Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1926, p. 42

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4? WILMETTE LIFE April 16, 19?6 .., .VILLAGE OF WILMETTE NOTICE OF ELECTION .·I · -~ I .I I Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION will be held in the YILLAGE OF WILMETTE on Tuesday, April twentieth, 1926,_for t~e ·purpose of voting for . the following officers: "- ONE VILLAGE CLERK , ONE VILLAGE TREASURER .THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES TWO DIRECTORS OF FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY That fot· th vurpoHe of holuing· said election the Villa~c of WHmette 1 shall be ctivilh' <l into <'l{'Vf'll precincts as follows: Precinct J\o, l. 11t>g-inning- at the intersection of the Chicago and North Western R. R. a.ncl center line of Twelfth Street in the Village of Wilmette JH.i)!lurt>cl south : tlwn<'e northwestt>rly along- th<' Cht'cago anrt. North "Westen1 H. R to its ·intersection with the Nortt. limits of the Villag·e of 'Vilmett e: th <'nc·f' (·:t!-;t along- sa icl north limits line to the east line of R<'ction 2~; tht' lll' f' 110rth ~long- th<.'.o~·a!'t line of Sr·ction 2. to the east and w es t centcr lin P of Sl·Ction 27: thenve N\St along snid <'nst and west c r nter line of SE.'ction 27 to ' thP ('l'lltPr line of Twelfth 8tr<'et in the Villa~e of· WllmPtte: thence s0uth along- the center lint> of Tw Plfth Strrl"t and saicl Twelfth ~tn'e t pt·odUCf'fl to the C hieag·o and :\'orth \Vt-~ I P I'II n . n ., the point of h ginning·. All ' in 'I~ownship 42, Rang-e 13. · Polling Plnt·t·: \"lllngt" lln11, \Vllmettt", Ill. · ':l.long the so uth limits of th<' Villag·<' of Wilm eth· to tlH~ ec nt e r lin e ot Woodbine Avenue : thence north along· tht · c·" nt"r lin~> of Wootlbine Avenue and Eighth Street to the centPr line of Crt·t·nlt·a f Avt~ nu e, the point Of Leginning. All 1n Township 42, Ran~e 13 . Polling l"lnce: Ka~o~hlan Hrvfol., 114:-. (~rf"{'lllt·af .\n·ntw, \\' llnlt'ft{', Ill. · Prt·clu<'f .'Vo, S BPginning at tlw intPr~t ·< ·tiott r~f thr !'hi(' ag-o [lnd North 'V estern Railroad an<l Wilm e tte Av<'nU ('; t h t'll('t · sou th Wl'S t f' rly n.long e1e cen t er lin e of Wilm ette AYen' ue to tht· c·t·nt··t' litH· of JUd ge Av(:nu e; th e nce sout h along th e centt·r lin e of Hirlg-P .-\ \"t' llll·' to tlw south limits 0f the Vi11a~~e of Wilmett e; th e nrl' E'nst ::dong tht' south limit!-l <lf the Village of WilmPtte to the ccntt'r lin e of th l' C'hi(·au;o and N'o rth Wf'~tern Hailroad: th<'nce northw rste rly along· the t'E' Illt' r lin " n [ thl' C"hicn.go an(l North Western Railroad to th e ct~tltl'r line of \\.il m..tll · Av r·n ll l' th e point of beginning. All in 'I'ownship 42, Range 13. Polling Ph\ce: Hell Drel"~ ShoJ·, 1217 Wilmette \ n ,, \\' lhnt>ttt>, Ill. J>rt>einct N·o. D. Beginning at th e int e rR<' Ction c.r tht· C' hi rago nncl N o rtn 'V<.' stPrn Railr~a tl an<l the c~>ntt:r lin t: of 'V ns h ing-ton .