Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1926, p. 32

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.32 WILMETTE LIFE August 20, 1926 Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE "MADAME S'NS.I'ENE" IRavinia vorite which will serve to give the 1'l U ac.tor-singers the opportunity ~ppear in many of their most conNEWEST AT RAVJNJA to gemal roles. Opera of Ultra Modern School to Be Presented Tuesday Evening, August 24 Sundav afternoon, August 22, the new week will begin witil a concert by the Chicago Symphony orchestra under the direction of Eric DeLamarter. All seats are free for these concerts. Sunday night, that sparklin g gem of the French repertoire, "Romeo and Juliet," will he presented and Lucrezia Bori. whose charm as Shakespeare's girlish heroine has won Ravinia audiences on several occasions, will again he heard as Juliet. In this role Mme. Bori reveals herself as a consummate actress while vocally she interprets every shade .of emotion which is set forth in this great love tragedy. Opposite Mme. Bori, Edward Johnson will be heard as Romeo, one of the outstanding parts of his repertoire which gives him full opportunity for a display of his magnificent voice and also of his ability as an actor. Leon Rothier. basso. is cast as Friar Laurent. v..·hich demands· the skilled treatment and the vocal finesse \vhich this French singer brings to it. Others are 'Margery Maxwell, Jose Mojica, Desire Defrcre, Louis D'Angelo, Paolo Ananian, Anna Correnti and Louis Derman. Miss Ruth Page will head the ballet. Louis Hassclmans will conduct. Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis. assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis. bas bad twenty-one yeaw:s llf successful service in tbe professional field. The best testimony to their care· ful . courteous. and t!onscientious work comes from those whom tbey bave served during their residence on tbe North Shore. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. Lewis. Our new De Luxz Invalid Coach is available for emergency calls at our Wilmette F Urleral Home. Vllfl Lat11t in MoJe:n Limowi11e E11uipmtnt 1 120 Central Avenae WILMETTE Parlors phone. Wilmette 3.552 Home phone. Wilmette 3.552 ~nrmnmmnnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllllllllllllllllllllllltl = ~ == VICTOR RECORDS for ·:~·---·----·:·------·-·:··----·-·- = ..····i . 29C $1.25 Records Slashed to I === ' $1.00 Records Slashed to $1.50 Records ~ Slashed to ~ 49c ~~u~~ l\Iarines ('on ways Pn·ors Creatore BANDS 59c IXSTR. Herbert's Orch. Hawaiian Brown Bros. Marimba's HERE'S WHAT YOU GET ~~~~~et:_.~suder '\\rerrenrath Duncan Sisters Henry Burr VOCAL Another opera which will he a genuine novelty to the music lovers of this community has been added to the Ravinia repertoire and will be brought to performance during the coming week. This is "Madame Sans Gene," which Louis Eckstein has scheduled for production Tuesday night, kugust 24. This work may be classed among those of the ultra modern school · as· it was given its initial presentation on any stage in New· York during January, 1915. It has Umberto Giordano as its composer and is based upon a play of the same name by Victorien Sardou, which is sufficient evidence that it is exactly the sort of opera best liked by American patrons of this art, for it combines in admirable proportion the elements of music and drama. Another offering of the coming week which will no doubt, arouse great interest, is the season's first presentation of "The Tales of Hoffman," which in many respects may be c:atlecl the most unusual of all operas, because of its unAt the regular concert on Monday usual form. Of the other works to be presented during the week, it is night, August 23, the Chicago Symfound that everyone is a Ravinia fa- phony orchestra under the baton of Eric DcLamarter will be heard in a splendid program and Miss Luella Melius, coloratura soprano, and Edward Johnson, tenor, will appear as · soloi ts. The fact that these artists arc to be heard on the same program is an item of importance, and that they Me not only to appear in individual groups, hut that as a climax they will sing the celebrated love duet from "Romeo and Juliet" is sufficiu1t to arouse the supreme intere st of every lover of \'Ocal art. Rcsen·cd scats for these ~Ionclav concerts are free, the general admi ss.ion at the gate con~ring everything. , o~~~ ~+~ '~i~ ~scon,sin 'Minnesota ,Colorado Yellowstone Utcrh· 1Califomia :Pacific )a,s~r t:L...·· ' OF lOUTH 'DAKOTA Whiteman S. S. Leviathan Orch. Jack Chapman Orch. The Virginians Coon-Sanders DANCE TrinitY Choir l\Ir. and l\Irs. 'Vheeler Oratorio Billy Sunday Choir llodehea \'er SACRED AT LESS THAN OUR COST EYery Record is ne\v, clear and never sold before for less than regular price. Now this super-sale of genuine Victor Records enables. you to buy them for practicallv one third. Thousands of them-with the exception of a fe\v hundred nun1bers-every RecorJ in the immense Victor catalogue is offered to you in this great sa 1 e- Don 't put Jt . off- S toeks are stt ·tl very complete. · , Northwest Black ,Hills North Shore Talking Machine Co. - a ii ~ = = 554 Center, Winnetka Open Tuesday. Thursdar and Saturday Evenings 5 = = = I ltopooni aaywhen-Spl-4ld throaah tnl8l. Atk for our popular booklet "Porty W a'fl and WontoCallfomiaand theNorthPadficCoui.' E-.rtefl all· eMJNftM toar· to Yellow· ·toaeJ. Coloroflo. Zion Notional ParA au ~alilorn... o6o·t tA.,.. ww. choice of"'*'- A·' 2$. lcwfuD lalonudoa an· cleter~pctn loW.. apply to dcket . . .a Chlcaato A North W~ R,.. IHIOIIIIIIIUWIIIUIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ew: ) Tuesday night, August 24, "~fadame Sans Gene" will he given its fir st per formance with a cast that will brin g out every shade of the music and drama which ha s been woven into this notable work. Here Gio,·anni ~Iarti nclli will appear in a role which he ha s not sung for several years. Alice Gentle will be heard as Catherine, the woman \vho outwitted Xapoleon. and Giuseppe Danise will have one of the greatest character roles of his career as ~ apoleon Bonaparte. The story of "~Ime. Sans Gene" is intriguing, its plot dealing with those stirring times in V\'hich Kapoleon Bonaparte rose from a humble military position to that of the greatest military genius the world had known. There is a stirring story of wifely devotion interwoven through this plot, and it becomes in opera just as outstanding as it was in drama. Mr. Martinelli will be cast as Sergt. LeFebvre, who advanced with Napoleon and became Marshal of France. The part is one that demands great singing and great acting, attributes with which Mr. Martinelli is abundantly blessed. The role of Catherine Huehscher, the laundress, .who becomes the wife of Napoleon's adviser, is also replete in dramatic and vocal possibilities as well as in humorous situations, and Miss Gentle will, no doubt, find it much to her liking. As Napoleon, Giuseppe Danisc will have a baritone role which has been tailored to his measure. Not only is Mr. Danise equipped vocally to most every demand of this outstanding role, but it has been found that he becomes a living portrait of the great Corsican. Others in the cast are Miss Bourskaya, Miss Maxwell, Miis Paggi, Miss Falco, Mr. Mojica, Mr. Defrere,

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