Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1926, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE A pril 16, 1926 WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR FLOORCOVERINGS. James Evans Dies Ellis C. Latham, at Home of Son, Former Resident, ·nr. R. M. Evans Dies at Brookl.vn I allles l·:ra11:-;, iather of Dr. Ralph M. E~·an:-;, of 27-l(l 1\ersr J\'{'lltle. 1·\·ans ton, with nffirrs at 1150 \Vilmdtc avr nue \Vil111cttL'. died at the ho111c of his · son: 'l'uc :-- day cn·ning, April 1;), ;tt () JO o'clock. I li:-; health had IH:en failing· for the past l\\'f) lllOttth s. death lwing Sen-ices fnr ~fr. Latham wcrr held du. to a rol1lplication of ailment.. :\I onda _ \·, afternoon, April 12, at Ro . chill chaJH'I. Dr. DaYid Stecker of \\' il \fr .. l·:ran -> .. for t!lc past ylc\'rn years. mette. nfticiating. Burial \\'as at Hose - had hn·d \nth In s son Ill ~\'anston . hill , 1 hut la :--t Xovcmber went to Pmc Bluff. · · ) ·, Ark., to remain inrlcAnitcly with an:\fr . Latham \\·a:- horn 111 Hill. .. tht· son. . ] . 1 · \ \l 1: ·a . d re 1:.1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 I o t1 1c r :-on , os p 1 · · \ n s, <1 11 0 f r u > >ar< a~~( : 111 ~ 1.. a~ ~all'. \\' 10 r 11 '<1 'from the South onl a week /"·ere alllong \\ dmc1tr s carlw-; ~ ~l'lllt- r s. tu c t S. E len . r. ·.v~ns and c;-~me 'to \\'ilmettc :tt the ~ll"\' of ag·o 1as 'ttn<1~y, w 1 · 1e< 1 111 · t1 ··11 went to ~ St. 1? lC' ':1 :tgc · Lout s to meet ·hun. .. . - ~· cars. II r re st( until ]()00 " ·hen he \\'Cnt to Iho()kh·n. ~I r. 1·.\·ans \\·as born at Scottvtlle . He \\'as prominently identified \\ith the ·111.. XoY. 22, 18~2. For many y~ars he_ \Vilmcttc ~[rthodist church in it.; wa s engaged 111 the profcsston ot rarlier daY s. and a nH' Ilthn of 1·.·:;, 11 -; teaching in the public . chools of Tlli Lodgr, 52-l, A. F. ancl A. ~1 ., ;-tt nois. \Villiam A. Evan s, . who for a Evanston, "·ith " ·hirh he continued number of years wa :; prcstdcnt of the affiliation until 11i~ clrath. Tie " ·as OIH' Illinoi s St<ltL· Normal at Bushnell, was of the organizers of the Latham ?\fa- his brother. chinery company of :\e,,· Yt>rk and The snrri\·ing members of the im Chicago. mediate famly, in addition to Dr. Surviving ~~ r. Latham are hi s " ·iclo\\·, EYans, of Evanston, arc Joseph \V . Bertha .A. lien Latham. t hrrc children. Evans, of Pine Bluff, Ark.; Harry D. Harry Clifford Latham. ).f r s. ] ohn C. Evans, of Joplin, Mo., \vhere also rc\Vra\· and ~fiss Jean Latham, all of sides hi s < ·lnly daughter , ~~ r~. ~famil' Brooklvn: two sisters. ~~ rs. Le\\'is B. Pflug. Snritwrr and ~1iss Hattie B. Latha111 Two brother~. DaYid H. and \Vyman of \\~ilmcttc. and a hrothcr. Carl R. atH I 1\\'0 ststcrs, · 'I ·' rs ..S acl' 1e A . J o 1 111Latham of EYanston, formerly of \Vii - son, and ~Irs. :Mac Garris<)n re side at mette. Seattle, \Vasl1. Fun era I sc n·icc s \\'ere cond uctccl GIVES LAYMAN 'S VI EWPOINT Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the "Religion from a Layman's View- residence of Dr. Evans on Ree se point" will be the subject for the I street, hy th e Rev. George P. Magill. North Shore Cong-regation at its scrv - , pastor of the Fir st Pre sbyterian ices· this evening in the Glencoe Ma- · church, of \\'i lmctte . Burial was .1t . so nic temple. The speaker will he : M emorial Park cemetery. Gen. Ahrl Da,·is, of_ Glencoe. Thr - - - - - -----sermonettc for the Religiou s sc hool of 1\Irs. Harold McKenzie of Evanston. the Congreat ion next Sunday morning will entertain the Young People '~ will be "On Your Honor." I Bridge club at luncheon Friday. The older residents of \Vilmettc ·were grieved, this week to learn of the death, Friday, April 9, of Ellis C. Latham, for 111a1n· vrar:-; a resident of the village. at B.rocll-:ln1. 1\. Y. Death \\'as clue to and attack of pneumonia. · ....J; . - I . "" I J Quality Created the DemandDemand made Possible the No. · P R I·c E {E . ' . Sq. yd. ·' · F LO~~g~~UM S!.2~~~:n LOORCOVERING St. I PECUUJSTS I ). . The Mcilvaine Oil Burner Simple because tnany· rc<rulatin<r devices arc h tnacle unnecessary bY con tin nons operation. ~ " K E EP S THE FOOT WELL" Today's Styles as dictated by Arch Preserver THESE MODELS of The Arch Prcsen·cr Shoe arc charmingly typical of the newest ideas in footwear . And Arch Preservers give happy foot comfort as well as style! .. · Sale because no gas pilot light or electric ignition is neede d. · Eeonomieal .. ~ .. because oil burn ing. at a n1odcrate rate g tYes greatest nutn bcr of h ea t units. THE 'BARRIE A step-in pum p in beige k id with trim of saut erne kid. Shaped Heel. A n ideal snoe for sprin g. THE FAIRWAY For golf a nd sport wear . T wo t on e ox ford of dee rsk in wit h repti le trim. Gro -cord sole. Style with comfor t. MciLVAINE OIL BuRN~R SALES Phone Winn. 147 788 Elm St. See page 3 g, April Harper' s Bazaar fiRCH ~lf~ERVEJl 630 Church St. THI ..· ,. I - WINNETKA SH Q P Inc. Evanston, Ill. lllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIImiiiiHit

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