Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1926, p. 44

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44 WILMETTE LIFE April 16, 1926 .. The Women Leaders Attend Tea in College Hall SHERIDAN ·'The Home of Good Coffee'·' CAFE Is now owned and operated by Paul and Dion Boushikas, who bought out the interest of John Boushikas. EXCELLENT MEALS- LARGE PORTIONS GOOD SERVICE ----------------------------------------------------J Established 1854 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72. Yean Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals considerably 6 1 :1 Davis St. Phone University 449 Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3 3 54 CHICAGO 1oo E. Erie St. Phones Supuior 7709-7710 Tbe \\'omen of the governing board of the National Kindergarten and Elenwntary college were entertained a·t tea in Harrison hall last Monday afternoon. April 12. Gifts from indlvid uals and organizations have made possible the very attractive furnishing of several of the class rooms and offices. and the members of the hoard. who have · had ·an important part in this work. thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of going through the new building!'. Tea was serve{) in the alumnae club room. ~1 rs. P. \\'. Bradstreet, of \Vin netka. Mrs. George Groves of Evanston and ~frs. B. F. Langworthy of \Vinnctka, asstst111g. Mrs. Andrew MacLcish of Glencoe, and Mrs. \V. T . Hall of Evanston , members of Miss Elizabeth Harrison's original mothers' classes, Mrs. Perc" Eckhart of Kenil\\·orth and Miss Jane Adams of Hull Honse. \\'ere among those present . ] ohn R. vVallacc of 1724 Liahclla street, Evanston, returned last week from a· five or six week..,· crui~c to Cuba and Jamaica. ~[ r!'. \\' ilmt'ttP naptist ~·hun·h, will. re~urn on ~atur<la:> e venin~:: from Birmingham, Ala., where he haH ue~n attending· the Quad1·eJ~nial ~onventwn ?~. ·th e International CounCil of Rc1Jg10us Edueation . Ht> · ill speak at the morning· :-:vnict- Sunday on Pl:~ce of Education in the Churchs L1fe, taking· as his text tht· words .o f P.aul ~o tlH· l'hilippian:-: . "Hayc · th1~ mwd ~~ ~ ou which wa s also Ill Chnst Jesus. Hev. Francis C Stiflf'r, p~u.;~or of the Baptist Church "!h . ' .... Th,. SuJ~<1a~· ~~ :311. prO\' id<·s all :tg·< ·s. :-;choo1, comnwn~ing- at gradt.·d instructiOn for Tlw 1:. Y. 1'. l' . will m<'{'t at ii:30 in ('hildrvn's hall. and will U(.' led hy :.\Ji:-;s .Jl';~n ('ampbell. at :\ln!. .1 . c. l:layloek will be the kacler th<· d< · ,·o ti~tn:ll s<'rvic<' of the grown-ups at ;, :30 in the South \Vest I'Ol!lll. <) n ~ 1u JHI a~ · t ~ v <' 11 i n g· at S o' e1 o e k th Pn· will t,,. a nw<>ting of tht · Hunday schuul eahind at the ('hureh in Chil<lri·n's hall. . . :\I id - w <·<·l.; lll <'t·t ing for Prayer, I'rais <· and f<~('Ilowship , \\'ednesday t · n · n i n g at 1'1 o · el o c I<. ()n Thu1·s<1a . ' · at ~:~n tht· Camp Fire g·irJ:-; lll l' ' ·t at t h, · ehureh \\lith ?\irs. ~r. I·; Ht·ill. t h< ~ Wolf -Cu bs at 7 ::~o with :\Jr. l:,·n llvlt and at~ o'c·loek thP choir f o1· n · lw i1 r :-;a I u n d <' r t h t' d ' r i<' t i o 11 of :\Iadalnt· <;ildero~· S co tt. -oMrs. George H. Bird of 1010 Chestnut avenue left Thursdav for a \\·eek's ~tay in New York. - ·························--··················w······ I .. The \Vii!Ilt ·lt' · l:aplisl ehurt·!J is lo- ~ A Matter of Your Convenience Madame I QNE of the radvantages to you of owning a Cadillac motor car is the conventence of Cadillac servtce. The Cadillac Evanston Branch, with coni'plete facilities for doing any service wor_ k you require, is not far from your home. Its staff of service experts understands Cadillac cars thoroughly. They know, too, that you want your car returned as promptly as possible. And you will find them always courteous and anxious to help. Cadillac service in Evanston is opcrated with the conventence of Cadillacs always in mind. Inevitably, a service of this high quality is satisfactory to men. ' at til<· (' OI'tH'r of ]<'or, ·s t and \Vil1ndll· :t\'t· llllt ·s. Til <" p:tstor, Jt{:\'. Francis 1'. St iflt·r may IH· sc·<·ll in tht · study during lht · lllornin;.:. s c,f tht· "····I\ l<Xt·t·pt :\londa.'·· 111' b~ · appuintlllf'lll. Tht· ( 'hurch otliCl', in <"harg-,· of _\fiss ~L1lwllt· H <·nnae J.;c· r . is 011 ·n CaC'h t1:1 \ fro111 !· t" I:! :tlitl I tu ;,, C'los illg a;·~~ .,·,·lcwl.; olt S:tturda .\ · . <Jtlit·· · II"I· · · I' 11·) lit ·. \ , . i lilt I . t I (. ~ ~ :l ~. c·at<·cl ).lr ~. ).far. ' · Del.on,:.: \lf 1(,,2(, \\' ilmd1t: pany oi IH. r irit·nd . , on thl' IICra:-ion ui her i)lrth · day. The n·cning ,,.a-, spc.nt pla .nng bnnr ~>. l~eirohnltllh \\"ere SL'f\ ec:. ... an·tHH.' \\·a!- gin·n a -..urpri:-L' ~fonday en-ning; l>y a . group · Luncheon for the Business Man UNCHEON in "t he club cor ner" at The Central ·cafe~teria is a regular parr of the day's propram for many North Shore business men. Join them today · at "the round table." You'll meet at least a dozen of your friends here at the noon hour whenever you come. Sundays 11 to 5 Personal :supervision ot Fred Miller · · J L r ' EVANSTON BRANCH CADILLAC 1810 Ridge Avenue Evanston , .. & · University 8600 Rogers Park 9133 CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nelson Building Central Aue., ea3t of W ilmettt Avt. · ·" WILMETTE . '-

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