Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 30

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.\0 WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 NEWEST BOOKS A . N D BOOK REV/Ell'S THE SILVER SPOON Fountain Square Evanston Phone Wilmette 600 twice dailv to the :\orth Shore Phone in your hook ordrr:". Deli\'(·rie~ · 1 Book Suggestions TRAVELS IN ARABIA DESERT A Charles M. Doughty With a Preface by Thomas E. Lawrence Boni and Liveright S1o.oo THE TRAVELS OF MARCO POLO Manuel Komrotf Boni and Liveright $3.50 MEN AND HORSES Ross Sat1ter Tbe Century Co. SJ.OO WALLS OF GLASS Larry Barretto Little, Brown and Co. $1..00 By Jolm Galsworthy. Galswortln- has written another of his well executed novels which take their places so closely fitted together in "The Forsyte Saga." In this, "The Sih·er Spoon," \fichael and his wife Fleur. who figured largely in "The \'hitc ~Ion key" are carried on ~hr~ugh some troubled months of thetr hYes. And troubled by such a petty thinga slander suit br ought hy a young woman of the most emancipated "set" ag-ainst Fleur for the retaliation Fleur made when attacked maliciou sly by this Young woman. \I~. Gals"·orthy has chosen this petty thing. not from lack of capacity to think of something else, but from de : ; ig11. Because it:' yery · pettiness SYmholizcs the. childish pettiness of an age \Yhich kno'·~ng no \\'Orthy outlet for its energy. because believing in nothing worthy it can think of nothing \Yortln·. strikes out aimless objects \\·ith ·the vindictiveness of a spoiled child. Spoiled child is the· Yery suggestion made ln· the title, the very crux of the situation as regard s the actions of Fleur and the · others of her circle. ).fichael with his wistful honesty, while he is not spoiled himself. yet is a product of l1i s age in that he docs not know more than the,· what he or it wants. Hi s championship of the impractical "Foggartism," a scheme to cart most of England's children to the colonies, i5 a satire on the world . \Yithout a previol.1s knowledge of the characters of "The Silver Spoon" we doubt " ·hethcr it would seem to one a complete nm·cl. - Esther Gould ~fr . Brief Reviews of New Books I Library News fHE VALLEY OF THE KINGS Marmaduke Pickthall Alfred A. Knopf $2.50 Edison !\Iarshall has written anot h er storv of Alaska. It deals with anothtr those remarkable shipwrecks in which a child of seyen ts the so1e survivor. of To Lhasa in Disgulse JicGor'en~ (:limpst!s of Japa,n and Formosa F?'<lll('k VIRGI='l' SP."Ix-JValdo Frank. :\lystt·riou s Tapan Sf1·cct This philosopher, artist and ;,oet Hy Camel nnd Car to.... Polcrll paints word pictures which arc mo ·t Grass Coow ;· colorful and also endeayors to in- Thing!-> St·t-'11 in Palestine (;orJrl,-ich-P,·( ( ,. .tcrpret the ccul of the country and its Across Sibt·ria .-'done L ee people. Bt. yond Khyb(.-r P.al"s Thomas Beyond th(' l'tmost Purpl Wm Po11·rll So Yoc'RE GOixG. .To E~GLAXD/ So Africnn ( learinp;s J/d~ut: i 1 ' So YoL: 'RE Goi~r. 'To. FRAXCE! So You'Re Black Shet·p JJcJ(f'll:ir· GOIKG To ITALY !-Clara. E. Laughlin. . ... on th e :\lediterran ean Jl eriwct hcr \Vhether you arc motoring, going by Lost Ships and Lonely Seas Paill e train or afoot through these thr:ee My Climbing- Ad\'entures.... T11nta countries vou will find this book of Arcturus Adventure B eebe well organhed information and advice, Trav. Charts and Trav. Chats Collin8 verv useful. Planning a Trip Abroad liWl[) c1·fonl --· Fresh Gleanings Jfitclldl Crrn~s OF :.\1.-\~Y 1Ir.x-H. C. Chat- I Finding tht' '\\·o rth '\Vhil e in Eur. Osbor,,c field- Ta~~lor. Picture Towns of Bur. OslJOl'lle Because :Mr. Taylor lives in Chicago View!!! A-foot.... Taylor his book should be of especial interest Spell of Scotland Clar1~ to us. He \\·rites charmingly his rem- Lit. Landmarks of Edinburgh H11tton inescences of prominent people he has Spell of England Adtlisoa known and his experiences ·in London, Thread of English Road Bt·ook& Paris, New York and Chicago. so You're Going to Eng. Laugltli,t As It Is in Englnnu Osbor1ll ' "AN AMERICA~ A::\lOXG THl-: RIFFr"- Unknown SurrE'y Ma:rn·ll VinceJit Sltccmz. Oxford .i't!orrL<~ Riff is a province in Northern Yorkshir£' Coa~t Marrocco and Mr. Sheean has written \Vayfan·r in Hun~ary Ri1·mi1tgham a most interesting description of his .... of Burgundy Casty trip into that country which was filled Hill Towns of Fran re f' ?'JII r with adventure. Italian Life in Town and Country Villnri Hill Towns of Italy William .