Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1926, p. 35

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JUJy 9, 1926 - WILMETTE LIFE 35 Slf2~ . St. Augustine's Church ~t-xt Sunda.y. July 11 , will b(' tlw s ixth Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy 'ommunion at St. Augustine's at s a. m. nnd Morning Prayer with addn·s~ at 11 a. m. l>uring the months of Jul~· and August tht· 11 a. m. HL·n·ie(· will ht· shortl·J.t·d, lasting altog-e th e r about one hour. Tlw rel'tor· ha\'ing- rdurl1(·d la st Sunday moming' from St. Augu~tin<:'s Boys' l· <~mp at { 'rystal Lake, \Visconsin, of " ·llkh lw was in charge, conducted the !-t l'\il-t·s on Sunday and pn:achcd on "Pa triotism and Re!ig·ion." St. ...:\ugustin(·'f:i lJo~·s who ha\' e just ··flnd ud(·d tlwir annual camp in \\.il:icon~in report the mo~t s uccessful camp ever )·t·ld. Til e w<·a tht·r was mu<·h bettt!r tht n· than in \\·)lme tte during th e same l:l'l·iod. The summer attt·JJdn.ncf'S at th e H:00 a. m. llol~· Communion _s<·n~il:cs e_ac:h ~lllHl:tX morning an· stl·adlly m cn·asmg. Fnr tlw first tinw the nurnlJl·r of coniInuni<-ants at 8 a. m. last Sunda~· l't! UHIIt>d tlw numl!t·r at thL· l'l'g"Uiar 11 ;l in. Sl'l'\'ict.:. I .. 'fh< \\ciJJiam Guise, Pastor has l~t·t> n arrangL·c1 for SundR.;r, July 11: ~t·n·it:('S for July 11. Clrgan .Pn·luue-··:\rt:morit's".. Dickinson 1 "H.igl'\t(·OuHness" wil1 ht· the th(·nw of Antht·m-'·.:\ly Faith Lool<s up to Thee" tht· nll·ssage at th<· \\·orship hour whi ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schned:er lll·g ins at 11 o' lock. This Yitnl and .\Htht·m-"Thuu \\"lw St·ndt·st ~un and int<: resting th('me will bt· ha sl.'d on one Hain" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "hadwick of tht· striking uttPranc:es ot Jt·sus: "Ex- Oq.!Hn Offl·rtory-'·Past oral" (~Iiniature <·t·pt your rig·ht ~ otisness shall 0xned th e Suit<·) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger::; righteousn<·ss o( th e scribl·s and Phari- Solo-"I \\'ill .'ing- unto tlu: Lord" (JuI Sl'es, y · shall in no case entl'r into th o dithJ . .......... .. ... :. . . . . . . . . Parry I Kingdom .uf HeaY en." . Friend~ ~nd :\Irs. flL·a ps strangers. m ~h · commumty Rre ll1Ylt d ()J·g·an Prdudt·-"Tvcc·ntina" ()Iininture to worship w1th u. ·. ~uitt· J · . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · . . · · · · . Rogers -lsaJ,,.l 1-i· ·:tJI!-' , soprnno. flr,se Lutiger Hiblt· school a.t !I >1<>. Thv BibiL· c: las. · Cann11n. Cl·lltralt·· ..Joh11 H. :.\Iill e r , tenor, \Yill continue int <:r<:sting st-ri(·).: in th E. (' . t'arbrlll. l·n~-;s, l~rm ;L E. Rounds, hook of Exodus. "Tht- Childhood and 1 r rgani!'t and dir· ·cwr. · Education of l\Ios<:s" will b~ th e l:iubju.:t I _ during thL· lc·sso n ])('riod . .:"\t·w nH· mb~·rs ~uncla~· sc·h<1<d at tho · rq.! ~llnr hour, all j art> al\\'ays w~lconw to our sc:h_oul whi c h dql;trtmL·nts C· JH·ning· th l· s ·n ·il'c prompt- . us<:·s (':tn·fully graded lesBons 1n all d~- 1.> at :· :::11 c,·, ·lc,d;. <'l asSL·s f{)r all and 1 partm<·nts. a llH·st sinc:u· · wdcome. Tlw Luth vr L<·ag-ue is planning- a picni<· _ for tht· young JWopl e and thl·ir. friends. , 'l'ht · First l'rl'~hytt · J·ian £'hu rch, Tlr . D<'finiti~ . announ<"<·n11'nt a: t.o .t. 1 111 ~' an.u j ( :vpJ·g·<· 1'. ~Iag·ill, ministl'l', is lo cated Ht J~l;t<·(· W!ll ht: mach· at th e svn I<Ts nt:xt th· · vt·r!1i'l' of :'\inth st rl·d and l;n·t.: n~,unday. lt::a r a \'L· nuf:. . _ ~~e~!~~~ ~~~?,~~~~ ~!~!