Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 3

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.Ju.ly 23, 1926 WI·LMETTE· LlFE NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Commerce). :, Friday, July 23 7 :30 p. 111 · Wilmette Chapter, R. A. 1\othng was ac<;omplished at the re- All Village Organizations to ·Trustees Vote $3,000 Appropria- 1 M., Masonic hall. cent meeting between members .of the Representatives to Meeting· tion ·for Purpose of HirMonda.y, July 26 judiciary committee of the vVilmettP on Play ing Expert . 1 :00 p. m. Luncheon and PiYot I Village boara and members of thP I .Bridge, Ouilmette Country club. Glenview board on the annexation dis..: 7 :30 p. m. Men's Night. Ouilmettc pute, it was reported by Trustee's Paul Representatives , of eight different' The \Vilmette Plan cnmmission. a I Country club. A. Hoffman. ch?.irman of the com- organizations in the village met w.ith.~ hod~· which has been functioning for Tuesday, July 27 mittee, at the ineeting . of the board Daniel M. Davis, director of the ~·it.:. about two years and whose duties 12 :lS p. m . Luncheon. \Vilmette Op-· last Tuesday evening. . I m_ette Bureau of R.ecreation. at th" timist club. Lake Shore Terrace. haYc bern gTC·at1y enlarged and rom-· The Glenview ofhcials were not eli:-;- \ T 111 age 1 1a It tast F n d ay evemng an d plicated hy the recent annexation of 1 8: 15 p. 111 · Ouilmcttc Council Xo. posed to he reasonable about the mat- began the formation of plans for a 922 · Knights of Columbus, Od<l ter, according to the committee report, compr.e1;~nsiv~ prog.ram <;>f recreation·the \'ast trrriton· to thl' we st of what I \\'<lS originally \\'i lmette. is to han~! Fellow's hall. They claimed the disputed territory al ~CtlvltJCs wh1ch. 1s to mclude every· the asc;istancr nf an expert Yillage Wednf'~o;day, July 28 becau se of the alleged priority in fit- rcsH~e~t of the v1llage who care:; t..) planner. or. morr technically sprak- 1 12 :lS p. 111 · Luncheon. \\'ilmdte Ro ing their pctit~on and said that other I nartlctpatc. . ing, an exprrt city planner. i tary club, Ouilmctte Country 1 rcas_ons why they shoul-d have. the The_ first step to be taken 111 the; club. 1 f f r.epresen t ~This action \\·as taken at a meet 1 tern tory "· t~ re that they \\'Crc m a P. an IS a con crcn~e <;> Thursday, July 29 t f t I ing of the \.illa ge Board oi Tru stcl'-. posttJOn to put m unprm·cments soon- 1ves o ~very org~n1za 10n 111 th e ·,.r:r.f \\'ilrn(·tt" Ttt c·s .·<l,·t)· "V"Ill.ltg, :tt R :00 p·. Ill. A. T . Sherman Lode;c, er than \\"ilmcttc; that one Yillagc I !age, whtch .Is t~ nc held. at the VJl"- '· Xr). 892 T. 0. 0. F. Odd Frltow' · I should control l;u~cl on both sides of 1age 1 which time $3.000 wao.; appropriated for 1a 11 t h IS F ·n d . ay evenmg, J_u 1 Y 23 , tltr sen·icr . of an rxpcrt and other hall. thl· railroad for better policing po\\"er; at 8 o'clock. Those groups wh.tch are expcmcs of the \\"ork incidcllt thereMonday, .AugusC t 2 of 1anc~ that they had secured some of cx;pected. to send representatlves to 0 1 thc1r 0 : 00 p. m. ~Icet In g. hambtr land on the \\"est of the track th1s meetmg are as follows: 'to. I Commerce. Central cafeteria. I by the promise to the signer of the \Vilmette \Voman's club, c.atholic Pre..;idcnt Earl F.. Orner was op- ! Speaker. Dr. Sam H. Atkin:;on, t't" tl t 1 d t f tl t k \Voman's club Rotary club Ot11lmette . ··p cr:;ona 1 Con t ac t.. 1) pe I lOll la he an cas o They te assertrae s I Countr~· club. ' Masomc . . lodge, ' Opttm. l lo~.·' t·<l t<·) tile' at)t)r<)J)t't',·tti.Ott ot· tilt· .