\vt·nut· : th<'llCI' w est alon~ the C<'nter line of Washingt o n AvenuP t o tlw c·t·nt·· r lin (· of Park Avenu ; thenc e northw cHte rly a lon g th <' C<' llt <' r lin· · of l ·'a t·k Avt ·ltU to th e center lin e nf Ln.ke Av e nufl; thence w est along thP ····ntr·r !itt·· of Lake Ave n u e to the c e n t e r li n e of R i rl go c A v c n u I' : t h ·' n c·t · s n 11 t h a In 11 g- 1h I' c ··n t c t· . lin e of Ridge Avenu e to ' thP center line of \Vilm..tf· · :\\'<' Ill!· ·: tlwnc(' P:-tst and northeast [llong- th e cf'nt<'r lin e of \Vilm ttr· An' ttl tt· to thr cente r line of the Chicago anrl North W este rn Hailr r ~nd : th ··n{··· nnrt hwesterly n.Jong tlw center lin e of thf' Chicn.g-o ancl :\'"orlh \\···!-lt··rn lt :lilr r>acl to the c·'nter lint> o f \V~u~ hin g ton Avenue, th<' p oi nt of IP ·ginning-. All in Township 42, Range 13. Polling I,ln<'f."! J,ognn S<·hool Dnsement, f't· nlrat and l'rairif', .\Yt'!>l., \Vilmettc, Ill. PrN!inct No. 10 B eg inning- n.t the rf:'ntc·r l inr· of thr' C' h i,·:t~t· and North 'Vest ern nailr o::Hl : nnd th<' south limit s' of t lw \ "i ll :u..;··· "f K r·nilworth; thence west along ~he south limits of th e Vil\:U!. t' of 'K('nil\\'orth tCI th (' north and so uth C<'nter lin e of Sertion 2. : th· · tH't· Sll tt tlt :tlong- th (' north And sout h center line of S ec tion 28 to thl' ("'"t"r l inl' r.r L:tkr· A\'\'llU <': th<'nce (last along the center linP of La.k <' AY <' lltlt' t o th 1· <' I' ll(('!' litH' of Pn.rk Av <' nue: thence Rout h easterly n.lon~ the r!'ntc·r lin<' of P a ri< Av <' ni! P to th<' r·Pntt'r line o! Highland Avenue; thence northr-a"tt·rl~· :tlon~.: thP Cf' tltPt· lin <.' of Hig-hland Avenue to the centf'r lil t<' of t hr Chi('n!:;o an<l North \YC'~t<'rn Hailroacl; thence northwr!'lt <' rl ~· :t lon g t h .. f'h i l'a~o anrl ~orth T~Yest<'rn Hai1road to the south lim its nf tlw Yilln.g. · of K Pnil worth, the point of l> rg· inning. All In Town~hip 42, Han g·,.. 1:l. Firf' ~tntion, s:,m :Urlin !'it., \\· llnu·tt.-. Ill. 1-.rt>dnct No. 11. Ti r·~ inning ;tt the ~nutlw:-~ st r·o rrwr of Lot thirt\·-ninP (39) in County Clerk's DiviHi o n runnin g thr nr(· Wt' st :-t1011t~· tht · South line of l.Jots thirty-ninf' (39), thirt~·-<' ig· ht ( ~~) anrl thirt~·-s .. ,·l'n <:l7) 1n said County C'lP t·k's Di\· isinn to th P ~outll\\'<'st rornf'r r·f ~a irl Lot thirtr ~E'Ven <37): tlwnc e North nlong- thP '\V<'s t lin nf sai d T. n t fhirty -SP \'f'n <~7) to th 0 cf'n tf'r linP of Cr oss T'nint Av Pnue (oth 0nv isP lnt··wn :1~ <~ll'nviPW Ron.d); thenr e ~outhw<'~tprl:"-· :tlnng- tlw r.f'nl<'r lin P nf s~ti<l (~r·o ss Polnt AY·' l1U(' to the West lin P o f Fracti o n:\] S<'rtion thirtv-thr· ·,. r ~:n: tll<>nrl" l\!'orth alnnp tlH' \V <'s t lin l' cd ~<;a id l<'rn ct ionn.1 S··<·1i~lt1 thirt,·- thr<' f' (33) to th P ~ r r· lin<' of T!.