Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1926, p. 54

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54 WILMETTE LIF .E 1 ,April 16, 1926 7 HOOM:; AND BATH; 4 H.OOM C01' tage in r e ar. Lot 50.x187. 879 Ch e rry st. Winnetka. Inqu1re at cottage be. ,->mo ()J" MORE OF THE ·Ko.RT. H 7 -,t t w'ee n 5 and 7 1). m., Satur·lay p. m. 'Shore home buyers ar now ltvtng- , or :;uncl ay. L. E. And e rson . Win Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the t~lephone directory, or iu Evanston a.vartment~ atHl h o t ~ ls . 11 TN29-ltp n e tktt 5!) 6-.T. who are regular subscribers . to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA our r e ntal department givt·s us IllTALK or GLENCOE NEWS. tim ate contact with these huyHs. FOR SALE __ 60 ACRES ON N. E. 15 cents a line- in one paper. 25 cents a ll~ in any two List your horn+:::; fl.lHI Y<H:a nt n.nd corn(' t' Pfingstun and Techny; abouL t IS-papers. 35 cents a Une In all three papers. MINilUUlU rt.>ntal~ with u s. 1 mil e from Northbrook station. CHARGE, 50 cente. Average of five words to the line. No blacl< race YerY reasonable. Phone Wilm ette ' type used. 10% dlflcount on nil enl!lh with order ndvertlseml"ntH when l'ni\·. 470 143i u r Vniv. 2382. brought to our omu~ nt 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or G64 Lincoln A"e., \47 f' hi cag·o Avt'., Evan~t 011 · 1Ll'N29 -ltp \VInnetka. f: hi c·a1-N Of'fit'·· 1 -10;; Title & Trust l!uilding· FOI{ ~ALE IN \VILMETTI<,; LqTs Classt'fted a· dvertisements will be ac1T T:'-:"11 I tc hl , 1 10 h 7th Ul> to Wednesday 12 o'clock for Oll ('lwstnut. As anu, t !:its .. --~--------------:ttul SlH·ri<ln.n ,.,·i th rip. rights un<l the \VtLMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 112 o'clock tor the ~l ]lit'rs; li't tl e down; long- tim e. .John WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. .1. '\ 'j' I'. ' Uag·e , Vineland, New Jer st·y. Tel phones: \Vilm<'tte 102~-1!)21 or Winnetka 2000-2001. \\'IL~IETT1·, s-H.OO.:\I F H.\.:\~ I~ . 1L2S-tfe hous e with furnnc·t · l~t · at; ·) ftrl' places; wooch <1 lot with ~~~ f····t front Ft H~ SALl;~ - CHOICI·~ H~SIDE:--lTIAL (room ' enoug-h 1'or· :t not ht·r hou ~ ~: ); lot opposite Skol< ie dub; 60 x 1 X2; i ·HE.\ l. ~S'l'.\'l'JJ; bricl< street; n.ll improv.·nH · nt~ patti; tn·es and shrubs. Bargain at '$12ri HEAL f~STA~'E g-oo<l lo<'a lion; eolt\'. to se ltnob an<l ; L ft. C':.tll ~frs. Davis, GI<'JH:oe 207. tran~porlation. Y t:>ry t> as~· t ...· rn~s lLTX ~!l-ltc wffil® :tnd illltn C!liatf' ])OSSt·~sillll . l!u~· th iS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :ttJrl sto p paying- l't·llt . FOR .SALE A 1' NOH.THBH.< >OK; SO ACRES-WHEELT:-\n TO\\":'\SHII'. ~ c!J W . near Dunde e ron.d. !li 10.000.00 cash, l!PA P'l'TFT"L :'\l·~ "· ~' nH~K .