Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 30

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30 W-1 L METTE LIFE July 9, 1926 ._I _.:N_E_~_ · ~_s_ -'T_B_OO_IJ(_S_A_N_D_B_O_O--:-I](_R_E_VI_E_m_s_~j Fate a Intertwined Short Stories · Fountain Square Evanston Phone University 1024 Deliveries tw1ce daily to the North Shore. ·Phone in your book orders. Book Suggestions TALES OF FISHING VIRGIN SEAS By Zane Grey Harpers Ss.oo THE RISE AND FALL OF JESSIE JAMES By Robertus Love Putman $1.75 TOTO "Toto and the Gift" was published a week before Katherine Adams became Mrs. Percy Alexander Walker, and sailed on the Berengaria for her new home in Dublin. Her last evening in New York City was spent at the New York Public Library, where she and Mr. Walker were guests of honor at the fifteenth birthday of the Children's Room. Several hundred girls representing the many branches, came to meet Miss Adams. Her new book was written last year, in France. It pictures a French girl, a war orphan, at work in Rheims, her journev to America, her work and adventures in New York and her friendship with American young people. · It ought to make quite a stir in the insane asvlums to learn that Harry K. Thaw- has written his life. It is a "frank stpry" nbout ·him self and everyone connected with him. It ought to he as "strange" as its publi shers promise. Jeannette Phil1ips Gibbs, American wife of A. Hamilton Gibbs, will have a novel "Portia Marries" published by Bro\\'11will andsoon company Little,familv have in a August. literary This "\Vho's \Vho" of its own. "THE HOUSEMAID" Bv Naomi Rovde-Smith - Alfred A. Knopf By Naomi Royde-Smith Naomi Royde-Smith, an English r.ovelist. has written a better novel in "The Housemaid" than she wrote a yea r or so ago in "The Tortoise-shell Cat." \Vith the same quite considerable skill she has tried for le ss bizarre effects and achieved some thin g more la sting. \Vith no slur on the present book it gives promise that the next one may be better. Miss Royde-Smith has made the difficult experiment of taking separate, in fact. widely separated strands and after following each one for a space bringing them together 111 accord. It is the same experiment that Virginia \Voolf performed brilhantlv in "Mrs. Dallo\ll'av." and her strand-s were no more closelv woven than that by the accident 0 { time thev were simultaneously existent in London one day. But the strands of "the housemai d" and Michel Sherlock and beautiful Dorothea Fielding and Eileen Transley touch for a moment and change their direction by this contact. Certain of the characters of the hook are well-drawn, Michel with his passion for obscure Aztec inscriptions perhaps best of all. The housemaid, though she carries off the honors of the title. 1s for me the weakest strand of all. This is the endpaper for "The Light Princess," the nonsensical, moral fairy tale by George ~f acDonald. Dorothy Lathrop has illustrated it for "The Little Library." Here you see the princess as a hab~·. nurse and page -hoy playing ball with her. Think of having no gravitY, so that vou Aoated about like a fe.ather! Tt w;.;s of course. the doings of a wicked fain·. How the princess was cured oi it told beau tifully. and the pictures are this distinguished American artist's best work. "TWO OR THREE GRACES" By Aldous Huxley George H. Doran & Co. Whether Mr. Huxlev is not the bright boy that he ~vas when he started writing his clever satirical books, or whether through a flooding of the market the price of his type of cleverness has gone down, it is impossible. across the interval of 4years, to sav. In either case. though 'Limho" ~md "Mortal Coils" and other~ once delighted, 41 Two or Three Graces" drags on until it seems six or eight. Mr. Huxley's purpose is to hang the human race upon the gibbet of his ima~ination and as it sways in the wind or is pecked at by spiteful birds, to move you to despair or delight that you are or are not so. But he fails somehow of late to make his characters real enough to !nspire either comparison. They are more like scarecrows hung up to frighten the birds away and therefore, not challenging human notice. Tn the title the stor~· of the volume, Grace, a woman who. e imagination only serves to create for her roles which she cannot play, is married to an insufferable bore who assists her to no role at all. So she tries two other men with di~erent success, then comes back to the bore in the end. Yet it is all, with the shorter stories which f0llo\v it, rather boring. MICROBE HUNTERS By Paul De Huitf S 3·5o THE SILVER SPOON By John Gakworthy Scribner& $1.00 THE TORRENTS OF SPRING By Ernest Hemingway Scribnera S 1. 