Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1926, p. 16

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WILMETTE LIFE July 2, 1926 Almost Unbelievable We have purchased the complete stock of 'Suits, Coats and Dresses of a factory that has gone out of business, at a tremendous saving, and now offer them to you at prlct>s that are almost unbelievable. Come in and look them o\'er. HITS AT "GOUGING" OF MOTOR TOURISTS Motor Club Officials Warn Vacationers Against Highway Banditry of Roadside Courts ~~ otorists in practically every part of the country are suffering from highway banditry according to an announcement made by the American Automobile association following exhaustive survey of the operation of roadside courts and speed traps t h rough out the United States. The A. A. A. has offered to open to the public its records of · thousands of instances where motorists during the present touring season have been the Yictims of a sntem . of law enforcement "for reve;1ue only." In showing the extremes to which the practice of gouging motorists at the hands of speed trap operators has gone, a Three A bulletin cites the case of a speed trap in North Can~lina where the court and the arrestmg agency were merged into one family institu- · tion. The father as justice of the peace h ,Jds court while the son as constable catches the motorists and hauls them before his father. A son ..,nd iather arrangement also exists in Conk count,· according to the Chicago In comn1~nting on this situation, ]. H. Braun. general counsel of the ChiC;tgo ~fotor club, said: "\Vc have at ~fotor rluh. This is in \\'orth, Ill. prc:;cnt no complaint to make about UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Prop. 1 1 ~ et Corral A venae Ph6ne Wil. :1401 :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I PERMA!\ ..~NT FOR DISTINCTIVE WAVING ( Yegrescou's Pure Steam Process) Alaft HAUl GOODS For discriminate r.equirements ct»nsult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State Street. Expert Beauty Parlor Servlc6 and Artistic Hair Cutting THE WIGGERY SUITE 1314 S~VBN8 .LDG. 17 N. State ltnet Tt-l. Raadolp· 1 - SUBSCRIBE FOR WILMETTE LIFE this particular village, nor have we reason to doubt the integrity of the justice of the arresting officer; we merely wish to point out the. evils of the system, and to show how 1t can be made a means of graft. That there are thousands of honest, law-respecting justices and squires is certa}n; that there are thousands of graftmg justices and squires is equally certain. The justice is the victim of the system fully as much as · the motorist who suffers at the hands of the grafters, for the honest justice suffers because of the deeds of his grafting colleagues." Charles ~L Hayes, . president of the Chicago Motor club, s~id this week: "The justice systen~, hke . the feudal system of old, has tts ments .and demerits. In one state of soctety the feudal S\'stem ,,:as necessary and was of great· benefit to all the people; the justice system, too, was once nece~ sary. Upright barons protected th~tr people, but the robber barons pra~ttc ed highway robbery on the anc1~nt lanes of travel. and like the graftmg justices of today held court on the citadels guarding these traffic lane~. The robber baron brought about l11s own downfall: the grafting speed trap operator is working rapidly toward the same end. "Speed trap operators arc hreak.ing down respect for the law. ~fotonsts know that if they are arrested they will he fined court costs. The motorist .\\:hose Yiolation is trivia] knows that he ,\'ill he forced to pay court costs the same as the Aagrant violatc;>r. In most ca~cs the constahlr is not out to regulate traffic and prevent accidents. but to encourage violations. He sneaks he hind bushes when he should he out patrolling- the road in full. vic":: somdimcs he hog-s the road \\'tth hts O\Yn car in order to trick motorisb into passing him. \rherrupon he r~ vrals hi.-; identit~· . "l.mlrr the ice ~ ystcn1 that prevails With the Poets WHEN JUNE IS GONE By Edwin Morley Stafford (Wilmette) Something says, I don't know what, It's a feeling that I've got, That a friend has gone away, Friend I wish could ever stay; When she comes it makes me glad, When she goes I'm always sad ; I look forward all the year, To the time when she'll be here. Then, I put my mourning on When June is gone. I ] Sunshine's warm and welcome then, Not too hot, as later when August comes, or late July, When the little brooks are dry; But ··when everything is green, Trees are crowned with blossom~, Queen. · . Breath of blooming's in the a1r, Seems there isn't any care: Shorter days begin to da\Yn \Vhen June is gone. Then I'm looking hack at her And I'll own I'm saddened, Sir. Like I feel a-looking back At mY vouthful barefoot track, \\here ·it's prit1trd in the sand, Showing where r usect to stand \Yhen I knew, in other day~; · June of life. with gentle ways: :~11 the months for her T'd pawn \\·hen June is gone. in tl1c countn· today. the man trying the cas<' has .~ direct financial intcrc'lt: if thne is a cnnYittion he gets a fcc. ft i..: to the L'Ytrlasting credit of man~· of our justircs that dcspitr this viciou ..:; sntrm a iair and impartial trial may l;c had . The \YOnder is that· any one should get a fair trial under such a system ." -r A Sc~ies on the Economy of Lit-'ing at The Georgian I t HI~l\IAN A VENUE AT DAVIS STREET READY OCTOBER THE FIRST Introductory Sale of · Perfect Mechanical Refrigeration Every .tpartment bas free ust of a mechanical refrig~ration ~ystem-plency of clean ice constantly - cool drinks on w.um evenings-quick spoiling of food eliminated. Mechanical refrigeration saves money, eliminates aU danger of dirt-contaminated ice. Live at Tht Georgian-enjoy all modern living ' comforts--tconomicaUy. Vil;it the :\fodel Suite at 522 Davis St.-furnished and arranged as in completion-you are invited-also open · evenings, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. T EL E P H 0 N E G R E E N L E A F 1363 "Gordon" AUTO SEAT COVERS Here are beauty and dunliaess for new cars and old ones! H~re rnd of soiled, spotted, worn upholstrty. Protect and beauufy car with thtst easily washed slip covers. Made of heavy woven in attractive stripes and neutral tones. No measurements needed. to attach. is the your cloth Easy Ford Coupe Ford Tudor Ford Fordor $ ·50 7 Gordon Auto Seat Covers can be had on all models of ove.r 30 !11akes of car~. A special representative will be here t~1s week to show you the wonderful ments of these slips. Auto Seat Covert for Hudson, Euex and , Chevrolet Cara. ll'he GleofAianQotel Corporation Model Suite Exhibit Rooms-522 Davis Street EVANSTON, ILLINOIS. Third Floor

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