\ l'D J1tlrrou~ths moll. r es .: JH'in. pav e d ~t.; 2 hll<s. to 1 1 $450.00 per acre. st11ci:·o hous f' on l ot <'7 ,:.x 11l :, with 2',-. rlt·pot.' l~a rg-ai!1 at $~.r>OO: ea~y $36,000.0(1 f·n.r p_·aragf' nnd nriv;rfp th'l\' e \\'a~·. 11:-.7 " "ilnw tt P .\\'t·. T· ·l. \\"il. ti40 t t·rms. A. f: . Kauk P, Northbrook. Lorn t C' cl 2 hlork~ frn··1 "t'hnol" a ·Hl 3 1 LT:\":!~l-1 tt· Tel. 213-M-2. 1 LT~2!'1 -2tp hlncks from t1·nnsno· ·tn t ion in S. E. 20 ACRES - Northfield -township, 1320 "\\,.inn e tka: pontains " rnoms. in c lU!l )Il'S1' n1~ SOLD 7 IH>Ol\1 JIO US8. ft. front on Glenview road. ing 4 l wclrm~ . anrt ·· haths. Own e r living- a nt1 sleeping- JWn.: h ('s; all in TERMS $40,000.00 f o r rNl to SP 11 :11 rns t . \Yi II <lPcnnt t P, ~ id P n e wl y d rco ratc·d . Tt · l. \Vinn. l:tnt1S<'f11H' and f\ni~-;h '"suit for· Ma\· ;,-lfi-J o r sN· th o ow nt·r, 14 S7 A~bury 120 ACRES \Vh('elln~· township; 1s t l>os-.;..-ssion . :\Tr . ~l .· lang· tnn . " ·i J- :\lnDI·; H:-..: fi-1{011:\1 l! (l :\11'; 1.:'\ EAST .\.v e. · 1LT:--r 2.~-3t' Stn.te Highwn.y; will di\'itl· · into ~0\\' innt·l I\ a wit h i' n :~ block s nf g-ra dl· '1H' tt P ~!199. or 40-60 or 80 a<'re tr nl't~. and halhing· " ' AXTEJ> s<·hool. hig-h ~who1>l THIU J HEAT· Bl'Y TERMS ht':tt·h; :! g·l;tsst·d pordtt·s : g·ar ag-1· ow 11 c·r- varant husinl'~li pr o J H · rt~·. and dri\'··: lot ;,ox i..J ~·. t)\\' llt'l' t·:lllt·tl Addn·:-:s \Vii. Lift· A- :O..ri t. ~0 ACRES " ·h C' t·ling· ttl\\' nship, ll N H' l"11i\·. !tlOO Ill' ~1 1 1) 1 t il \\ ' ··" 1 <'oa~l. \\'ill sell a t ;!1 1~.,;.110 . ILT:'\2!1-1 t(' Arlington Ht>ig-ht~. on Ha1111 rmttl 1 LT:-\2!1 - 1t e across from golf elub. ~:;no . oo pn ~f. JOTL\'STO~ RE~T ·-- S J!() ( n1 O H. ac r e. \\'il. tiS an1l t !.J :{ -1 tl l.i lldt·ll . \ \ "t ·. hou so·: 2 h:-~th s; l (' 1' 111 S (;fl. 1J \\r i II $10,000.00 TER~IS 1 LT29- l t1· 1 LT.:'\2 !1- 1 t<' llHka. 121~ . # J.P) CID, 10 .Af'RES :":t·W Tri ... r Township , Jo'( l]{ HALE .\ T'l'ILH;TI \ . E ~- H.(H HI Fl lit S . . \ Ll ·: · - :;o FT. li)T I·;A~T ()F Yt·ry gno1l lnt·;t1it>ll . hom t>; lot·:tt·· tl 1i llt ·s t northw<·st · :-·w\'Hidg-o· 1)11 \\ 'as hin~toll ; so uth front. $30,0 00 . 0(1 PHl CE tion; 4 · h l·dr ootnf.:; ~ !laths : / h . w . T I · l. \\' i IIII I ·I I '. I ·I ;{ ~ . 1 L T .:'\' 2 ~~ - 1t p h f'a.t; oi l burllP!'; :!-<'H I' g-anlf(t·; lar g·,. ::w1 i"T. I·'JtOXTAI:E ()\' !·: It lllll F'l' . la n<lsca JH ·rl l11t . l·: x··· ·P pt il·tlal \':1lllt Fl >}{ S:\ LJ.: -- I :A HI::\ I :'\S tlt·lltll : rip;1ri:ln : hi g h bluff : l<llllll:\1 ~:!H.OOo. st'a1Jt·d : ht ·a utiful lwa (' h ; Jarg·' trPt' l:'; pruyt ·d Jot s. l'h rH\o' \\"t·st sitl1· . lt ·s~ than two \' t·ar:-; old: · tlt-sig·n and , 31 Ridg- <' Aw . l'h . Wil. :ltH ". ill nt- tti · t :.!o-:·. 