<>!nwnl!l .\V·' nll <': th PI1f'<' :"\nrthw P~f·· rlY :tlong th P f'f'ntrr lin e nf n(·i nw[l]rl AvenUI' to th e> ('f'nter litH· of . \ \'{ )(':\ . \ ' :. 11\.11'; tht·JI('I' P s t£>i·l :v n l n 11 g t hI' r I' 11 t Pr I i n <> of A" o C' :1 A \" " nu P to t lw l· n t f' r 1in(' of Lor11 s t Str<' flt: tlwnc- P :'\nrth n l o n g- th·' r·P n t~' r lin ~" of L nc ust Stl· <' e t to the Nori !1 line r·Xt<'tHlNl \Vt' ~t of Kf'ttilworth First A c lclit ion: t h~'nf'f' F.nst :~long1!1 <' ~orth lin<' of sni!l Kf'ni1worth First A!l!lition to thP East line of th f' Southw(·st qnnrt<'r (~\Vlj~) nf th0 ~orthwest (]Urtrt r r (N\V1,4) of S<'ction twent:-.·- ni.nl' c 2!1): thenrf' North al o n g- sai!l East lin p to th(> Norfh lin<' of Lot seven ('l) Marir Alles Subclivision; thence> East nlong- f;n.icl North line to thl' ('!'ntPr li1w of (,r. PI' l t>\· A\'f'nUt': thPnre ~orth along: thf' renter· line of <1r<'C'lf':">-" Av<'nU P to 1hl' North lin r o.f tlw 'V ef;t tPn (10) ncrf's of th o South nin t>tren and thirtv-fo11r hnnclr('(lthf; (1!).~4) n<'res of thr North sixty rr.n) nrr ~' s nf thP South hnlf (S 1 ~ ) Northwl'st oun.rter <:'HV%) ~ection twt>ntv-Pig·h t <2~): thl'llf'<' lt:ast along sairl North lin e twelvP hundre d f c.r ty-.Pight n.nd twf'nt:-.·-t hr e<> hundt'Nlth (124R .2 3) fe<'t : tl1 P111'<> Northt>asterly two hundred anrl eig:hty-two (282) feet along lln f' hPtwe Pn Indin.n Hill consolidation in s:-~irt Sections twPnty-f'ight (28) ancl twenty-nine (29) nn!l Lot thirtY -~<' v r n (~7) Tnrtinn Hill Suh·livision ~umb<'r four (4) to Northl'rl:'o' rot·ner of sai!l Lot thirty-sE:"" ~ n (~7); thenC'I" Sonthrnsterly and F.astt'rly along thP Nortlwrl:v liMs of said Lots thit·ty-S £' \'<'n (37) and thirt\· -s ix (!jf1) of ~nirl Tnflinn Hill Subdivision Numh(·r four (4) to the Northeast cornf'r of snirl Lot thirty-six (36); thence South twenty-two anct <'ighth-tenth (22 .8 ) fet>t.: thence East one hunrlrecl a.ncl <'ighty-one and thirt~·-one hunclredth (]R1 .31) feet to the c~>nter lin<' of Ridge Avenue; thf'ncP ~C' · tthPasterly along tht> <'<'ntE>r line of Ri<lge Avenup to the South 1;np of Lot thrPe (3) in Lauerman's subdivision extendrd F.n.st; thence .J·'n st to the North ancl ~outh halt 1'1;2) Section 1inc of said Section twentyPight (2S): thf'll('P ~outh along sai(l half Section line an<l :~..long the North and South h.df (lh) Section line of ~ect ion thirty-thr<'e (33), Township forty-.two (42) North, Range thirtee.n (13), East of the Third Principal Meridian to thf' pln.ce of beginning-, sit un.te<l in the Township of New Trier, Cook County, Illnois. Polling Plnet": Duildlng fornurly known liN (;roNH Point \ · lltnge Hnll, IC l,clge A , -.. nue, " nc·ttr Wnslalugton A , .l'nut-, \\' llmt>tte, Ill. · · 1-.r,.