~· I T optc, · ' e\roulcl also acquired. amount of money for the purpose frcshments. ed. The,· a:-;scrted that the\· feared ists club. Order of the Eastern Star, 1 ahf ·vc mentionl'd. \Vhen th(' proposithat the (levelopment on the ·cast side vVilmettc Post, American Legion, Petlion ,,·a s prcsentrd in the form of a of the track \\"ould he detrimental to I er J. Huerter Post, Ameri'can Legion, rc:'olution hy Trustl·e C F. Dra,·cr. Schaefer Family Holds their Yiltagc . \\"ilmette Chapter, Royal Arch MaPresidrnt O~ner at nnce t·xplainecl All the:;e rca:-;ons are \\"M thlcss. ac- 1sons. Chamber of Commerce, Catholic that he cnn-..iderl'd it a needk-..s exAnnual Reunion August 1 crH·ding to Trustl'e Hoffman, and they Dau~hters cluh. Wilmet.t e League .of pense. :1nd at the r0n~lusio~1 of a I Sunday, ;\ug-mt 1 \\"ill he the date all apply equally to \Vilmette's reason \Vompn Voters. Knights of Columbus, 'ome\\'h:-~t l<·ngth\· d1scuss1on. an· t1 · · ·. . I 1 ot ll' t 1 11r< 1 ;mnua 1 picntc o t' tl te fnr claillling the land. he said in his St. Augustine's Episcopal church, St. · 11 < put thr mot1on 1 , . . . . . report. He also told the hoard that John's Lutheran church, Wilmette nonnce< 1 t I1at IH' \\'O U tn a \"Otr . hut hr dt·rlarcd. "T \\·ant yon I Srhaeter talntly. It \nil be held this one of the Glctl\'iew officials had said I Baptist ch.urch. vVilmette Parish to hear in mind that t1H' hurdrn of this yl'ar at Glen Oak Acre:-; where all that "it \\'Ottld hc political suicide for Methodist church. Wilmette Congrecxpcnditurr will re"t so lrly upon those kinds of games and amu ·cmcnts, in - C.lenYicw to compromise" in this mat- ~rational church, \Vilmette English who Yote for thr passage nf thi..; reso- eluding a fir:;t class orchestra for the tcr. :\o action was taken by the board. . Lutheran church, St. Francis Catholic 1ution." 1rhurch. \Vi1m ette Presh_vterian church. dancing \\·ill be provided f0r the five Pres ident Orn<'r. in explaining h is Leslie Millar Complains· 1 Any organizations not on this list are nhjrc tinn to t h(· .;pe nding of ,:ill ag-e hundred persons \\"hO usually assemble f also invited to send representatives, it fund..; for thi s purno.;;e, said that \h -I ~_It _t l_li~ in.tcrc -;ti ng patherin~. The to oar 0 ey aving is announced. . ron H . \\~r~t. oi \Yilmctte. an . t I t<::-;tt\"ttles \\"III h~.: held 111 the atternoon r r \\' ~['II I 'd t' ·to T Form Association . . expcr \ and even in . ,es .1c .· t ar, " . 10 rest es. a . :J · o. . . . nn Cit\· plannlll£!. as long a~o as .fin ,, , , ~·,·, ·. . . . . 1 \\.a:-;hlllgton avet~u;~ filed olncct10ns Mr. Dav1s ~~ys that.~~ 1s hts hope \·c :-~r:-; Lack, had proff('red ht:-; ser nces I he Sch.tc tn lanlll) . b o.ne ?~ ~he i \\'lth the Board ot 1 rustecs last Tue.- that an athletic assoctat10n can be free. to the: Yillag·r. and h;uJ. a _numhr:· ~~.ld~~t _a1~d al:~>.largc~t tn tills vtcmtty. ~ay to the manner in which .the grade f<?rmed, to include all residents of the (, f tlllH. ·..; . 1 nr e, r~·nc\n'd the nftn. \fr. lite). arc. cle u :ndanb of th~ late Pe- 111 the alley at the rear of h1s lot was v11lag-e who are more than 15 year~ Orner further state d that thi:-; mat- ~er ~chatter ~dto. came to this country 1 c·stahlished . when it \\'a s paved rc- of age. Those under ti1at age are alter had comr up \\'it1H 1 ut it:-; ronsidcn- 111 18-B, locat1ng 111 ,,·hat was formerly centlv. readv taken care of 1)\· the present t inn ha,·ing- het·n hron.r.rltt tn hi-.. · atte;1_ Cro:;:-; Point. Th~'rc \Y~re fi\·c _sons and I Tll'- alsn set forth in these objections play~rounrl . activities ·and hy .tl1c tinn. Furthermore. he sa id he could fin·., da_ugl.lter:; . 