1L~!l - 1tp s t nw t u n· w i 11 · a p lH' a I : l i\· i 11 g- ,. oo 111 \\' i lnH' t t ··, 111 i 1111 is -~~~~~--~----~~--~ lLT:\"2!1-Itt· :·n d nut~U' I' c hamlt~ · r ~~:-.x~:i. l'rit ·P I:<'() It IU: Vl'-1101 . ~ES ... a11tl t· ·rnt !-4 will s uit thtlst· lo(ll<in;.: f11r .J:! I I t h :-;t, J·:nd of " L" t hi :-: t nw of hOJ11 (', For furl lwr pat'1[1)\fY.: li- I~ t H J.\1 l'h q iii'S \\' illllt ·lt· · and 460 1 j, ·ulars l'a ll ;\Tr. f'ur cl'! l. lint· \\'l) t)(lo-d ltJt; tw:ir· Sl' h ools and 1LTX23-I 11· tr:tii SJI . .' !1111 . ~ - 1'110!11 hollH '; fllll' loWINNETKA i - H00:\1 :\}(ll>l~lC'\ f'llti<~ll : 11. w . ll· ·:tt; 111·a r ~l' hO(d s and white colonial ; 2 bath s; toil., J;n· .· 1 ra ll!'JI. $ 1 111 7 rootn honH· ; hL·~t 1st fl.: vapor ht ·:t t ; oil hunwr; <:enF:XI ' Ll'SIYE r\1~1·~.:'-:T:-\ ·· :t s t sidt· I·Jt·;t t i·Hl : s 1111 room: sl+·t ·p t e l' hall ; double g-aragt·; t·ast ~ide loI> a Yis St. ..... Un i v. !II uu or ill~ port ·l· . l.!ar;q..: ·· w1th s itl ~· drin:; cation; price $23,fJUO . httl \\·; tt· · r h··:tt. ::i l ~.ll. WlLL Fl' l{NISH LOT 50xl68 WITH sewer anrl water service, paved Hubhard \Voods- S room l'hoic1· nut c h :,;t r eet; a II PW G-room modern hous e. <ID,n n § ~llilif©®cdlahrP fFJ (Q) col.; e xceptionally larg·e wooded !1\\' .:'\~;;H A:'\XIOGH '1'0 SELl.. Till~ 12 0 0 grounds, well planted: b es t of con1110nt h. holnt· which has b e1· n 1'··'Sti · struction; a real lJuy at $3r),ooo: 111~ 1.1 11 .!· ·11 . \ \ ' ··. I 'h . W i I. li ~~ \ m cH it·IPd into two flats: h. w . }l ('at; ~L~!I - I lt' 1:-t floor 4 room~ an<l bath; 2nd tiOi ~1atn St. I el. 'VII . 22.1 . English Cottn.ge stucco; 7 rooms; 3 tlo01·; 4 rooms and hath : U}l]l e r floor ~-------------------------~-L'1_'~-·-~_!·_ _l __ tc -~.. ,-,l-t __ l_{_l · : ~~--r-----.,-l. ~-.-~. :-t-:, -,-r-(-,-~-.-,~-f-,1'.---l. baths> attached g-arag·e; wt·ll lo1'1-'llting· at$!);, p Pr month mon· than cated; owner anxit1U:s to ~ ll; $2S,GOO. :! 11 tl I >111'd , · x ll ; t t . 1 r 11 , · r : ti \' ,. t' c~< · 111 s pays ea!'l'ying· !'hlHg·t·!<. J,ot ri0xl~1l :111tl l:trt.!."·· ··nt· J, ,,,. d ~lt·t·ping- JWI'<'h; Barg-ains 111 .\creage ft.; clO!;t· in Nlst sid· · lot·a tiotl. GlencoeX room lov<'l ,. hrick colfttr11 i~ht · d ; rt·Jtn)d n c·i 11:.; g-rand pi ano; $1 1 000. Easy t 1·rms. 71111 .\('t't·s at .\T<-lft·llt'Y prit'·· \'·· r . \ · lo w . onial on larg-e woo1lt·tl · ravitH· vropl:trg .· ~:tl':lg,· ; lh r ···· bluck~ fr on 1 roo .-\er. ·s a<ljoittill!.~· l'aul ltadt'l' !'al' k, :\lien, e rty in N . E. sP<'t ion; ~ haths: larg-e I·: !111 :--I I' · · · ; ,.; I :l I i 'Il l . \ \' i 11 n l't k a 1 ~ !i 3. \V:tU ('t lltda. etl<'IO!·H'cl porclws : t>il hurnC'r ; $34,ri00. li t: l. !ndt·ll Av, ·. End of "1." :n:r.:--::n -4 t c :!0 . \t'l't<S tlt ·a ,. t ran~ . in ! >~·t· t·ti(·!d . ] '}Hlltt·S \\' j lttlf·t t t· 407-40~ {i:l .