Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1926, p. 13

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July 2, 1926 organized and complex society CHILD NEEDS DEFINITE ly needs definite training for a definite said Mr. Washburne. "We want TRAINING-WASHBURNE job," to develop each child as freely and ful attempt has been made to combine the two. In explaining the method by whicit it has been worked out there, Mr. Washburne gave several practical suggestions : "Eliminate as far as possible unnecessary knowledges and skills; teach the remainder efficiently; set down in definite terms exactly what you expect the children to do, and at the end of each period of learning give the child a diagnostic test on what he is supposed to know. Make it possible for the child to test himself as far as possible; get rid of group recitation and use the remainder of the time for group activities. THE ART l GALLERIES of . Winnetka Educator Tells Kindergarten CoUege Students of Trend of Education "l ( Carlton W. \Vashburne, superintendetit of \Vinnetka schools, in an addre ss on "The Trend of Scientific and Progre ssive Education" he fore the st udents of the summer session of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college last Friday, gave a concise de scription of the two outstanding tYpes of elcmentarv ed ucation on \~·hich the attention the educational world is centered, and of the way in which \Vinnetka is endeavoring to combine the two. Inasmuch as the "\\rinnetka Plan" has been di scussed throughout the country, the students greatly appreciated an opportunity oi hearing ~f r. \\. ashburne explain the plan and its deve lopment. ~~ r. ·\ Ya shhurnc said that although there \\"as considerable overlapping het\\·een the two, the groups might be roughly classified as thme interested in "Progressi\'c" education. ancl those inter<'Ste<l in Research. The "Progressive " gro up argues that, a:> it is impo:-.sihl.c to tell \\"hat the child will IH·co n,L 1t is impossible to train him iur his iutun: liie \\"Ork. and th r important thing i . . to :-.re that he ha..; every opportunity for gro\\"th ancl dc ,·r!opment. iClr frl'e<lcm l and !-.elf ex-~ prt....!-.inn dunng rhilclhoocl . The schotd tlllht prc,vide a rich em·irc1llll1Cllt, hut '\ Ill ·t hing rmht I>(' forced upon the child. 1 Th<' srro nd group l'tHka ,·o r :- t() fmd I (lllt. thr()ugh n·..,carrh. \rhat :-. kill -, and ! iart~ the · rhild i., likelY to need wht·n I lw i:-; grct\\11, awl th~· lllcht efficient ! ,,·aY:-- oi in--uring hi.; ma!'ltcr~· oi the~t' . ' ·· Jn tlw pn,gn·-,-.in· :--rhr,()l one u~tl - ' ally fincb a rltlightiul ~pontt·niet.\· . natur:Jitle . . s and \rhtd<·-,c,nH· se li rcliann· Clll t lll' part 11i thv ch ildrc·n. hut tht·,· art· ant tn ht· IJt·low -,tan <lard in thtir acadt. ·lnic kll<t\\ kd!-!t·.·· sai d \1 r. ' \\·a--hhurnt· . . 'l'ht' prc·l[l"t':-o:- i\·<: lll C·\"t·lllf'llt In:-- in tluc·Jlrt·cl tlll' puhhr q·ht·(t], "<·llll"\\ hat. , · · . 1 . I l1u t '., 1t h t h t' t ' x r l' I' 11 ·II 111 t ~ 1· x \H ' n lllt'llt c,j :t it·\\· 11riYat<' --ch nc.J-.. 1he 1 tht·c·n· ha- 11111 ht·t·Jl artualh· put int<> 1 practice in :\11 1nira Th t; n·--< ·arl·h 111! I\"l'llll..' 11 1.. () 11 I J)(' (I( 11 \'1". ]J:! 11 cl, 11'1 ' ;\ II -t ro 11 g- he ,Jr] 'lll t ht· puh!Jc :-.ell! ·ol ,,-,_ ~ tt·m and h:t-- n·(Jr!.!anii'c·d tht rmrirulum :111d put i11 :-ta11darrlizt·cl tt·. . t ' ·' TIH· ~ati<·11al Fdurati(l!l a·--.<,ri atinn 1 :1 11<l c1thl'r <'dllr:Jti()nal a . . ~(ICiatiCIIJ-., al- 1 t h< 1t1l!h the,· do nut i!.!non· t hl· pr11 - ' l!rl's ; in· llH;\"l'lll(·nf . an.' (tllllT i11g th eir 111 a ill (· f{ orb Oil t' rfj cicn C \ " iII <It-t l'r111 i11ill!.! which thirw..; ar(' mc;:-;t lll'l'dcd and h~w thr,- can ·he.;t he tau~ht. "Aitho.urrh th(' child in a J1"1lllf:tl or 1 nnri,·ilized Ct1Yironnw11t mi!.!ht hl· ahll' 1 i·l.;tinrtiYt>h· to se lf'ct and learn tho:-e things nece s~ar~· for hi " future w<'l- , i:trP and swr<·-;-.:. the child in our llil!h- fully as possible, but we want him to fit into the present society enough to be able to be a part of it and to earn his living in it. No parent is satisfied with an education which does not fit the child to cope with the situations of modern life. The child needs to be prepared beforehand, and during the long period of childhood and education it is our duty to see that this is done." There arc points in favor of both systems, and in Winnetka a success- '\60 N. Michigan Avt. Wacker Drive at Bridge Chicago, Illinois. INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTINGS - BRONZES of 1 1 1 < <· 1 a ON DAVIS STREET-"DOWNTOWN EVANSTON" You will find a display of pianos at prices from $7 50.00 for a charming Brewster Grand to $4,250.00 for an elaborate Louis XV Chickering with the Ampico. Here iri quiet surroundingsand almost at your door-we will appreciate the opportunity to · demonstrate to you the superior qualities of these instruments. I 1 SUMMER ART LESSONS Beginning or ad van c e d. Painting and Design, arrange for classes or private lessons with (The Ampico Recordings fot July will be on sale July 1st.) ~ <lfuiclterin§ & i3ons · ffimlall &- Ulendell ·i>rewster ~ TH'E AMPICO . Pauline Graf Davis Art Institue of Chicago. pupil of Leon Kroll, Wellington J. Reynolds, John Norton, Leopold Seyffert. PHONE WINNETKA 660-R ~®Utktting~tuhios (Jarleton /Caume'ler PIADO~ $27 Davis Street ... 6vanston Illinois gl!tp/tqM- Om11!taf )2JO a

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