Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 31

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August 13. 1926 WILMETTE adding unneces ary weight; light cast grey iron piston s designed by Hupmobile are hand fitted to each cvlinder ,,·ithin .0005 inch variation, at~d the 100 pound crankshaft with paten ted vibration damper are features which are not found on any car in thi s price cla ss. "Thi;; gi\·es u s something to boast about. ' ' continued ~Ir . Hutchinson. "And that is the principal rea s·o n why we arc broa dcasting our im·itations to mot orists to dri,·c this eight \\'hether they hav e ju st purchased a car or if io r other reasons theY do not intend t n hu\· in the nea r f~turc or if they mere !~- de sire to kn o\\' '"h at is \rhat ~n th e la tc~t iti1pronrl automobile. At any rate we are going to ha,·e erery car availabl e going e,·ery hour of the day to ~ hm\· peup I e not only \\'hat valtt l' they can :--t·curc in a Hupm obile hut \\·hat tn expect if they purcha;;e annthcr car at a higher or slightly lm\'C.'r price." LIFE 31 MEET IN NEW TEMPLE · DEMONSTRATE AUTOS Hupmobile Motor Car Corporation Shows New Straight Eight in Demonstration Fortnight 0. E. S. GIVE,S PICNIC Those \Yh o are concerned in trying en·ryt hing new in automobiles will be in tc re ·ted in th e recent announcement (1f the 1-lupp ~fot o r Car corporation that th ey arc con du ct ing a ··oemonstratil111 F ortnight" during \rhich tim e the publi c arc ill\·ited to ,·isit Httpmobile !'howrooms, to . ec th e new stra igh t eight and go out ior a clrh·e, the Hanson ~f otor company of \Vinll L·tka an nc,uncc. The appointments lllay be arran .~ed with th e sa les men a1:d a car will be sent to H1ttr 'door for you til cnjo\· a r id e on~ r ·\·our fayorite 1'11tHt'. ~PCl: ial t111pha=- is ·is placed 011 t ! IL· ·· \\ ·it IH 1t1 t 1·1J! il! a t io 11 to In n · ·' i eat ur l' ;1t·cording t11 LlL' Hupp 111 e~1 as this inrtnil!ht i:-- ju:- \rhat the term impli es ;11H! 1111 ptr-.i:--tL·nt ~o li citat i 0 11 :-- \rill j,,~!··\\. ill!_\· cknlr·n-.trat io n. F . ·r tho-.~ ,,·ho do not \\· i ~h to clrin~ t:ll'lll.;t·ln·,;; ln:t ck:- ire th l' <.;a les man tr· cl1autreur j, ·r them a ser ie.; of nm·el ··< :111 "·' h a'· t' I , T n a r r a 11 g- e c'l \ r hic h arc :·,· r~. ;lllt'fl"tim:- and ~IHI\\' tht· ~urp ri s11 ·.. .: tlt·,·il,ilit _,. :tnd pnionnann· pi the ~:r;ti..!h \'i!.!!lt nwtor. l'ar-. \\ill be ~ · t :· · t· d " it lJ 1 ·11 t ; h \' u:; u a I . tart t'I' p l' d:t~: , Jr,, ... rurlh liH·ll!lterl in h ig-h gl'ar "-:·: : :lit' lll··:··r -.carrely re,·11 h·in g; \' 1' .1 ·hv "l'tTrl··:nder llla~kt·cl the occ·.::··t:I \\ill],.. :t-kv cl t<, .~..:·u~.·-.:- the -;···· rl: [I,\,,. :uld ()thl·r pnrnrrnant·e· ' t -'- i;:l\·t· '>nl : :trr:tn~..:·t·cl " make the <~ 1 :: · ·: 1, r a· i. ·: : :·: 1It- 111 1 , r t' t h; lll r , r rl i 11 - ' ;,:·:h t·n \'rt:tinin~. I .. 'I" 1t' :· t' ;t r v ... t' \ n: t1 i111 p 1 · rt a 11 t L'l!: t:-;:; i-. ·~ :·'1 ""d.' t1 ·;tt 1: rv . . \\ h irl! \'. t' I! a \'t· pn- ' l··r ·~ ·rl in ti1i- l'::.!ht whirh \H'rl' lll'H'r ir ·:::·i on :t t'a;· in th i-. prirl' rlas~ and ' \'.\· :t.l' rlt--i:·JU' r,j i11inn11illl! the 1110i · ··i-· ,,j \\ h.t 1 :lt· t·:tl1 l'XPLTI irn111 hi" ::1\l'-ll!lt·n:" -a~- n. C. lfutclJin~ o n l~·~ :·:r: t! -.all:"' Ill<tllill!'t:r \rh,, i:; supt·r- , '.