<~ THEY HAn To S££. P."Rrs-Homer Lake of Como Mo?Tis Crnv. Blue \Vater HildPbnnztl .( novel which would he a splendid Russian Life in Town and C'nun. Palm' r gift for a friend going ahroad. The Norwegian Fjords Cooprr reactions of this unsophisticated family Sp('ll of Flanders VMIPto French life and culture ~e most Switzerland Rnedcckf r a t1ltlsing. AI ong tlH' P yr<·n~:('S ·. l'"icstach Italian Lak (·s Faur e ARot·!'\n THI·: \\.ORI.D AT EIGHTY- Naples nnd So~th(·rn Italy JI ut to 1t Fla,~·z·,,.,·a. .4. Canfi"ld. .. So Yoti'rt> (;oing- tn l~aly: I. au fl Ill i 11 A co 11 cctton · 1 · 1 tt o f RouncI R \.0 >Ill e ers Touring through France .C:Jtacldef(Jit MARTHA AND MARY J. Anker Larsen Alfred A.· Knopf $2.50 MANNEQUIN Fannie Hurst Alfred A. Knopf $1..00 THE CUTTERS Bess Streeter Aldrich D. Appleton and Co. $2.00 THE GREAT BRIGHTON MYSTERY J. S. Fletcher Alfred A. Knopf $2.oo which Mrs. Canfield \Hote while taking a trip around the world alone at an age when many women do not venture JUST _PARAGRAPHS farther than · their own to\\'n. The Henry Ford has followed up ;1i.; letters are charmingly \\Titten and there is an interesting introd·uction by "~fy Life and \\' ork" hy another \. lher daughter, Dorothy Canfield Fisher. lltllC' \\'rit t{'n in collaboration w; 111 Samuel Crowther. ·'Today and Tomo, · '·THROL'CH KHI\'A 10 Gm.nF.~ SA- row." R. L. Dt~ffus in a· re~·icw of the ~~ARK LA :-;n"-TWm RolJrrls. hook ren.tar~~. ·The Ford ~ompany a~ If you have much reading time at he. sees tt.' ts n o mere hufmess enteryour disposal you will enjoy the story pnse. It ' s. a cn~s<~c.lc .. Itt::> an attempt of this woman's journey alone through to rc(.,q.ranJz~ ctvthzatton. Fo.r tho "!' the deserts of Central Asia. The hook who like <flllet '"~Y~ a.nd tlungs _ as is well illustrated and full of the they arc . HC'n~y Jord Js more ot a splendour and picturesqueness of that treat than Lenm. country. I Beauty Lies in THE BLACK GLOVE J. G. Sarasin Doran $2.00 Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow whicA. radiates from them. u,.., less kept always clean and healthy, EYES lack1this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. tides and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Qu,. illwutrated book. on "E,e C4wr ot' ..E~e Beaut.Y" at'e fREE on TC4Melt. BEAU SABREUR Percival Christopher Wrenn Stokes $2.00 The author of the popular "..-\: ie1" of last Year has not done :'O w;: ll f:~r Rr,qis. us in hi s ~test book. ··~[ope. the An indispensihle guide for motorists oriel of Tllu sions." \\' ith the same through France, which contains a map, light graceful style he ha: given lJ:" charts and diagrams and giYes routes, several very plca~ant little stories, but distances and costs. they are slight in the light they ca~t on · the historical characters. and Oppenheim cd strung together . o loosch· that one struggles long for the c')nnecting bond. "MoTORI~G I~ FRA~cr,"-Gordoa a11d HuBm THE GENTLEMAN FROM VIRGINIA Charles Alden Seltzer Doubleday, Page and Co. $2.00 THE GOLDEN. BEAST B, E. PHILUPS OPPENHEIM ·It II one of the fti'J belt of . . long stories."-The For Convenience Call The Murine Company lkpt. 33, Chic:qo UNIVERSITY 1024 WILMETTE 600 _ _11 . . ._ _ _ _ _, . , tlf/1 ~!!~JY~L . J I. EYEs BOJcen TranKTipc. LriTLE, BROWN&. CO ~ ............. __ .............. It is very difficult to sclt?ct the ht~t travel hooks brca use there is sucl1 a long list of taies of tra\·cl that are excellent. Some of these are reviewed in another column on this page and there are a few more to v\·hich we would call your attention: "Lady Sahcb" hy Grace Thompson Seton: "The Royai Road to Romance" bv Richard Halliburton, and ".-\rcturus." by Beebe. ~ext week. travel hooks of Amcri<.a will be rc,·icwed and there will he published a Jist of hooks of foreign travel for children witfi a note from the children's librarian which wili he of interest to them. I' 1\1. P. N.

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