5o MY RELIGION By Ten Named Authors and "The Unknown Man" Appleton Co. S 1.50 EAST OF MANSION HOUSE By Tbomu Burke H ucourt, Brace Doran $1.00 Read The Want Ads FLIGHT By Walter Whitt Knopf $2.50 THE NUMBER ONE BOY By John Taintor Foote Appleton Co. S I: 7 5 Best Sellers of the Week FICTION HANGMAN' S .HOUSE By Donn Byrne Century - ~~~ ~o ..... ~,_ ~~·, ,~~ ~~iscon.sin ~ M1. nnesota GROSS EXAGGERATIONS "NIZ.E BABY" By Milt Gross George H. Doran & Co. "To the Guv that inyentecl dnmh" ·aiters and thin ,,·ails this book is gradual!~· dedicated ." T n thi s unknown or these unknown. ~filt Gross inscriht s one of the most ri<liculnu" hooks oi humor in a spring \vhich ha . hcen a :,cason oi humorous hooks. "1\ize Bahy" is heard anrl . J)Oken down the dumb waiter nr through thi.;; walls. The first and seconcl Aoors discuss eYery morning the doings of the night before. and the,· are Yariotts. the third Aoor disciplin(-s" littl T~idor. and from the monologue we construct the entire famih· life. and nn the fourth floor "Xi7c . Balw" has "fern· talc:-;" and ~fother Goo~e told to hi1i1 in the east side ,·ernacular. The whole thing i::. entire 1~· ridiculous atHI Yet like m o ~t truh· humorous thing~ somewhat profotind. The ~ocial and mental status of these peonle is s0 cruelh· reHaled . After an indignant mreti;1g of the tenants (If the building witl1 the landlord to comnlain of the most atrocious condition::.. " 'So what graduallY remained from de mitting. ~f rs. Fe~tlehaum-' 1t remained dot instead wot day']! gonne call for de gohhage at sux o.'clock like u~ual eycry day, dcy'll gonne call at fife.' ., $1.00 SORRELL AND SON By Warwick Deeping Knopf AFTERNOON By Susan Ertz $2.50 Appleton IT'S NOT DONE By William C. Bullitt $2.00 Harcourt , Brace NIZE BABY By Milt Gross $1.00 Doran McBride OUR TIMES By Mark Sullivan $2.00 SILVER STALLION By James Branch Cabell $2.50 NON.-FICTION Scribners MAPE By Andre Maurois Knopf Colorado Yellowstone Utah CalifOrnia .PRECIOUS BANE Pacific Northwest DOUBLY A PHIZ£ NOVEL 'Nmina Vie Heureuae Prize J·t "lhe Ba~l Engluh Nollel hy a Woman" is By MARY WEBB S5· o o $2.50 Jasper J::~·~~·· Black Hills OF SOUTH DAKOTA French Colflmittee '1 Annual Prize fer "the Bul Work oj Fldlon" 12.00 at aU 6oolc.toNt B. P. DVft'ON A at. DW YOBK THE ROYAL ROAD TO ROMANCE . . By Richard Halliburton Bobbs Merrill $ 5·o o At the Public Library CHIMES By Robert Herrick One of Farnol' a Best Novell NEW TITLES JN THE CHILDREN'S CLASSICS Pnhlisl1('(l this snri ng-"Dnn Quixote." edited and ahrirh~c<L illustrritcd in color h~- Ba~hnt de la Brrc. "The Pilgrim's Progress." abridgrd, illttstratecl in color 1)\' H. T. Ford. Ready thi-; fa11-"1'he A{hamhra: P;1lace of ~fy . tery an(l Splendor," Tale s from \V::~,hington Trving, chosrn h,· ~f ;)h ie \Villiam ". illu:-;trated hv Warwick Goble. ~farDonalcl's "Th-e Prince ss ano the Goblin," illustrated by Francis BedfNd. "r.?m"" for EvPry Da~·." lw Gahrirlle Elliott and Arthur Forbush. "The Dove in the Eagle's Nest." by Charlotte Yong-e, illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli. THE HIGH ADVENTURE \Vi .!e choice of routes. Stopover anywhere-Splendid throuth tralat. 04 A~k for our popular booklet FortvWays and More to California and the North Pacific Coast~' Etcortcd aU- cxpcti·· touu to Yellow· ttone, Colorado, Zion Nation11l Parle and California. A.Jr about th.m. For full information a11d descriptive folder apply to ticket a1ents Macmillan THREE KINGDOMS By Storm Jameson Knopf $2.00 By JEFFERY FARNOL Sz.so $2.50 SHOW BUSINESS By Thyra Samter Winslow Knopf · A romantic tale of lusty adI venture by the famous author of 41 The Broad Highway." ABRAHAM LINCOLN By Carl Sandburg Harcourt, Braet $1 I $2. o o at all Bookaelleta o.oo 5~icago & North ~eater~ Ry, LITTLE, BROWN ~ CO. Publishus, Boston

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