~Z,t~~~~i~ n~~~~~~ogram I MONEY Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban resider.ce property at 5 '1ia% interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 I I I Do you know that you can owu a H.ART OIL BURNER as low aa $50.00 down and about $25.00 oer month! HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. -COMPANY- I J:;·igadi<·r-( ;, ·JH ·ral ~. 1 ·· ~tantt 111, (I Ill· nf .-\ugustilu· 's parishio!Jt ·J·s. \\'as tlw r.rat"r of th L· day at th(· \\'ilmC'ltc Fourth ·tl July <"dl brat ion. ~l. ; :\1 r. a_ nd :\1rs. Clarence E. Drayer For.cst :\filler and · and the1r daughers, Je·an and Ruth, 1027 CreL'll\\·c ,od a\·c- ~ 1034 Flm\\'ood aYcnuc, returned to T IH· had dit·d on th· · ship on tht· way 1111e. ha\'C~ ret~trn~d after a \:·ec k> Yisit their home. i.n \\.ilmette, . hursday, J.:ll'k to .Japan and had hL·t·n l·urit-d at with :\1 r:-;. :\Idler . parent s 111 1\ehras- after spcndtng two weeks 111 Cle\'cH·a. ka. ! land and Oberlin, Ohio. .·\ l'<tlll·· has just IH ···JJ t't·t·t·iH·d from tlw witt· of Hn·. 1 Jr. ( 'orn·ll, in ('harg-t· llt' <1ur vhun:h 's JlUhli~hing· int<·rl·sts in }.fr. and ~1r :-;. th,· iFar : ast, \\'ho prcad1l'd in ~t. that .. \u- ·their snn , Jack. gust n···s l· st·\'~·ral Wt·t·ks ag<,, saying· 'l'h l :tttl·ndan('t' hanm·r ·!unv \~as " ·c,n ],~· :\1 r s . Stcutll's <:l:u:;.- nt girls.' \\ hu \\'ill \\· in tht · IH·auUiul l.:Jilnl'r IH ·xt 11Hllllh'.' 1 ":· Frt ··: I ""u. · ~··ats and n l'<·rdi:tl w~· lt-omt· a\\'ait BURNERS EVANSTON Greenleaf 175 2 HART OIL 1514 Sherman Ave. 74l Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 f"""" 1 '"""""""""'"'"' """""" , . , I i<: - aitcrnoon during the porche:-; and i(lu;1gc of the \\'ilmcttc Golf club \Yill hl' the ~ce nc of bridge parties arr ;1 ngL·d h ~- the h 11th c CCll.11lll itt e e as a mca1~:-- c,i din:r~inn ior the women llll'llllll'r . . and their guc:-h \Yho are unahlt to vnjcn· the men'.; ~aturday ;titcrnoc·n gcdi JlerogatiH·. The bric_lgc l.!amn prercdc the dan e<":; orcunng n-cr~ · \\L'l'k during tht~l' l\\'O ::. umm c r 11]( i ll ! h ' · luh· and Augu!:lt Every Saturday I VIC·TOR RECORDS ~At !1111 111 JIJ , L Pil l! 111 Tremendous Reductions ,1.1 d,. ' i!t fL I: I I I p "I I I II II : II' I~ I i:d\. I I lllll l! lllllllll l lllll lll lll lllllllll ll lll llll lll l llllllll llll ll llll ll llllll llli ii iiiiiiiiiiii ii iiJ II"IIIl lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll f'"""'"""·" ""'""' "'"'" '"" 12-inch Blue Label $1.50 Record at 10-inch Blue Label $1.00 Record ·at 12-inch Black Label $1.25 Record at 10-inch Black Label 75c Record at ... 59c ,, 39c 49c 29c = - Delightfttl _Frocks for Warm Summer Days The cnjoy.1blc summer season requires that the wardrobe be complete. Pretty dresses for .lftcrnoon and evening. sporrswear and wraps for the chilly nights. With the exception of a few hundred numbers every l{ecord in the immense Victor Catalog, numbering sev· eral thousand selections, is offered to you in this great sale. Doubtless there are many standard selections that you have intended adding to your Record Library if you had the time to select them. Don't put it off any longer. Come in and get them now \vhile our stocks are complete. ., Open TUESDAY, TJJTJRSD~4J: and SATU.R DAY Evenings 1 ,1 1 t , , llllltll,lllllllliiiiiiii'II,.IJIIII<IIilllll lllllll ldll!llllllllll! lllltllll lllllllllllll lllllllll!l!' l!lllllllllllllllllllllllllll.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll lllllllll lllllll llllllllll llllllll lll llllllillllllllllllll Clearance Becker's Music Sho·p Cor. De·m pster St. t1 Sherman Ave.· HHome of Harmony, North Shore Talking Machine Co~ 712 Church Stq Evanston 5 54 Central St., Winnetka Evanston, Ill. Univ. 1640

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