Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1926, p. 30

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30 WIL·METTE LIFE July 2, 1926 Mrs. Helen Roesner, 85 years old, and for the past 30 years a resident 0 ISQ of Wilmette, was iound dead in bed I Thirty Kenilworth women joined last Tuesday morning at her home at Mrs. Joseph Joyce on Monday A Complete Line of Firat Class 155 Prairie avenue. Funeral services Jurie 28, and made possible a delight; were held Thursday morning from St. ful party for the disabled vertans at Staple and Fancy Groceries Joseph's church and burial was at Great Lakes hospital. A much ap Memorial Park cemetery. Mrs. Roes- preciated program was rendered b ,. ner is survived by one son, Charles A. Miss Dorothy Smith, ~Iiss Backu ~. Knobel, 204 Wood court, and by a Miss Frazer and Miss Lips, Kenil granddaughter, Mrs. William Burns. worth girls, and by nine year old Mrs. Roesner had been active in Dorothy Mullen of Hubbard Wood s, Salads and Salad and Luncheons church work for many years and was who charmingly presented three da s:.well known to many of the older resi- ical dances in costume. Dressings ~V Soft Drinks, Sweet dents. About 150 men were ser\'Cd icc cream, cake, candy. ciarettes and cof ~ Milk and Cream 1 Stoddard ]. Small. son of Mr. and fee in the Recreation hall, and tlH: Mrs. John D. Small, 411 Maple avenue, same refreshments were carried to th e Butter, Eggs left Wednesday on the "Culver Spe- bed-ridden patients in the main hosand Cheese Hat s, cial" to spend the summer at the Cut- pital and the hospital units. ver Military camp, where he is en- shoes, shirts, ties and clothing brougbt '"' . Shopping Bag given free with each rolled in the naval school. This is hy the hostesses from Kenilworth ~ purchast on Saturday of $1.00 or · more. the youth's fourth summer at the were gratefully received by the hoy s. Culver camp. A special feature of the day was :1 -oI table set with a birthday cake lighted Brick, Cones, BulklceCreamWholesale and Retail Miss Sine Evans has been visiting I with eighteen candles for the hov ' her mother, Mrs. B. Haven Sneary of whose birthdays came in June, and - a ~,~ Phone Wilmette 2628 322 Oak circle for the past weeks. gift of three pairs of socks for each Miss Evans is assistant head president hoy marked with a birthday card. of a Ch;cago \('ttlement. Emerson "Mrs. Joyce takes this opportuni t_ · House. to thank the Wilmette Life for print - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ing these notices and the \\·omen wh o made possible the generous distribu ~ tion of goodies and clothes at the ho -pital. and to say that ::-he will J, v pleased to go to Grl'at Lakes at a 11, time with a frw or matl\· Kcnil\\'ort il residents if they \\'ill !)hone hrr :t t Kenilworth 2134. "Those \\·ho made up .the party \f c·n day. \H're !-iO enthusiastic that the~ \\ il' he only too happy to mah· rl' ~ u la trios to the hospital." :\'frs. Joyce further ~tate~ t h.t' "men\ clothes of all kind!', di:-;car d, ·i playing cards and mag·azinc~ art :11 ways acrcptahlc . Do not let m in!·, get our boys. The~· ar~ ~ o appr e,... Alllinds of Meah and Other Foods~~ Cooked and Ready to Serve . e.._~ V ~ ~ Aged Resident Is Found IKenilworth Women,s Dead in Bed This Week Party Brought Joy 1 D · bl d V e ets .(.V ~ ~ Prices Very Moderate ~~ ~V,o Dinn~:~:!~i~ · ~s»ecial ~ ~ S V Open Every Day from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. 4..~ -;t 1208 Wilmette Avenue, comer Main Make Your Brick Selections from these Displays I , tiYr." 1 - ------- - ---- Hy-tex Brick We invite anyone interested in Face Brick to visit our Exhibit Rooms to see wall sections laid up in all colors and textures of Hy-tex Brick. These displays show many charming wall effects obtainable with the many colors and textures available in Hy-tex Brick utilizing various combinations of bonds and mortar colors. A Hy-tex man is always present to supply complete information. I On Hot Days- "1 MILK! There's one food that's always days. good That's on hot fresh, pure milk. Everybody Be thrives on milk. sure that it .comes from the Winnetka Sanitary Dairy. Drink More Milk/ I HYDRAULIC·PRESS BRICK COMPANY Member, American Face Brick Association CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG., CHICAGO, Ill. LEADING CREATORS OF COLORS AND TEXTURES IN FACE BRICK ~ ~ l_.

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