Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1926, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE June 18, 1926 AutoRepairin1 Guaranteed Work Rtasnnable Rates Rou Skelton 4 1 o Prairie Ave. .-~·_'=~=~- Mr. and Mrs. J. Trumbull Backus, 224 Cumnor road, have · announced the lo.r C~Q Wllbed engagement of their daughter, Marf~ if you ·Va~WJm Ete~tria garet, to Ensign Hamilton W. Howe, nftl ua u. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue. The Electrical RepairiD,I wedding is to take place in August, Radio Sets and Suppllet Eveready "8" Batter1et and the young couple expect to be Music Master Loud Speaken located on the West coast for a time. Base Plugs Installed Miss Virginia \Voodland, 336 Leices- The betrothal was announce-d ThursFine Line of Lisbtiq Fixtures ter road, Kenilworth, and Miss Made- day, J unc 10, at an informal afternoon line Hubbard, formerly of Kenilworth, briqge given by Miss Backu;:;. Adams Electric Shop graduated from Roycemore Friday 521 Fourth Street Phone Wilmette 104~ night. The Kenilworth girls who will 11rs. Victor Channing Sanborn of be Juniors there next fall are Miss ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!J Bernice Cole, Miss Barbara Holden, Lake Forest, formerly of Kenilworth, Mi ss Phoebe Hedrick and Miss Mary has announced the marriage of her Branigan. A sophomore prom closed daughter, Loui sa, to Boyd Hill of Chicago, son of Mr. and :M rs. Boyd Hill the sc bool year at Roycemore . of Freeport, Ill., which took place on -o1Ir. and Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 \Var- Sunday, June 13. Mr. and Mr s. Hill Tenth wick road, left Kenilworth Thursday, plan a motor trip to \Va sh ington, D. C., J unc 17, for Laurcnceville, Pa., to at- for their honeymoon ,· and upon their SERVICES tend the graduation of their son, El- return, .they will live in Chicag.J. -0SUNDAY SERVICES-II A. M. bridge, who will enter Princeton uni\fr. and 11rs. C. G. Burnham, 536 - vcrsity 11ext fall. Tl1ey· \rill return Sunday School Exercises Wednesday Testin1onial Roslyn road, Kenilworth , entertained ).fonday. ~f onday cYcning at dinner at th e 9:45A.M. -0Meeting-S P. M. Blackstone hotel for Mis. Constanc, : M rs. Harry Vis se ring, 2j7 KenilSubject of the Lesson Sermon worth avenue; Kenilworth, ha s as her Hannah and Miss Elizabeth Darlin~ guest, her sister, : Mrs. C. F. Pease, of and the member s of their wedding June 20th-11Is the Universe, Including Man, Pasadena. Mrs. Vissering gave a parties. Later in the e\·cning they took luncheon and bridge in her siste r's their guests to sec "By the \Vay." Evolved by Atomic Force?" - ohonor \Yednc5day. ~fr. and ~fr s. George Shipman and -o~fi s. Alice Sl1ipman, 435 \Var\\'i ck 1f rs. Samuel Comly o[ E,·an ton, road , Ku1ilworth, arc leaving \Vedn es._ The Bihle and 'Vorks of Mary formcrlv of Kenilworth, returned day to spend a week at their cottage Daily . (except Wednesday and Baker Eddy and all other June i7 after attending her second at \Vhite Lake. 1fich. The Shipman..; Saturday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. authorized Christian Science clas;:; reunion at Vassar college. have rented their cottage for July and ~: = =_ = Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Literature m ay be read, bor-oSaturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. rowed or purchased. August. 1Iiss Alice Shipman, 431 \\"arwi ck - 0The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church road, Kenilworth, ga,·c a miscellaneous ~Ir . a nd ~fr s. George Shipman. Jr .. Services and visit. the Reading Room shmYer for : Miss Constance Hannah -+32 \\"ar\\'i ck road, Kcnil\\'orth, an· .a.mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ · M onday afternoon, June 7. spend ing th eir honeymoon on a trip t() Caliiornia. They are stopping ofT at Lak e Louise and the Grand Canyon . Wilmette 3 sss Mrs. E. H. Yonkers, 911 Sheridan road, has returned from the gulf coast and has as her guest, her daughter, Mrs. George A. Zabriskie, II, of Punta, San Juan, Cuba, with whom she enjoyed a sojourn in New Orleans, stopping at the beautiful new Roosevelt hotel. Kenilworth Happenings BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED TO WED NAVAL OFFICER _I EA!i"., . ~-. WASliER ~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steele Slosson of Glencoe have announced the engagement of their daughter, LauraEmily, to William J. Tilden, son of Mrs. William A. Tilden of 1140 Michigan avenue and the late vVilliam A. Tilden. .r. 1 T _l ..I. I I ' ~ I I First Church of Christ, Scientist s~~tM!.~ I~;~~!i· Avenu~ I ~ . ~· READIHNoGuRRs·.OOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE~ ===§- - 0- Ford Automobiles Ji'or $25 ~e "\frs. Bruin r·f th e Kenilworth Tnn. who ,\·as calll·d east a month ago, .~ the rka thhcd llf . her father. returne<l to Kenilworth Friday, June 11. --0 - Thl' l(enihmrth Car<lL'II club ml't \\'ith "\fr--. (;rant H.id g,,·;l\· , 207 Cumhn land an·nm·. Frida,·, fttn<..· 11 . ).fr, . \fark Cresap, 230 E:-s<..:x n·arl. rl'arl :t paper <·11 "fri,," illu-.tratin .~ her talk \\'it h :; ] i(Ie~. · 'viii make your Ford run like new. We will do this: Hone Cylinders Put in new Pistons, Rings and Wrist Pins', Take up Bearings, Line up Connecting Rods and Pistons, Grind, Reface and Seat Valves, Clean Gasoline System, Put in New Oil and Gaskets DELICIOUS DINNERS From 5 in the afternoon . till 8:3 0 in the evening we serve a delicious table d'hote dinner for 75 cents. You. can have your choice of meats. vegetables, salad, dessert, tea or coffee. \fr. and \fr s. \\". C're~;tp. "\fr. and ).fr s. llug-h Littt-11 and "\fr. and "\fr:;. Bentley 1fcClnwl. oi Kcnil\\·orth, motored t(l Lake Genc,·a la st " ·ec ken d to pia~· go lf at the Gette,·a Countn· club. · - 0- - 0~brk ":\frs. \Yatl·rhun·, who \\'a:' the gtlt'"t of her si. tcr, !\fr". Charlrs II ()we, 2-W :Kcnihmrth aYcr·ue, :Kcnil\\'orth , ha'i returned to her home in \\'ater lno. I O\\·a. ALL FOR $25 M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation Pho11~ Miller & Miller "Equipment equals Maintenance" Repair Department of Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th Street Phone Wit. 636 The .. . . Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy Wilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE ... .

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