('lta{'t Sn. 2. nf'g-inning at th e north lin e of tlw Villag-e of "\Vilm<:'tte and Tenth Street; th e nce wc·st n. l ung· thl" n orth lin e of th e Vil1n.ge or Wilmett e to the cPntC'r line of Twelfth Street; lht·lll' f' !'Ollth ~tlnn~ the centPr line of TwelCth ~trPet atHl Twelfth Street JH'Otluc c d south to the center line of Gn·(' niNlf Avrnue: thenc e east along th e center line of Gr een](':t'f Avenuf' tn the ccntt>r lint' of Tenth StrePt; th e n~ ,, n o rth along the centf'r lin(' of · Tenth StrC'f't t o tho north lin e of th e Vill::q:.;· <' of Wil mette, the point of beginning-. All in Township 42, Ran g-f' 13. Polling Pln<'f': Ylllng{' Hnll, \\' ilm<·tt{', 111. .. ' · r- ,. Prt>clnct No. 3. Beginning at the shore line o f Lake 1\fi<'hlg-an n.nd the J~·>rth limit" of tlH' Villag·f' of \Vilnwtt c: tlH' Il CP w 0~ t n lnng- tlw north limit s of th 0 Yill:tu,. nf \\'ilml'ffl" tn tJw r'C>l' fPr litH' nf ' l' <' ntl) Strc·d; then c(' south alon~ the centf'r lin e of T<'nth ~trcet to a point opposite the main entrance to thf' building· on th e School Property hcinr:: the cast ancl wt>st rPnlr·r lint· of Lqf <: !I :t"d 111 in l~lorl\ ~:1. \ ' illnc·p of \\' ihlJI'ttP Suhclivisiou: thence east on a lin <' throug-h th<' main \'ntrancc to th e north building on the ~chool prop<'l'ty to th e cent<'r litH' of Ninth Strl'H; tlll: nce north along· !)H· ('t ·l1t ' ·l' li' '" n f 'Vi "' h ~·r r· · · t tn th t· ('Pnt<··· Iiiii' nf F' OI'P!-;t AVPilU e; th e n ce east and northeasterly along the centet· line of Forest Avenue to th· ~ center lin <' of Michig·an Ave nuP; th e nc e so uth e asterly along- the center lin l" of ~fi r- hi ..·:,., :\\·r· '"' ~' f" t]1,. ,· .-n t· ·r litH· nf L:1k .- Av l' nn<' : tht>n(·e north easterly along the cent<'f lin e o f Lake Avenue to the ~hore of<:., La.k e 1\Tichlgan; thence northwesterly along the Rhore of Lak 1\fi c higan to th e plact> of beginning. All in Township 42. Hange 13. Polling Places IJyron Stol1· S<·hool, \Vllmt>ttc. Ill. PrN·In<'t No.4. · L e g·inning at the shore of Lal<e l\fiehi~an and the center lin l' of L'll\ P :\ Y"llllt' in th .. \'illnc-<' of \Vilmt'tff·: thr>nr c ~ont heasterly :-tlr>n ~ n, ,. . ('tH1t·"' l inf'O r· f T 'llr" ,.\ vnn 111' t() jl)(\ f'r>nfPr )il11' of 1\fichig-nn Ave nue; thence northwesterly aloPg the center lln<' of 1\'Tichig:an Avt>nue to the center line of Forest Avenue; thence southwester!\· :mel west alongtltE' ce>nter lin<' o f ForC'st :\\' (' 11\.l f' tn tlH' rrnte r· lin e of ~inth Stref't: thf'nct> srouth :rlong- th<' cl'ntPr lint· nf :'\inth :-itr.· r t to a nnint onpo~it<' the Cf'ntf"r lin" flf' T ,n t <: q ... .,1 1n ;,. ~'1· >~· 1 : "~ in \\'i 1 P " ft0 \ ·ill··p·p ~nl·rlivision: thf'n('f' vip~t throu g- h th main f'ntrn.tH'C' to ~he north huilcling on the sch.ool propPlf\· fn th" f'<'lltrr linf' nt' 'l'Pnth ~tred\ : th<'ll<' f' south along- thf' cent<.'r lin <' o f T I' n t h . · t r I" f' t t o t h P c·" n t P r I i nl' o f n n ·{' rll N\ f .