Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1926, p. 55

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June 11, 1926 WILMETTE' LIFE ie cc 1- Offer to Extend Evanston Surface . Line to Glenview If Glenview but says the word, t he Evanston Stree't Ra il way company, whi ch now te rmina tes at the Forest P rese rve abo ut a mil e southeast of th e village, will he extended on into town. and through to its western limits, if it is so des ired. This Ya luable acquisition in the wa\' of transportation, has been tendere~l Glenview, "on a silver platter," so to speak. In other words; C. F. Speed, representing the trect car company, in add r essing t he Gle nview Chamber of Commerce, at a recent meeting, said the company is anxious and read,, to extend its line, providing G l enYiC\\~ desires it, and it is to be without expense to Glenview. ~f. F. Grenning, vice-president of the Glenview Chamber of Commerce who presided at the meeting in the ah~ sence of President Rugen, referred the proposition of Mr. Speeds to the ciYic's committee with instructions to take the matter up with the Yillage hoard. Open New Subdivision I ' Near Lake Front Soon Another of McG uire · and Or r's beautifu l new subdivisions of the Ma honey homestead in Kenilworth, it is a nnounced, will he placed on the market June 26. This is the nn· last of the near-t hclrtkc acreage t11is side of High land Park. There arc about six acres in the tract. which ha\'8 been subdivided into 1 fourtvcn lots on a beautifu l winding ~treet nallled Tudor place. Some of the lr·b Clllllprise almost an acre in extent. Thr smaller fJnes have the minimuin of 12.500 square feet as requ ired hy the Kenil\\'orth zoning ordinance and wi th paving and all improveme nts in an<.l paid for and highly restricted in acC(Jrda ncc "·it h other properties of this -,erticllt. comprise an unusua l · offering. This is the last of the Mahoney farm, excrpt about two acres \\·here the house nm,· stands and where McG uire and Orr's Kenil\\'orth office also is located, and this two acres has permanent re :-~ idrnt ial restrictions t hereon. uT he Birches" A. two-hour motor trip from Chicago. il. iof ~ t. h I J Beautiful .Lake Geneva You have always wanted just such a spot for your summer home. The Otto Young estate, known as the " Birches." is now divided into 58 large home sites. all wooded and on the lake. This property is one of the most ideally located spots on Lake Geneva for your summer home. A complete view of the entire lake. Thousands of dollars are being spent in roa~ways, parks, walkways a·nd piers. The restrictions at Lake Geneva make it attractive for particular people. More than half of these homesites have been reserved. . . May we show you the property? tr 1rt', u ( ) I' II rl II , l , 1 .L i .a . J ~-:. (' I ) I l J I LUNCHEON FOR BRIDE · :i\f rs. T. A. nanning, Jr .. ·600 T h ird street, gave a bridge-luncheon \ VedtH.' sda\· in honor of ~Irs. B. C. Ames Sells Winnetka Residence (If F<;rt Smith. Ark. and ~fis:; Alice O'LearY. daughter of Mr. and Mrs for $33,000 Consideration 1 John \v. O'Leary. ~l:s~ Ames. who Earl L. \ \ 'einstock has sold the resi- 1 i:-; Yisiting in \Vi_lmctt~, t:i t~ be mat_ron ~lencc ,,·hich. he c~ected. and _\\'hich he Iof honor at ).£ tss 0 Leary s weddmg mtendcd usmg 1or l11mselt at HS-t Lincoln avenue, \ \ 'innl'tka. to Reuhcn I ~lr. and ~f rs. J. D. ~eilson and ~ f etz. The consideration ,,·a..; $33.000. their daughter. Peggy, 1126 Forest ~ I r. ).f ertz has taken JH>:-.:;es:-.ion and an·nue. are leaYing Satu rday to moi;-; now living- in the pr{'tni:;cs. C. P. tor . t<> \Yil liamstown. ~{ ass., to attend Rorick of the Frt·derick B. Thoma~· cnntnH.' ncenH:nt exercises and the prom office. 52fi Linden street. \\'innetka, rtt \\'illiams college where Frecler~ck a_cted as so le broker in the transac- 1~eilson i;-; a member .o~ the ~racluatmg ttnn and T. · S. Blumenthal atten ded to clas~. ).fiss Ray Hllltckcr IS accomthe legal details. , panying them. ~------------------ Prices $1,000 to $15,000 LAKE GENEVA DEVELOPMENT CO. 614 Wrigley Bldg. Phone Superior 57 31 A Series 011 the Economy of Living at The Georgian. The Mcilvaine Oil Burner WQt ~tnrgtuu Hinman Avenue at Davis Street: Ready October t he . First. YOU'LL BE CONVINCED If you talk with - ... No Household Cares. D I~ 1( \\' CE now to liYc in T he CC'orgian Vl \\·here supc n ·ised sen·ant scrYicc pro\'ides yon fu ll enjoyment of a perfect ly com · f()rtahlc home. Fn~r\' hu rden of home management is e1i111 in a·t ed - a 11 c (ii ri en t and cnu r teuus corps ()f · SL'n·ice spec iali st s. hell hoy to manag-er, tu acco mplish a ll yo ur wi sh es. Yo n ca n live econo m icall y at Th e Geo rg ia n - house hold ca r es a rc cost lY. and t here are nu ho usehold cares li vi ng a·t T he Geo rgian. Sec the mndrl w ite f urn ished as in cnmp/<·l iour--522 Dat·is S trect..,.-You an d yo ur f ric11ds arc im·itcd-o pcn r·i·cni11 .CJS 7:30 to 8: 30'; Saturda.\' aftcm oons and S rmday ajtrm oo11 s. T elephone , Greenl ea f 1363 I Any Mcilvain~· Owner that this is the oil burning system l } TO FREE YOU From Heating Worries AND GIVE YOU Continuous, Complete Satisfaction. fI >;·r~' I l MciLVAINE OIL BuRNER SALES Phone Winn. 147 788 Elm St. ". -, Jilhe ~eornianQotel Gorp oration Model Suite Exh ibit Rooms-522 Davi s St rt'l't EVA NSTON, JLLINOJS. WINNETKA

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