Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 I '· I ' aries R. Pickard Summoned by Death in Wilmette Home Charles Rohert Pickard. for twent,· years deputy clerk of the Cnited State's Di:;trict court in Chicago and a prominent organizer of Liberty loan and "smileage" campaigns in Illinois during the \\'oriel \Yar. for \Yhich he \vas cited by the treasury departt1H·nt, passed ;l\Y~ ,- at his home at 1121 Greenleaf ;1\.-enue. Saturday, August 7. Death \Yas clue to heart ailment and clim~xccl a gradua! decline in health a ttr ihutahle largely to Mr. Pickard's un cea~im:- acti,·ity during the \ \.l)rld \\·ar period. \fr. Pickard. fam!!·iarh· kn0\\·n as "Cnl·)neJ" anwng hi:' ma.ny friend 111 four clothes washed Wilmette and in Illinois political cir-, cles, was born in Hunt sville, Ala., in 1862. He came to Chicago during the world's fair period and became prominent in business and politics. Among his intimate friends in Illinois politics he numbered Ex-Gov. Fran~ 0. Lowden, Senator Charles S. Deneen, State Senator Thurlo"· G. Essington and Col. Frank L. Sm ith , present senatorial nominee \\·hose first gubernatorial campaign ~fr. Pickard managed. Although born and reared in the South. ~h. Pickard \\'as a life-long republican. In hi ~ early manhood he served the federal gon:-rnment for the land -office, makit~g sun·eys of the then little kno\\·n sta te of Florida, particularly on the \\'e:'t cnast. \[ r. Pickard is su n ·in'd ll\· hi s wido\\·, a daught er. ~1 argarct · oi \\'it- LOOKS LIKE A RIOT War Worker Dies That Wilmette Day Ball Game for Business and Professional Men Will Be Staged Under Police Surveillance Feeling is running strong in \Vilmette business and professional circles this \Ycck on~r the sc heduled baseball encounter on \\'ilmcttc day between two picked ag-gre~ations arrayed against OllC a notiHT uncJcr the designation~ of "81)nc:'ettcr'i ... ancl "Discotmtcrs. The "Bonesetter.;;" \Yill he piloted b,· Dr. \\'. \\·. Ha\\'kins. \\'hilc th e "Disco.u n ters" han' been placerl in char. Q·e oi Jack Burlingt:r. as~istant cashier of the \ \'ilmettl.' State Bank. 'j'p da tc the captains oi the t \\"n squads haYe enli'itecl a formirlahlc arra,· of talent ,,·hich. should all the pr;spt.·cti\-e athletes :-:ho,,· up at gan1c time. will pm\'icle somcthin~ like nineteen players on each ~ide. . They pr omi~e tn :-.tart out \Yith the rqnda tion nines. hu\\·e,·cr. anrl make suhstit·Jti on:-. a:' rapidly as the perspirinl'!" diamond :'tars fall 1)\· the ,,.a,·s idc " ·hie h. it is Cflll firknt 1;- expected~ " ·ill I he so freqttt.· nt a-. tll l1e alm::>-.t a C<·llj tinuous pn 1CC' ' 11f elimination and :-t:I I i ~titution. Tho~e \rho lta\·L· .;:~nificd their intt-ntiotl (lf takin!.!· a \\'hark at thL' ~ame ar·· 1 li:-tcd a..; follow~: . j' free if you ring us Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Supplies Eveready "B" Batteries Mu sic Master Loud Speakers Base Plugs Installed Fine Lin11 of Lighting Fixtures EAS .1 . \¥ASI-IER 'J:DJP1(!X4 Phone Wilmette ."-41" VacuumElectri~ ~~ Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street 104~ [ike 'Jindini Jl(one!fl ~15 for mettc. a11Ll a s~):l. Charles Roh,'r t ni Oak Park. ~cn· ices \\Tre held from St. SittlO :l':' Fpiscnpal church. L'llicagu. a·Hl ~he retnaith \\'er.c placed in the iamily ,·attlt , at TTunt..;nJ!c. Ala. ' - ~ your old l.!!!.U romil WASHER 'Your Choice tfantJ~15 FREE Purchase Your Lamp SAVING $15 FEDERAL Electric Washer Now! Like finding $15 ! Purchase your new Federal washer now and we will eitherallowyou $15 for your old washing machine or present you with a beautiful $15 lamp free of charge. Or you may select any lamp in the store and we will allow you $15 on its price. Di:-l'11Ulltl'l':'-J ark nudingn. cap· I !~tin: F.. B. f(n_:Hlt:-.on. ~· Sclm·;tll. Jar,' North Shore Youths Are Admitted to ; 1 h(llllpsnn. Gef1 rge 1·.:-.tes. Dan { ' · University of Pennsylvania Follow- ! · tile~. !