\ert ·s on Kotz !{d ., \\'. of \\' inn. ·t I.; a . 1 L:!!l - 1t·_ · 1·'1>1{ !tEXT -- ti :\lo:-.:TIIS 01{ YE:\I t: i 1 :! .\1·r·· !' on Hill l{d .. \\'iltlll'ti<a . ftlrlli~ht·d modo ·rn houst· ; S room s; {)tJ\t .. l· l,ltil<lit1~· l··t!oi itl ltt(li:\Jl £-!ill t li ~~ baths; laq.!;r· sun parlot· and slt·t·p·\\'II\;.:'\' ETK A ~ t r·ict. ing- por c ht>~; conv. t·lt'c . an<l slt·am f·43 Litlt'(lln .\\'·· . Tt>l. 'Vinn. lid~ li - l{lttl:.\1 S1T(' C'O H<>L'~E : LOC'. l~X TP!t· phott·· F 1 I. \\"ani , \\' ilmHtt· :!0 -11. t ransp . W il. ~08 j. 2LT2!1-1t e 1 LTN29-ltc lLT.:'-:2 3-t fc trt ·ln·· north .. ast Sl·!'tion: <'011\'. t r:tll~. ; sd1ool". l'hllrl'hC's; IH'ar Sht·t·1 ·'1JH 1H~l\T - FUHKJSIIED r. JUH ) ~f i<lan rnad and lak··; houst· Vt'l',\' Wt·li I l>tl,ng:d o w with ::;unpOrC'h; zv~ hlod's FDH H.E:-\T- 'i i{IH):\[ H<W:-\1-: --- $7~·. <'u 11 ~ t1· . ; hug-P liYing room : !-'UII parto Korth Sh<H'I:'; 41h blo<'ks to North lor: PXtra la v . tin;t fluor; g-a.rag t>; Wt·:-; t e rn ::\lay 1-Ud. 1. Call \\'il 1st and 2nd Mortgages lt>t 11il'l'l~· landsntpt·t l. This is your mdtt· lOG ·l. 2LT.:'\2!t - lt e o nportunily to tak1· initiatiVP slt'll ll W 11 \' 0 U I' 0 \\' II h IIlli t ·. ( ) WIll' I' 0 p t' ll I·'OH RI·~:'\T ATTHACTIVE 3-HOOM J'l·'ISO;Iai)Jt· offt·J'. bungalow : bath anrl sleeping- porch; · COH~Eit l'W>l'io:I~TY; 7-HM. UHICK I.:'\Sl.ltA:\C~ full h:~ St·nH·nt; n(·wly dt'Co rat<·rl ; hous·· with Ian;· ~· su 11 parlor a n<l atfi45 !\lain St., \Vilmctle Tel. 65 $G:i . Ofl . \ppl~· 1 0-ll.i l'in e st. \Vin taeh t·d garag·,·: h. w . lH·at with oil 1L20-ttc nHka 7ri2. 2LTl':2!'1 - 1 tc bun11· r: all rootns han· new!\· can- ~2~ Lintlt·n A\'t> . 8tHl of "I../' va:-ost·cl wal!l-;. Small amount c)f cash I l h 0 Ill',.; \\' i lilt I'[ t l . :H ;j 0- ii 1 l'nH Rl~NT -- FURNISHED HOt: SF:; will hand!.· . l'ric··· $1~~.~)00. C'alll\tr. ln<~ST I·:AST Sl LH~ LOC'ATIO:'\ l'o!':--: . Junl· 19: 2 1h or 3 months; 4 1L1'N29-ltc Burn . !1-HOO~IS; ;, J:l·:l>H<H..J;\IS: :t-(.',\1{ <;AIH'tlrooms; 1 hath; sereenE>d porch: rage; t·Xl't>llent t'ondition . ~:!O,uno. g-at·agt>; $12ri .OO per month. PhonE· Terms. Winnetka 624 . 2LTN28-tfc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice _classified advertisements wlll be char~ed only to residents of the district from Evanston to c: t ~-~----------'-l_E_A_L __E __ s~_·_A_T_E_·_________ --------------------------- We Have Hon1e Btn"ers Ra B. B. CLO\T ER & CO. .,.. · f or Jnserttons---cepted · D ea dl tne J · -·- I Ul'- TD. E\ 1 \. , O,OQO .. ,.. Bargains in .Acre Tracts I --------------------I[rm mYlln~lhlll H©illl~® F'. Col'"' lllat ' .. ~ I ·· R. & CO. rrn Ifil .Hn~ Illill&ffi).® IP @1Irlk ~n . ffiOl\{E D.ARG!