- :1;._:· tl!v "I · ·r·nil..!ht " ir()lll tht· iartory. Design Unique Motor "Tl!v Tfup nlr ,J,jJc ~tra i ght e ight in ::· .. r]11t't·~l.b-. ~_v:u· _led t.hr \\'ay tn\Yard 1 d . r t' dIll t I< ·11 r .r I' r1 r c s 111 t h c fin c car h·!d. \\·~· 11:1\·r·. rhr1l ttgh our cxperi- 1 c 1: r v (J i t l1 t' h , t n i net c c n n· a r s an d nt!r -:uri_,. ··i j·:·v-vnt <Ia\· ;notor del' :;t!:d-. rll':i~nl·d :t lll(lt<,r. that brinQ:i ; the fir . . t inlt' till· hight·-.t quali·t ,· Jlt·rinrmanrl' clr·\'.' 11 tr) the priCL' li mft \ 1i t 11 t' llll' cl i lllll car lnt ·: l' r. Tt i ~ t h c , '! ·:·tnt. 1111 "t t'(ll!lp;trt. l' i .~llt in lint' ~ · 11 ' ,· , ,r L'\·1·r l>uilt. The un r:ti111Y quidIll·-" 11i thl' 1111 ·t"r. its hrl'athlc:-~ pirku;· h ill -l· liini> ii iL.:. ;tl, ilit\· an d unu-.ual t..:· ·, , n I i 11 c ;t 11 rl 1 1i 1 t·c n 11c.m1 ' · h a '·e mt.: ri l'd t!Ji..; car \\·nrlrl-\\· id v . llllJltilarit~·. "Tllt· ,·ah·e lllcchan i:--nl, dt·,·i:;ecl after t ~·l' Lttv-.t anr!nautic practiCL' is po:-i - 1 tin·]_,. quid a11rl eflic it·nt ;tt all :--pcccls. · T lll' l'ron!ll·cting rncl..; and rrakca~t' arc I c·:' al umi nun1. an cxp cn;; iYe material j gi\·in~ thc ncedl'rl :' trcngth without A picnic for ri1embers and their famThe Wilmette Chapter, Order of the ilies is being given Saturday, August Eastern Star will hold its regular Au21, by the \Vilmette Chapter 0. E. S. gust meeting in the new Masonic ternat the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. ]. ple Monday evening, August 16, at Galitz, Dam 1\o. 1, in the forest pre- 7 :30 o'clock. This will be the first serve, one mile south of \Vheeling on meeting of the chapter to be held in Milwaukee avenue. There will be re- the new edifice, which has only recentfreshments, entertainment and swim-lly been completed to the extent that ming. it can be used. . .__..,........,_...__......_._.s·~~~MI ......-as-.n.......... . I I $3$,000 IN CASH PURSES HAPPY, ACTIVE LI1~TLE TOTS Are they . . . who in this warm weather . get all their little "tummies" can hold of our pure milk ! It's nourishing. health gtvtng quality gives them th~ tireless energy their pia ying desires. Daily 3P.M. and 8:30P.M.~_t?' GRANT PARK Every Day is different SOLDIERS' F-IELD Here's rip-roaring action !-and only real con· test and ardent endeavor could make it so ut· terly thrilling. They're fighting hard-these splendid cowboy and cowgirl champions-and the crowds are fighting with them. · Hear the spontaneous shouts of keen appreciation. De· light in clean spQrtsmanship. Love for mighty battling. Come today and join in the most thrilling sporting event of the year. Keep Plenty on lee! -Lasting satisfaction n1eans conunued business -:-Evans ton stores carry only the best. EVENTS Bronk Ridin~ Steer Wrestling Calf Roping Witd Horse Race Fancy Roping Relay Races Trick and Fancy Riding Steer Ridin~ Bareback Bronk Riding 50 Flathead Indians Buck and Squaw Races I I ADMISSION (including aeafa) $1.00 Unreserved $1.50-$2.00 Reser11·tl (Plus War T~J Tickets for all days on eale at LYON & HEALY Wabash Ave. at Jackson Blvd. Organized by the Domestic and Forei~n Commerce Committe. of "' Chicago Association of Commerc~ · '-----------------------------------------------TEX AUSTIN, Manager and Director Also at Stadium ) I EVANSTON CHAMBER ·OF COMMERCE Th~ preparation of this adrerti'lino co11tributed bv Members of Wutctrn t:eutiCQ, American · Association ol Adrutisino Aoencies

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