1 ~ 1, tht~ _f~mdy, only I t_hat he ha~l hetn unable to get a sat.is- schools. during the greater part of the nn t under..;tand \Yll\· thi:-; rrlll!tni~sion thrt<.: ot "hunt ate nO\\ ll\1!1g. t:-~rtnry adJu..;tment and because of 111- vear. ah\· ay .~ holds it .:; meetin~s cl0\n1 in thr One is Joseph. of Chicago and the ' com·rnirnccs hr claimed to have :-;uf- · The association. as he sees it. is city. ~ nt_her t\\· ~ arc ~I r~. __Gertrude Feltman, 1 iered !n t.he matter of gc_tting his au- nrimarilv for the older people who ~re \\"ht·n the lllatter \ras put to a \'Otr. ' \ndo\\· _ot tl:c !at~ Fran.k Feltman and ; ~otnoh!le 111 ~nd out of hts garage. he 110t reached hy the present recreat10n P; 111 J :\. Hoffman \\'as tl.lc nnh· trustrl' \ ~1 rs. 1·.,\·a ~chacter .. \\"lfe of the late 1orm.all~·. notdiec_l thr Board. by a com- nrorrram. There would be snorts .of all y 11 ti 11 g again.;t it. Truster Delk~·a rd Petn ~chacfcr. a !Ike name, but not 1 mttnl~<:ltiOI,l 'rhtch w~s read at the I kinds for cYen· season Qf the year. \\·a..; ah"ent . \fr . H~ 1 fT 111 ;1 11 had prl'\·i- related. n_H'_(' tlng 1 ue :;da ~·. c\"Cntng. th.at he an- su~h a~ basl'hall and pla.vgr?ttnd hall. l·tt.~ ly < xprr...;:-;ed hi .; \'iews nn t1 r mat---· 1_ 1.L:1!1ate~ .proceedings to ohtam the de- s;\'tmmmg, h_ors7 -sh_o~ p1tchmg .. tt>n1 kr. He s;wl h<' did nnt " ·ant it lftHkr- franklin Wins In Fuel "11,\d rellrf. . . . n1:-; and mam ot.1rrs 111 summer· foot:-tood that h(' is opn()..;ed to the Plan ..1 he compl.a1nt was cltsposed ot _hy i h:1.ll.. yollrY-!)all.. basketball a.nd gymrommi<:.,ic,11. hut he ftlt that thl' propConservation Test Run \ 1.1lagr Pre..,tdent. Earl E. _Orner ,\lw 1nast1c exerc1scs 111 fa.tl. awl \\"litter and c·r thino· to do . to 1 . . tl ' L' k . f ,., I ::;l'd IH' and the \'tllagc rngmrer would ntlwr '-e asonal actt\'lttes all tlH' year 1 . _ . ... , . '~as . .ne lC com- ' ' 1 "·eepsta ·e:-; 111 t 1 ll' ,o:-; ...... ngL' 1 e::_ to takr the tnattrr up \rith ~fr. ~tillar. around . 1111-..'- 1 1 ·n mt ct ,I0111tl~· \\"lth the noard Lake :\rro\\"llead Fuel Consenat10n ! ___ < ._ · · 1 . 1 0'. self Tru..:fl·c·..; for thl' purpo.;, of t ll·· o· "I L'. t I· . T ?'. , . Tt h hts p 1,tn to let\ e t le ,. . \ mna. · t . a " 111 .-. run ~tagcc on ,..,cl nrc<~!· . un~ - 0 \\Crc I ~undaY and \fondaY e\·cnmrrs werl' · . f tl 'o s schoo ls OJ)encd for c,,·cr th e prnhknh hrforc 1t r ·t)e .. 1 . . . ·t ·) F kl s,, Ia t:"' lttms o levan u . , ·. . . . · ~ - \\(Ill )) a IH\: s! e ~an. 111 ~ .. cc<~~ ~ thc ncca.;JO n:-; 0f t\\'o aff<urs gtven forth us of the older people of the com(l:tlh_.~,· I_H'll tt romt·s to asking the ap- m\'ltcd and drtYen hy \ ' . \. \alla.ot \\'hitfielcl Cook. \\"ho is leaYin~ Satur- lll'~ni;,: in thr <'Yeninrrs during the . . 1 t f m trams and :11 nnllt~tlnn of 11101~ey to the a111ount 1 Los :\ng-cles. who states that the dnn· 1 dw Tuh· ?..f i(lr tlt , '7a.:;t \\"here he lnrlu<kd in Trn c;t", Dra '" .·._ 1 I. ·I . ·I 1 .. . .· t .· . . . tl '. . . . -.. l "t" . . ~ "~' 1 lOO 1 ~ear ,111( o nr ' . tion. · ,c c}·t · rrso tt - 111 ." 1· 1 ~ , 1 · te \~a~ .' 1c. OIIOU;:, \\~~ 1 ~ \\'Ill make l11s hnme. ~um~a~· ~fr~: l'.d- Jearruf':; which ""ill stimul~tr .interest ~[endsen or · :-~31 l·1ghth 111 · tl 1r ac t'1\1 -·t·te~. · .All orrrat11zat·o11s are "\ ·, . · , I t1r~t . C\ t 1t maclc h) hun to Lake Ar \\"l nl .-.< . 