Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1926, p. 33

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- =:, 1926 July 2, 1926 ~ WILMETTE PLAYS FOR ROYALTY LIFE 33 Priscilla Lloyd's · Marriage Is Event of Tuesday Evenin,g ffer :ck. mg lrk . [ i .s Ol llld ttcr i ·t IS ef- Miss Pauline Pettibone of 512 Central avenue was the accompanist for Miss Ruth Page, dancer, Friday night of last week on the occasion of the Tuesday evening, June 29, occa- reception given by Mr. and Mrs. sioned the marriage of Miss Priscilla Ch~rles Sch~weppe of Lake Fores~ at · Lloyd to Paul W.. Chapin. The bride's 1 thetr home m ~onor of ~rown Prmce gown was of wh1te georgette beaded Gustav. and Pr!ncess Lomse of Sw~d with brilliants and pearls, and her en: M1ss Pettibone also. accO!ll{)amed veil of tulle had a cap of rosepoint M tss ~age ~t the · receptton ~tv en the lace and orange blossoms. followmg mght by ~h~ C~smo c!u~J '.( · M · H II · C 11 m honor of these dtstmgmshed vtst~vllSS anan a< ey ot o <water: tors ~fich., attired in rose taffeta trimmed _ _·_ _ with silver lace, sang "All for You" 1 by Guy D'Hardelot. Porter Heaps was the organist. The bridesmaids all '"·ore dresses fashioned alike hut of varying hues, and they carried bouquets of sweet peas to match their dresses. Miss Elizabeth \Ve st of Chicago was in peach color, ~1iss Kathryn Parkhill of Pierceton, Ind.. was in blue, Miss Garnett Knights of Lima. Ohio. in green. and ).fiss Jane Chapin of Clinton. Ill., sister of the g-room, wore orchid. Llo\'(1 \\.hitc of ~C\\' He:n·cn, Conn .. was hest man. and Harold Lane of Hammond, Ind .. E. P. ).fead of \Jiami Beach. Fla., R. C. Peltz of Clinton. 111.. and Horatio Fitch of Elmhurst, ushered. . The bride came do\\'n the ai:-le on the arm of her father. the ReY. Stephen A. Lloyd. who performed the ceremonY, hut she was J!in'n in marriag-e by -her mother. The Congrrgation;:d church \\'as heautifulh· ancl tastefulh· d<>corated '"ith pah~1s and icrns at~d with hYO huge baskets of I ro. es and snap dragons. i After the ceremony. the guests as- ' :-,elllb lrd in Pilgrim's hrtll \\·here a reception was ht>ld and rdreshments \\·e re· serH·d. The hall was gay witl1 Au\\'rr..;, tapestric:-. and rug-; loaned h~· nH.·mhers of the congregatif·ll, and drcoratrd 1)\·. tlw members oi the Book club oi "· hi~- h ~Irs . Llo\·<1 i..; a lllCillhtr. \f r.;. E. T,. ~chcid(·J·llltlln \\'as 111 charge nf table decorations. A f t e r t Iw rt· cc p t ion a t t he r h ur r h . a \\·<·dding dinner \YaS sn\'Cd at the hnmc nf the bride. 1035 Lak e ;wrnue, ~ OF SOUTH DAKOTA to lll<'lllhers of the immediate iamil~ aiHI th<' bridal part,·. \f r. and \f rs . Chai1in kit in the <"·en in!.! ior \f (ln1n·al tfl' ~ail i11r Furnpe. \\·hn c the·~· \\'ill '-ll{'lld fiye \\'<:(·k..;. l·p on tlH'ir return. the .\· \Yill rt'~i{h· in E,-_ an :'ton. PERSONAL INTERESTED SERVICE IN THE SELECTION OF HIGHER-GRADE NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES soo Davis Street Greenleaf 16 1 7 0~~~~ ~~; "i.~ ~Wiscon.sin ~Minnesota . Colorado Yellowstone Utah California Pacific Northwest Jasper ~::~onal Black Hills A New Day a week for .y ourself and the children By giving your weeki y wash to Bill The Washington Laundry Man, you will discover a means toward a more useful life as a wife and mother. Through our service you will gain a new day a week- - more time for the children in their Humpty Dumpty days. when they need you most. And the inany services of our laundry are offered ------Hobert Fro ~t has rtturtH·d tll his hom(' ;1t 500 (\·ntral an·mH'. irnn1 the I CninrsitY of Colorado at Bo11lder. to :-pend th~· smnn1cr "·ith hi:- parents. \f r. an<! \f rs. :\lbnt ( ~. Fro:-,t. Ire brought " ·it h him t hrcc college friends, Phil \f ilstt:in. Hobert Bos\nWt h. and I \\".Teega rden. oi Drnn-r. \fr. :..ril :-.tein and \1 r. Bos\,·orth. as \Yell as j their host. han· been competing in the 1 Illinois state tenni s tournament at I Skokie club. I IN STATE TENNIS MATCH I Wlde choice of routes. Stopover anywhere-Splendid throu1h tralne. Ask for our popular booklet "Fortv Wav· and MoretoCaliforniaand the North PacificCoast~' I at prices which are as moderate as our work is satisfactory. I Eacorted all· expen·e toura to Yellowdone, Colorado, Zion National Park and Calilern·i a. A·k about them. For full information and deecripdve folder apply to ticket a1ent1 Chicago &: North Western Ry. 11878 CALL IN BILL TODAY., HE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY, DAY Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE Funeral Director f l r. Frederick E. Lewis. assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis. has had twenty-one years of successful service in the professional field. The best testimony to their careful. courteous. and conscientious work comes from rhose whom they have served during their residence on the North Shore. All calls will be persona1ly attended to by Mr. Lewis. who is the first funeral director to reside in New Trier rownship. Vn" Lattst in MoJf:n LiMousine f,uipm'nr 1 110 Central Avenut WILMETTE phont~ \Vilmette 3551 Home phone. Wilmette 355'1 20% Discount on work brought in and called for J'1rlor~

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