~oher~ .] !lhll:-~< ~~~- G~rret t J ohn_ing Aptitude Tests 'it<·ll. "\ tc k ~p1c-.. Ln11l \orr!. D. L .\ll ·n. Jr .. Carl 1\cnnL·c kcr. \\"ill iam H. Aflen D o:' cher and \\- illiam R. BalnH':-. FrL·d lhinkman. L1..'c Hosbcr ).!. Ticli 1 simcr. hnti1 . oi \\"iln!t:tte. \\TrL' 1Inn I( in!!. l.lnnl l lolli,t~ ·r and ( ~t ~lrl!t' ;t1110llg the first group:' lit Ctllrlirlatl':' Brigl!·-... non~· . . l'ttl'I'"'-Dr. \\'. \\ '. l!L' l..'p:-l ltl, ,·or entrance to the l"nin:r, ity oi H :t\rkin.-. raptaitl: Dr. Gt.·or. Pent~:-,·h· ania to he adn1ittcd under tllL· Dr. CL'<Jr:.,:c Fi-.cl'hr;uul. Dr. \\" . F. 1nnr ~~· l wla:-tic aptitude t~·,t. it, \\'a:-_ an- · ~rh~1r. Dr. t ~. B., Blake .. l.:l\\~rcn.re J. tJrltlllrecl t<,da,· IJ\· Dr. h. :nl t '· ~I tlkr. ~rl11l<ken. Dtrk Lunl", 1·. J. ],u(llll':..!vr. din·nor oi a~lmi ~:-. itlll~ ,1[ thL· uni\er- Che-.ter .-\ml,lJ,;r. l'aul lohn~tnn. Dudsit,·. I h·,· ~tllllL', "\fartin HL·;ll>crQer. Flonl 'r h L' ~ cI101a:' tic apt it t1 d l' t l'" t. a c c1 1rr 1- · K on. L \\ ·. \\· l' i 11..' r. l. <1" ~·II I: n n·· r. u! ing tn Dr. ~I ill er. i:-. :-t!ppkllll'lltar~- tn . cl' 'I I"':..!L' s,,·incy. [( ( . Klcl!t~ L the :-.rhcda:;tic rccurd oi the :-.tudcnt ~lr\':tlllL'e and Fmv~t C:tzL·l. atHl aim . . at mca:-uring- the ab ility r1i \"ilia .. ,· Pr~..· . . ic!t-nt Ornn. ,,.It() j, ~H· the candidate in other tt:l"llh than C'lt-.tt~m:·c! to all , 1 ,rt:- (·i rnu~h trea·,r ]H)l d :-ubjvct:- or mere acad~..·mic n' .... :.H a..; tilL· tllltniripal placater of eli,. tltarl,>. ft ,,·a:-. CCinducttd ior t hL· tir-.t r o 11 t e 11 t. h a, p r, ·111 i, l ' rl t 1) p by t IH· r 11 lttilllL' thi:' ·H<:tr and ,,·as aclmini:-tered IJ\· · 1 i u111 pi :·e. 1t i... n 1111 n n· rl t hat he v: ii 1 tlt1..' rr1llq.!T l'tltr:mre exantin :tt ic!!l h:t,· ~· tht· 'l!Jl]"lrt c1i l'hiei ni Pn1 i~· ,, I b11ard in appr0xillla tch· 3\Hl citic:' j, .r tlle hL'ttdlt ni nn·r <),()lltJ 'ltJ< ktlt " :-.t·,:k - l.t:~!.!L'tt anrJ a l'lll'Jl:- t·i hea,·i!y ;tm ; ~. · .J inl!· admi'i..;;ion t11 yari11t1'i it;.:.titutii) IJ:-. I. h: ern:t ~ .:.. ----·----oi higher learning. TAKEN BY DEATH Ftt tll·:·:t! , ,· n·iL'l·, 1,11· \fr,. l' l"l' ~~~ 'Auto Repairing ckk. ,, ii~· ~~ ~ \ "ac!.tr 1:t·:ukk oi \\·:: Guaranteed Work · tlll't1L' ;\,·enut·. \\'L'i"l' hvl d Tlntr,rJa,· :tiReasonable Rates i kr1111nn oi t iti.:. ": l'vk. l1urial "'~!" :tt I t Ill' BI l llL'll i i;I 11 "\ :I · i I I 1l :t I l' l' llll'1l'1' y i :1 Ross Skelton Chira~l J. \I r:-. Dt·zdv k p;t--:-L·d : !\\': !~· ~ttnd:ty. ~ ::L· h:td l1 LTll in i:tilillt,:· h~..·:tlt;l I 4 ro Prairie Ave. Wilmlltte 3555 ~ ·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--i_<~_r_t_,,_,.,_~_}_·t_ · a_r'_·_____________________ 1 PASS COLLEGE TESTS ' o ra 1 ' I - II I~ I- First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE, ILL. Phone for Demonstration Remember the Federal is fully guaranteed by responsible makers and. this Company. It's the white and blue enameled ·w asher, that operates easily, is easy on clothes and has many superior features. Now is your opportunity, Let us demonstrate this wonderful new ro.achine. Subject of the Lesson Sermon August 15-HSOUL" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS : The Bible and Works of Mary Daily (except vVednesday and Bal<:er Eddy and all other Saturday) 9 A.~[. to 5:30 P. ~L authorized Christian Science Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Literature may be read, bor· Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. rowed or purchased. The Public: is cordially 'invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Readine Room PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 11 H Central .-\ve .. \\'ilm et te \\'ilmette 2899 Jno. S. Reesman, District Manager _ Fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll lllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllliMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll!:llllllll~ = I

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