1 · \(. ,.arc cuq~<hans of the .1)('0.1?1 ~ s ro~\ 1 tea<· . . . strcrt enll~r~~unrd _\f ~~~aret Blati,JCu~d.t, urged to have their represrt~tatives .on lllonr~ . . Trustel Hoff~11an sa1d. and _fhe ro~tte mYoh-cd. a nmrty mtlc Dornth~- 1\:hne. \ftldred Olson. bmhe i hand at the Village hall th1<; evenmcr " ·e rerta111h· haYr. a ng-h~ to know 1 ~rtp pract1~at1)· _all uph1ll, the lake ~>c - Durha111, Robert C'rc~:-;y, Robert Ken- when the project will get under way. what the plans for spencl111g- the pen .. , lllg one mtlc h1gher than the startmg ,.0n an<l Hardin Van Deursen at supPle'.;; monr~· . ar<.'. Thrrrforc. it is ~10 1 point .. The winning car made 3~.92 per, and the following evening Robert \f··.;. Conrad 1': Frvl.·lllan of 1041 n~orc than n~·ht that the plan commh- 1ton n11l~·s per ga}~on, actual fuel nule- Kenyon of 1011 . Greem\'00d ~yem~e Ashland avenue, has as h er guests this s1on m:rt w1th thr hoard. or .rw 011 age hl'lltg. 18. ~he secon_d car was \\'a~ ho~t at a chnncr dance m ht" week, her sis ter-in -law. Mrs. E. J. recorcl 111 thr ,~orm of a commun1ca~l,.n jt 10 ton mtlc:-; hclnncl tltc "·mner. . h01wr. Cheevers, and her two children. ~laine to thr Board. '1'\\"entv-fiye cars entered, and lhtr\f~rie ~lN{ Lillian ~Ltv. of Ch1cago. The members of the \Vilmette . Plan teen COlllpeted and finished this event. \frs. Charles ~IcC~te. 631 \\'ashing-- ~fr. ~nd 1frs. fp·kman arr planning to Cor;tmission arr Robert Stoddard. ".·hich "·~s restricted t~ non~profes- I ton aYem~c. g-ave a cl1nner .party Tues- go on a short trip next week-end. rhamnan: Frank C. Huffman. Fred ,s1onal dnvers. ow ner s bemg stipulated day eYemng at her home 111 hono r of ~ ewey, G. T. Hrltmuth and R. Rc. _ spec ifi cal ly. -Ko dealers were entered. her daughter. ~f rs. F. \\·. Armstrong, SPiUNKLING RULES noldc;;. Trustre Dra\·er said the Co 1i1- The victorious Franklin carried four of the Edge,Yatcr Beach hotel. AnResidents of Wilmette are r cq ue smission meets on Tuesday noon s :lt · passengers. other daughter and her husband .. Mr. ed not to use th eir sprinklers be~farshall Fields' lunchroom. and ~frs. John S. Crossley. of \\ heatween the hours of 4 o'clock in the A number of friends of ~r rs. Brr- ton. were also her guests. afternoon and eight o'clock in the GET COLLEGIATE COP nard Hen . , l.flS Hill street. ga\"e a sur-aevening, in a statement is sued this Fred T. Bruce, a senior at North- prise bunco party for her July 15. on \Vitliam P. Varney. Jr., 1026 Greenweek by Village Manager C. C. western univer!'ity and tackle on the the occa~ ion of her birthday. wood avenue is spending his summer Schultz. During tht- extremely hot Yarsity foothall team last fall. is now -ovacation on his uncle's farm ncar Covweather, especially, the demand for a member of the \Vilmette nolice force. Mr. and :M rs. George \Y. Kibby , 83j inrrton, Ky. -owater is so heavy in these hours He began his dutirs last Wednesday Lake avenue, have a·s their ~wu s,e 1fiss Edith Melville of Baltimore that the pressure drops almost to and was assigned hv Chief of Police guests for about a month, Mr. Kd>hy s has been spending part of her vacazero, it was explained. Charles G. Leggett· to special watch sister, Mrs. Munsell Ga~e, and her tion visiting Mrs. A. G. Melville, 1022 service. 1 daughter, Virginia, of Hartford , Conn. Greenwood avenue. PLAN COMMISSION GETS EXPERT HELP Nothing Gained in Annexation MEET . TONIGHT:TO · PUN- Dispute Meeting FURTHER ·ncREATION :~ I I Sen-l I 1 I I ·· · · 1 · 1 0 I I B d All p · I I . I I i 1 1 · I · · · · 1 1 I 1 ' · : · · · 1 1 1

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