Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1926, p. 21

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June 25, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE ZJ I I ,..__. ·· Show Value of First Aid Gilbert D. Johnson Firm Skill Among Workers Negotiates Acreage Deal In the June issue of the "Red Cross Courier," official publication of the American National Red Cross, is an mg which is made available to all emarticle concerning the First Aid trainployes of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. The first portion of the story recounts the successful effort of a young woman, employed as bookkeeper in one of the company's district offices, to resu sc itate a 111an ,,·ho apparently had been dromH.·d. In another imtancc described in the Courier story a Public Service company ctllployc succeeded in stopping the fl o w oi blood from a scverect' arten· in a woman\ wrist . More.: recent!~' OtH: oi the company's nfii res rccei \ ' Cd a hurry -up call for help when the electrician of a neighboring indttst rial \\·as n:ndererl unC(Insciou-.; through a st·ve n· rlcctrical shock. St'\'(·ral cmpJc,~· t·~ oi the company r<.'spotH!t-d and onl' (If th<:ir nttnlhn ~ urc et' de<l almo:-t instanth· in rc~ toring signs of liie. . \\'. J. ~facPherson. manager fJf the company\ lndu:-trial Relation s clepart m e11 t. in ~I i sru:-.s i ng Pu hi i c ~L· n-i r<· Fir.~t Aiel acti\·ities n·renth·, stated that fully 75 per rent (Jj the -emergencies in whirh Public ~en·in· empl(lyes han ad Ill in i :-. t c n.· d Fir~ t :\ i d. t h <: :-u b jl·cb han· been ptrsons out:-idt company ran b. An undisclosed purchaser has bought from John A. Sloan of Chicago approximately 337 acres of rolling, partiaiJy wooded farm land west of Barrington and running from the County Line road south to the Algonquin road, at a price of $450 per acre. This property lies west of and adjoining the large tract recently purchased by Floyd L. 1,3ateman as announced in this paper. Gilbert D. Johnson a tid Brother represented the purcha se r and K . E. Otis of Barrington represented the seller in the 337 acre transaction. I GIVES WELLESLEY TEA Members of the Chicago vVellesley club are invited to a tea to be given by ~1rs. \Villiam Sherman Hay, Monday afternoon, ] une 28, at 3, at her residence, MS Sheridan road, Winnetka, in honor of ).1 rs. Frederick G. Atkinson, ncwh· electecl alumnae trustee of \V cllesley college. Announcement has been made bv ).f r. and ~~ rs. Leonard Appley of \Viimette of the birth oi a <laughter, ~fary Elizabeth, Sull();~y, June (>, at the E\'anston hn!--pital. -0- , ~ Clearance Sale Original Imported Models Regardless of Cost For Immediate Delivery ; \"' . . 'r ~ \1 r. and ~f rs. Charles Fox Beeler of Richmond, Incl ., announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Hrlen, June 18. ~frs Beder was ~fi:; s Eleanor Gage, f(lrmerl~· oi \\"ilmctte. 660 Rush St. at Erie - f ' -,_ ... Good arne · · priceless- and there/ore ·Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs, F. E. Lewis, bas bad twenty-one yurt of successful service in the professional field. The best testimony to their careful, courteous, and conscientious work comes from those whom they have suvtd during their residence on the North Shore. All calls will be ptrsonally attended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral dinctor residing in New Tritr Township. V erg Lattat in Mod1m Limowine E rtuipmtnl 1120 , .. ), ,~ Jealously upheld · ~ It is well known that the name DODGE BROTHERS is even more valuable than the vast works in which their product is built. DODGE BROTHERS have kept the faith, and implicit public confidence has been their reward. Year after year the car has continued to mature into a better and better product. Beauty has been added to dependability, com· fort and silence to beauty. Endless refinements have been made, and the quality of every detail either maintained or improved. The result is a name that is altogether worthy of the remarkable public trust it inspires, and too priceless ever to jeopardize. Touring Car Roadster Coupe Sedan $855-50 Central Annat Homt phont, Wilmeuc 3552 WILMETTE Parlors phone, Wilmtttt 3 5 5l PETUNIAS FOR SALE PETU"IAS a o Geraniums, Vinca-vine, Parlor or German Ivy, Martha Vvashington G animns. all kinds of bedding plants and all varieties · of fancy cut flowers. We ha\'e everything Al. Stachel's Greenhouses, Wilmette. Telephone Wilmette 2221 or place the order in Glencoe Store. Telephone Glencoe 155. 854·50 Meek ties This needful part of your wearing apparel is sometimes sadly neglected. We offer to rehabilitate four-in-hand ties for 20c each and bow ties for ISc each. This small attention will often save an expensive silk cravat. Master Cleaner Service Costa No Mott Phones Glencoe 1300 Highland Park 2660 9o6.5o g6o.oo C. M. McDonald 1019 Davis St. .., I .. Univ. 2.2.4 Evans toa DOD6E- BRCTH~R.S .. MDTDR CARS -· . . ·- CLEANING\®&.DYEING :~~RAU~S Phones Wilmette 3400 Greenleaf 7rO ( .....

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