August 20, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 25 Teachers Join in INew Religious Education Director Here Next Month Recomme,ding New Miss Attig, new director 'I' ax Reduction .Law education for the Wilmette !"~ligious Parish 01 Ized groups in recommending the rati- her new duties in the parish, ;t was fication of the amendment to the rev- announced this week. enue article of the state constitution Miss Attig comes to \Vilmette from submitted to the. people by the 54th Oak Park where she made a fine recGeneral Assembly, according to C. W. ord in the communitv school of reWashburne, superintendent of Win- ligious education. Sh.e has her masnetka schools. ters degree from Northwestern uniThere seems to be little oppos1t10n versity. She will also be the rreneral to the proposed amendment, it is said. executive of the \Vilmette Gid Scouts. It was adopted almost unanimouslv by the legislature and has been endorsed The Rev. William Guise, pastor of by the Illinois Bankers association, the \Vilmette English Lutheran church, the Illinois Agricultural association, left this week for Ohio, where he will the Illinois State Teachers association, join his wife and children for a few the Iltinois Association of Real Esweeks' vacation. They will visit in tate boards, some other state-wide asToledo and Mansfield, Ohio. They sociations and numerous local leagues, will return to \Vilmette the first part clubs and groups. It seems to be gen- of September. erally agreed that our present tax laws -oare !lntiquated, inequitable and imposBrvson Field, 12P.3 Elmwood avenue, sible to enforce, and that the legislaturt ought to be given the power to left -Saturday to spend a two wtcks' work out . a modern, equitable and sci- vacation in the northern woods of entific revenue system. Wisconsin. He will visit his brotherThe proposed amendment in itself in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. makes no changes in the tax laws, nor Cusack, in their summer home at Haydoes it add a penny to public rev- ward. -oenues, it is explained, but it does give 'Miss Undine Dunn of 100 Broadway to the legislature greater freedom in tax legislation by removing some of avenue, is making a three months' tour the present binding constitutional of California and the western coast. limitations. Therefore, it is being recommended by such prudently progressive organizations as those named above. Their motive is not necessarily to raise more revenue, but to raise the necessary revenues more fairly and therefore without causing so much justified complaint. The teachers know that all good citizens consider the public school s,·stem a necessarv institution and · that they will wiliingly and liberally 1 support it if school revenues are raised hy just and equitable tax laws rigidly and e(jually en forced . Therefore, the teachers have joined the other organizations in recommending the ratification of the proposed amendment. The referendum on the amendment will be held in connection with the general election on November 2. To be rat ificd the proposal must receive a majority of all votes cast at the elecReal Eda'· tion. Therefore, every voter favoring Loon Dflparlment its ratification should vote for it, since a failure to vote counts the same as a \'ntc against it. ~he farmers, bankers and other organ- village early in September to take u~ The teachers of Illinois have joined Methodist church, will arrive in the Franken Brothers Deerfield, Illinois WE HAVE AT OUR NURSERY A large display of numerous varieties of Hardy Phlox which are the pride of the garden the entire month of August. We cordially invit~ you to visit us during their blooming season. Telephone Deerfield 241. Catalogue on request. The Mcilvaine Oil .Burner I ~f rs. ]. Hugh Foster. Correspoadeatl 921 Greenleaf an.·nue. entertained a number of iriends for luncheon and matinee at the Xorshorc · theater \YednesdaY in honor of ~f r. Foo.;ter's mother, \{ rs. Xat1cy Foster. who is a guest in the Foster home. ~fr. and -0~frs. ]. Hugh Foster. 921 Greenleaf avenue, have as their guests until next week. ~~ r. Fostrr's mother, ~frs. Nancv Foster. and his sist(·r-inlaw. ~frs. \Villiam Foster. both oi Los Angeles. . -0- MetropoUtan LUelasuranee Company MiUloas to Loan 1 A Mcllvaine user saved on his fuel bill That's worth while ton avenue. and her sister, ~[rs. F. \V. Armstrong of tl1e Edgewater Be:tch hotel, returned Tuesday from Estes Park. ~fiss ~largaret ~fcCuc. 831 \Vashing-~ Firat Mortcac·· · LOW BATES M iss Minnie Hughes. lOOo Central avenue, left Monday to spend two " ·eeks in Detroit and Castle Park.. ~f ich., whe·re she will he the g-uest of ~.fiss Frances Goodhue of \Viltnctte in her cottage there. -o- · Resldeaee8 Baa1alow· REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMEN'r MciLVAINE OIL 8URN£R SALES Phone Winn. 147 1 &NS WITHOUT Lo f t COMMISSION Oa Deltlrable UomH aad Anart·eat Dutldln·· John Hancoek Mutual Ufe !nauranee Company .a. D. LAN'(;WORTBY. l.naa Aa'eat OIIfAGOnwsr fDMPANY LUCIU$ TETER. 788 Elm St. ,.,...,.,., JOHN W. O'LEAilY YA-PruW.U -----····-············--· 112 w. Ad··· st.. c··eaa· SOUTHEAST COilNER. MONilOit 6 CLAR.It ~1·~----------------------------------------------------~ WINNETKA