\[NS .GLENAYRE vVEST WILMETTE · I H·otne \'T ith Incotnc .F }tcA~l·H'ER?OAL ._ ., [p ll ~u ~ ~ -§>- · · I) Edding-ton & Inc. · r J \ \' ibnctte, s Best Buy 1lJIllilill~lill fa1ll CQJ JP) fP) © rrli: lill rmnit y · Charles I-I. Brethold . I ·· 1 f128 Da \'i~ St. l'niv. 9100 or 9101 1L29-ltc UNUSUALLY W:b."LL - Bl'JLT 6-ROOl\1 bungalow; conv. to station and schools ;attractive pl:tl't ' : gal' age; tree~. Price $14,000. S. E. Winnetka lot 7f·x 1;,o ; +:ast front; large trees; 1Jargain at $13ri JH' r foot. Improvements are in and you can now build south of 'Vinnl'tka an'IIUt·., con v. to Indian Hi 11 s t ation-;-lot~ $85 to $95 }>er foot. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winn. 1800 460 \\'innetka Avt>. lLT:\29-ltc FOR SALE BY OWNgR; 5 ACRES on Glenview road; about 1 block from the .!'Jorth ' Sho1·e station. Tel. ·wilmette 1432. n~TN29-1 ta> FOR HENT-MAY 1; 7-J{OOM HOU~~ ; L17i Wilmettl· Ave . l)pp \'ilia!!.·"' Hall ~('l'l'~' lH'tl por<'h anrl slf't>ping· pot'<'h ; PhotH' li \\'ilnwtt·· 1i;>n and 363 g·arag·, .. \\'ill g-ivP 2 vt>ar )ease. !Hl 1 LTN2U-ltc l.illd. · n . \ \'t'. \\"ilm1·tt;. 91!1-l\l. 2LTN29-lt<' HUBBARD 'VOO!>S f'OLOl':IAL (·lapboard: S. K ··x posure; ·1 bed FOR HENT :F'tT I N IS Ill·~ D -- A H TISTIC 1'11lli.; 2 baths; sun and slt>eping· S room hom;e; ~ haths: h. w . hen.t: · por<'ht' s; splendid li\'ing· rn1.: g-arag·e ; garage: larg-e lot : for a Yt>ar or more $2G.OUO . l'hOllt· \\.inn. ~~~6. from June. l'hone \\'itin. 721. 2LTN29-ltc S47 Chicago Ave., Evanston Univ.470 lLTNt!'l-ltt: l.LTN29-ltc FOR RI!J:-\'1' l<TB.N. i-IOUSE FROM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :\". .K Wl~NETK.A BEAUTIFUL .Tunf' 1 to 0<'t. 1st ; larg-t' pleasant nH "'ALDEN ROAD, WINNETKA; white stucco colonial; green tile houst·: ni1.·t> yard: tll·ar lndian Hill t'Otnfortable 7 room stucco; 3 bed roof; 4 bed rooms: 3 baths; sun eluh. \\' innetka 2tilt. 2LTN29-ltc rms. on 2nd fl.; sun parlor; garage; room; lot 50x200: tt>rraced in rear; wooded lot 80x120; excellent loca1arge trees; $33,!>00. Phone Winn. l·'Oit HE:'-lT ·- NE \ V !l-HOOM HOUSF;. tion conv. to train; a good value at 1800. 1LTN29-ltc furu. : for· ~ummer. Can ~ub-Iet 2 $17,000. rooms for $40. "'il. 701-R. GLENCOE -SPANISH STUCCO; TILE 2LT29-tfc roof; 4 bQd rooms; 2 baths; lot fiOx 150 south front: 4 blks. to Glencoe l:"IR HE.:'\T . S-}{OOM FURNISHED SOLE AGENTS station. Price $22,fi00. Phone Win\\'inn. 1800 460 Winnetka Ave. , 'lo".lse: ~2:i0 pt-r month. Glencoe 110~. I netka 828. 1LTN29-1.. tc 1LTN29-ltc 2LTN28-4tp I'lL\CTICALLY NEW 6-H.M. BH.ICK: newly decorated thruout: sun and sleeping porches; tine locatipn. 'Viii consider taking in trade well locat e d 65 to 7G ft. lot in ea.c;t Wilmette, Kenilworth or s. w. or east \Vinnetka. F. J. BUDII\GER & CO. E. E. Stults Realty Co. t ) ·.~~

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