher. chairman, Dan F'. Comstock. Yice chairman, and Grenville Jeffery, W. R. Brightmire, John H. Brodt, and I. S. Bruce, have arranged a schedule of social affairs cotnm.encing in May and continuing in Sports Things, Daytime Clothes, to October. Costume Accessories for both The program follows: Special dinner dances: ~1onday, May 31; Satur Women and Misses . · ApdaY. J ul\' 3, Monday, September 6: Harvest · Home ,party, Saturday, OctoClothes for Children. her 2: Dances, June 12.26: July 10, 17. 2-l, 31 : August 7, 14, 21, 28. TO PLAY IN RECITAL House Committee of Wilmette Golf ·club Child Artist Appeara in Seco!'d Recital Evenang . Pla11s a New Season in Chicago Sunday ____...!. Harriet B. Mason, child pianist wit h , a fine future, it is prophesied,. a. res.i,dent of \Vinnetka, and now re stdmg m Chicago, will appear. in ~er second recital undrr the dtrectJOn of Karl Reckzeh at Lyon and Healy hall, Sunr!av evet~ing, April 18, at 8 o'clock. i1iss Harriet, who is now 13 .years of age, made one of her first publtc appearances, when, at the age of 9, after a year and a half of study, she ~as chosen as piano soloist fo~ ~he Arttstchildrenf programs at Ra~mta })ark.. A critic said of her at that ttme, Harnet ha s the poise of a veteran, .to say npth ing of a Hr~· mature tcchn1qne and un -. fa iling good ta ste ." During the past year, she has been st uclving intensively. and has made onh- a· few professional appearances. amo ng which have bee_n .engagements at German Choral soctet1cs, and two recit'lls at the So,·ereign hotel. She has ;n~de marked progress in her de ·velnpmcnt, and is now at wo~k, on the last t\\·o movrments of Chonm.s Concertn in F, ~finor, which Bratlowsky nla,·cd in its entirety with the Chicago SY;nphony orchestra, and whirh shr will render in a recital next season. The program she will play Sunda~· follows: I ·' .. \.. .f ,J ' · '.. . ., ., ~ ~- ... ... .. ' 'I '1 , · . 565 LINCOLN AVENUE WINNETKA- . YOU .A RE PAYING lor the best oil burner whether you have · i t or not Compared with some burners using higher priced oil, Oil-0-Matic often saves cnuugh in four years to heat a house a whole year free! Even over hard coal, it show~ an average saving of 1O jt~; . But you get 20% more heat all season, so it is reallv a 30 % saving. · So you are .actually paying for the best oil burner whether you have it or not. What "reason" now for putting up with coal any longer? $50 puts Oii -0-Matic heat in your house. Take a y.ear to pay the balance. Let us examine your- heating plant today. HOSTESS AT BOX PARTY Tu esday aftcrn~on Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack of 614 L111dcn av~nue enter tained a group of her fnends at a lunclwon at the Arts cluh followed hy a hox party at the afternoon concert of the Chicago Symphony orchescra. Her guests on that occasi?n were \1rs. Thomas Fulltrtnn of Vvt!mctt e. ~1r s. William ~' illiam~on of Chicago. and Hn\'cln ........ Fantaste in C . ma.jor Mrs. Edward Price Rcll. Miss Grac·: ~~n~ ~u·t. .. Variations from Sonata ln A Edwards. and \f r . J .oui-; (lark. p j . maljo~ B ·l rratellf' · !.1·1't 1nven ... ....... · · · · · · ',..., . . l·.,·anston. ~(·arlat ti .... Pastoral and Capncc 1o 1: ..., '- ' ,.... · i\li:-.-, Ruth \ rer le Kinne of 1324 Fl111 ~lt · nd f' l f;sohn .... Scherzo a Caprie~ir · · 16 · 1 at ! t·o~ ··.llmf; 1 · ········ ·~······· \Vieg-pnlH·r ,,·nod avenur ('fltert;nned J f rtl'tHs ~r: · S 1 A prt. ·r 1 < 'hnpi n. ~o(· f urll<' F. minot· op. :>.1 No . 1 luncheon and hndge . at11rc ay. . .. Etude D flat majnr · 10. on the orca~inn of her hirthda.' . i 1.J!-;Z 1 · · · · · · · · · · · · :\1rs. Edward :\f endsen ha" rt'tttrnrc: I (Karl K<" c kuh at the second Plano) tn hrr home at S31 F.ir::rhth "treet after . -ipC' nding the " ·inter ,;,onths \\'ith her . Illinois' invl'stment in electrical sy" si-; ter in :\[innr;tpo li ~ . ' trm . : i..; more than $260.000,000. - o' ·;rio· g· .. ('ntH'Pr t o In A minor. ll'~ mo,· . 1 ... I . l ,. ~. I A -.I ' I · I ~}LwiLLtAMsT r- -~HEATING...__ ·OM~ . .J .... N THE FAR EAST, where your soft and colorful rugs were made, the art of weaving is regarded· as a rite, and the privilege of recording old legends in lasting textiles as a valued trust. ,... ]" This age-old spirit we have brought to America with us. In our care, your beau. tiful floor coverings receive the careful cleaning and repairing that has the backgr?und of venerated tradition. ; .· . ..... / . Sidley Home Utilities Evanston 5 i "7 Dempster St. Univ. 9335 Highland Park 1145 Greenleaf Avenue · Wilm· ette, Ill. 541 ~ Central Ave. H. P. 2490 ·'1'f' , ' . .

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