August 13, 1926 WI L M ETTE LIFE 19 r A r CHRYSLER "70" Pioneer o{a New Order He fore the adn:nt of the Chn·sler "/0" t\\· r 1 and a half Year .~ ag-o the better car;; ,,·ere on~ fairly e\·en footing \\·ith ·practically nothing hut price to set one apart from the other . At that time \\"alter P. Chrysler sen~ed the general ptthlic di;;satisfaction \,·ith exi~ting car performance. I l e recognized that motoring need:-; h:ul dc,·elupcd to a point \\'here the public demanded superior. b~ter and safer tran~portation: a car \rith longer life: greater comfort. more easy to handle and quicker to accelerate in the maze of traffic. Thus the Chrysler "70" became the pione r of a ne\\· order of motoring and today ·more than eYer emphasize ~ the leadership it then assumed. For Chrysler \\·a s the first stock car t o giYe a speed of 70 miles and tnore per hour, an acceleration of 5 to 25 tnile.; in~~~ seconds and gasoline economy of 20 mile::; to the . gallon with such performance. Other adYanced features ,,·ere a motor with a seven bearing crank shaft in that price class; oil-filter, air-cleaner, an exclusi\'e spring mounting eliminating side sway even at highe"t speed~: and self-equalizing hydraulic four-wheel brakes. Coupled with the se unheard of mechanical perfections was ·a ne\\·ness ot de sign \Yhich pro,·ided comfort and roadability: a beauty that immediately won the approval of the most discriminating. · So great was the manifest superiority of the Chrysler "70" that it immediateh· exercised a marked influence on the entire industry-a;1 influence that has grown with each passing month. But there has-not yet appeared a single car, no n1atter what its outward re emblance to Chrysler, or that has adopted some of the features that Chn·sler introduced, which does the things that Chrysler does ~as Chrysler does them. CHRYSLER SALES CORPORATION, DETROIT, MICHIGAN NEW CHRYSLER "7o" PRICES Coach, $1395: Roadsrer. $Ij2j: Royal Coupe, $1695; Brougham. S1745; Sedan, $1545; Royal Sedan, $1795; Crown ·Sedan, $1895· All prices f.o. b. Detroit, subject to current Federal excise tax. Chrysler .Model Numbers Mean Miles Per Hour EVANSTON MOTOR SALES W. D. Reagan, Mgr. PHONE WILMETTE 2277 1840 RIDGE AVENUE