Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 4

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W I L M ·E T T E LIFE August 13, 1926 playing at the grove every Saturday evening during the summer for the week lv dances of the Peter ]. Huerter post the American Legion, will furnish the music and to those who are fami liar with this popular aggrerration of music-makers that's "nuff sed." Everybody Invited All in all. it's to be a hig communny picnic. Ev·e ryone is inYitccl an.d urge d to come. Transportation will be fnrnished free, in mot or busses plyini-{ J)ct\n'e n the gro\·e and the \Vilm ctte a\·en ue station of the ::\orth ~~~r: re lin e from noon until midnight. Light ing at the grounds \\'ill he furnishl·d f rce 1)\· the Public SerYice C()mp:nw of Xorthern Illinois. Those who car~ to dri\'e to the grounds will find an1plt· parking space for their cars, the cr·mmittce. headed b~· Lawren·ce J. Schiltlgcn. being in charge of thi..; essenti :d detail. Don't forget to be nn l1and f( ,r \\"ilmdte day! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18: THAT'S WILMETTE'S DAY (Continued from page 't) Father and son's race, 50 yards. Business Jl1 (·n's race. Busine<::s girls' ract·. of Refreshments in Plenty :\iter the baseball game there will he a lull in the entertainme nt to giH' those who attend a chance to cat and othenYisc enjo~· thcnJselYes. There \\'ill he plenty tn eat at both the Village Green and the Legion grm·e. Sam ancl Frank Lulias. popular confecI tioncrs ni .the Yillage. \\'ill haYc charge of th~ rcfresl.J.mcnt,. booth ~t the gro\·c, I . an d 1-.chYanl \[ ac \fcGll!re. of ho·\':1I ing lunch fan1e. \\'ill take charge oi the booth at the Village Green. There \\·ill he all kinds of rcfrl.'shments. from sancl\\'iches to st ra"·he rr~· pop ancl back again . and nothing \Yill he ld t Successor to Witt's Supreme Ice Cream 1und one tt· ~~ti:--iy the ;1p1~etite~ of the hungr~· _nmltnucle " ·ho ,,·111 attend the I celebratiOn. Dancin~ "ill· hef.!in at 7 o'clock and will cot;tinu e until midnight. Jue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sclltlcicler'~ orchc~tra. 1\'hich l1as been For you·r Sunday dinner we 'viii have fresh Peach Ice Cream in both brick and bulk. Real home· n1ade cream in which only the best ingredients are used. · Vanilla, Chocolate, New York, Maple Nut, Banana Nut and · Fresh Raspberry Ice. Phone in advance or imntediate delivery. Next on the program will be the children's parade "·hich should be an interesting feature. All the littl e tots are eligible to enter, and prizes will he distributed :tt the American Legion gran. .-\11 children \\·ho enter the parade \\·ill ·receiYe faYors, even if th ey 1 do not win a prize. The next en:nt \Yill be the baseball game het\\'ecn the \Yilm ette Athletic association team and one from Ft. Sheridan. Both arc :;trong teams and 1 shou ld iurni:d1 a battle \Yhich will ha,·e a tlHill enn· min nt t · fM the spectator~. The f)aschall game \\·ill begin at 4 o'c lock and· will he l1cld on the dia111ond on the \ "i ll age Green. HEADS DANCE COMMITTEE '1'1w \\"ilm ettc day dance in the c1prn air pa\'ili(lll at I.eginn gr.~Yr, Ltkc an d J~icl~t· an·nues. i..; tn hL· held undn th t· snp~·n·ision ui J. \\"alter :.'\elson ancl his committee. The dancing \\'ill rc·ntinuc irom 7 p. 111. until midnig ht. Toe Schneider':; Huertn Legion Jl11 ;, [ ~1rclw~tra '"ill prm·id c the nm:-ic. Hammond Ice Cream Kitchen 1 1 722 T\velfth Street Phone Wil. 3122 I \fr. and \fr:;. \\"i lliam Schmed: ~t·n of 710 Creenleaf a\'cllllt'. \\'iltnl·t:t·. antwuncl' the engagctllL'Ilt ( f t1 1l' ir daughter, Dorothea. to .-\!an C'. Ccdli n'. :;c,n of \[r. an d \frs. Philip S. Colli:1, oi Philadelphia. \fiss Schmcdtgcn i;-; a gradu:.k 1 i :.'\e\Y Trier I !igh -~ cho"l and ni \\\·11:ley college, and recently returned ir ·. : 1 I a year·~ tri'p a.l>r~ad and \\'ith h· 1 parents. \1 r. <.. ol1111:; \\'as grac!u:t' d frnm \\'illiams in 192.) :tnd tc1 ok 1 1 ;~ mas tn\ degree at J!an·arcl. The \\": 1 , di11g "'ill take Jllacc early i11 ]allu ar). J 621 MAIN STREET wHOLESALE CITY MARKE I LAMB LEGS Special PHONE: WILMETTE 1810 RETAIL co. MEATS ... A 2riendly serviee with good meats at the right price makes and keeps our many satis£ied patrons SPECIAL SALE...FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 1~ ... 14 Fresh Killed Broilers, per lb..................... ................. ...... ... 4Sc PORK LOINS Half or Whole E GG S Fresh and Large I POT ROAST Native Beef Ib. RIB ROAST Native Beef )Se Doz.36c Ar!ou~~~:!oom SM~~~e?. ~~TTS Ib. lb. 24e 46C Large Spring .Roasting Chickens, per lb........................ .~1e lb. )9C: Cudahy's Puritan Ham, hall or whole, per lb· .................. .. ............·............... 16e Wilson Certilied Baeon, hal2 or whole side, pe· lb . .... ......... ........ ...... .... ...... 46e T ~~.~~e~ s lb. 21C lb. 4§C Four Daily Deliveries: 9 A.M.- 11 A.M.- 2 P.M. . . Wilmette, ~ Kenilworth, Glencoe, Winnetka 4 P.M .

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