\ \' c 1111 ,. : t h t> n r f' <' :1 s t a 1o n ~ tl't<' rPntPr lin l' of (irr>l'nl p;lf l\" "11 \11' f n fl1,.. I'Pllt"" lin,. nf Eic·hth ~tr<'et: tht>n<'E' north along- th r C'entt>r lin <' of Eighth Stn·(· ( tn th0 f'(·lltcr lin e of rf'ntrnl .r\Yf'n\1<' : fl1t ·l'(' t· l' n~t n]nng- thf' ('f'llfPr l itH> nf ("pntrn 1 Avenuf' to t h f'. c f' n t r· r 1in P of S 111' r i< h n Ron cl : t h 0 n c P s n 11 t h ··n ~ t I' 1·1 v : t1 on g- t h P center line of ~h P rillan R0nd tn thP ('l' llt<'t· of tht · N'nrth :-ihnrl' rhnnn r l: thPnce northen~ter!Y Rl ong- the North ~hor e Chann('J to tht' Shon· of Lak<' Mi c higa n : th ence· northw<' s tf'rly [l]ong· the short· of Lalu.~ :\Tkhig-nn to thf' point o f bt>glnnlng;. All In Township 42. RnngP 13 . Polling Plnct·: Byron Stolp S<·hool, 'Vllmt-Ht-, Ill. Prf'<'in<'t S··. r.. 1:l'c·inni 11!!' nt th l' shor<' lin0 ot' L:tk·· -;\liC'hi!.!'an nn<'l the <'entf'r litw of tlH' ~orth ~horp Cha11nel: thf'tll' l" ~o nthw <.'stl'r !v along the center lin e of thc !\'orth Shore Channrl to the l' r·nt<'!' linf' of ~hNiitan Roa<'l : tr.enrl' northwf'~tPrly along the Cf'qter line of ~h l'!'irl :t n Hnnrl to thf' center lin f' of ('(>ntrn1 AvenuC': thf'nCP W('St along the Ct>tltPr lin r or Centrn.l AvenUP to the ct>nter line of Fifth Street: thence south alonc- the ce12ter line of Fifth St'r <.'et to th e so uth lin e of the Village of 'Vilm e t l<': thence east along the south Jin f' of the Village of Wilmette to th e shore of Lake 1\1 ichlg-an: th PnrP north\'·: ef; terly along the Shore of Lak e ~Ii c hi~an to the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. Polling Plrace: Kroll & Smith, Inc., 410 4th St., " ' ilmt-ttt", 111. PrN·Inct "So. n. R<'l!innin"g" nt the Intersection of Fifth Street and ·Central Avenue; th e n<'e west along the center line of Central Avenue to the center linE' of Eighth Street; thence south along the centl'r line of Eighth ~trPt"t and Woodbine Avenue tf1' the centH line . o f Isahella St_reet: th~_nce cast along the center line of Isabella Street to the ~Pnter lmf' of I· 1fth Rtreet· thence north along the center line of Fifth Str<'et to th e center line o'l' C'elltral Avenue, the point ot beginning. All in Township 42, Han~P 13. P o lling Place: IJnurt-1 ~\ _ S chool. ('ornt-r 'i"th n net I.nurel Ave., "~11mette, Ill. Preelnet No. 1. Beginning at th e in tHsection of ~ighth Street and r,rPenleaf Avenue: thence w<'st along- the cen~er ltne of Gr~enlea~ Avenue to the center line nf thl' C'hi~agn and ~01:th Western Ra1lroad, thence southeasterly n.long the cf'nter ltn~ <;>f th<' Chtca!?o an~l North Westvrn Railroad to the south limits of the Vtllagt> of 'V1lmette; thence east · I "r · - ,.t". no .. ' ""'.

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