Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1926, p. 40

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.RACES WIN APPLAUSE (Continued from page 3) l AT W[MEnE FETE Wll.METTE LIFE August 20, 1925 Schaefer Clan Enjoys Its Annual Outing ----------------------------------- I Ham Anderson, third; Louis Young . fourth; Leroy Steiner, fifth; married women's race--Helen Schlier, first; Katherine Ud<'ll, second; ·n. J. Walter, third; l\1 rs. Tripicchie, fourth ; Mrs. P. B. DeYinnt>y, fifth; married mt>n's race--Dr. <:. B. B!akt>, first; D. C. Stone, second; {lt>orge Zeutschle, third; Arthur Har-~ graves, fourth; E. C. Cazel, fifth. Stout wom<.'n's race-Mrs. Tripicchie, first: Mrs. F. Kreusch, s econd; Mrs. W . .:\liller, third; Mrs. Hargravt·s, fourth; Mrs. Peifer, fifth; fat m en's ra.ee-Ernie Cazt>l, first; John Barges, sPcond; J. H. Parka~· . third ; F. E . Lewis, fourth.; boys' three-!t·ggt·d race--Bill AndPrson and ErniP ('azt."l, first; Emil Bornich and Edward Schuett, st"cond; Max Bornich and Ht>rbt>rt Marquardt, third; L~r man Goss and Bob Ma<'L'ean, fourth; John Castle and Edward Bauer, fifth. Young men's race (50 years and over) -Louis Hauck, first; F. C. '\Vhite second; .John Scho)wn, third; Nels Knudsen, f<,urth; Adam Bornich, fifth; men's thrt>P-lt>gg-ed race-Bill Andt>rson and Harry Berg, first; Dick McAlister and Emmons DeBerard, second ; Frank Pseni\'k and Marvin Baker, third; Gene nt'servi and R. Pohrer, fourth ; Clink J ohnson and Gt"orge Zeutschel, fifth. Fathet· and son relay-Ernie Cazel and F.. C. Cazt>l, first: W. T. Blasdell and Brand Blasdell, second; J . Finlayson and C. Finlayson, third ; L. C. Christenson and C. P. Christenson, fourth ; E. Borni<.:h and Adam Bornich, fifth; Wilmette busint>ss men's race-Clink Johnson, fin>t; H. J. Miller, second; C'. H. Ellis, third; P. J. McNamet·, fourth; Ernie Cazel, fifth. ·wilmette business girls' race-BernicE.. Bau('hkahser, first; Emma F't'ltman, secC'nd: Katherine Udell, third; Bernice Durkin, fourth; Bt>atrice Hellinger, fifth; dog and wagon ra<"e-Dkk Preston, first; Ja('k Mill(·r, second; Teddy Olewine, third; boys' sack race--Austin Cook, first ; Ernie Cazel, second ; Herbert Marquardt, third ; Matt Bornich, fourth ; Emil Bornich, fifth. Whe('lbarrow race-Herbert Marquardt and William Lunquist, first ; V. White and George White~ second ; Matt Bornich and F. Bornich, third; C. F. Finlayson and J . ·F. Finlayson, fourth; Emil Bornich and Harold Palmer, fifth . 1\ft'rehnnts Doaate Prizes N amt"s of the merchants who donated prizes to be awarded the winners of the ~aces art> as follows: Motor Service, Inc., Braun Brothers, Pennsylvania Oil company, Floyd Koon Auto sales, Drs. 0. H. Bersch and Stone, Margerum's Tire :shop, Lake A venue Repair shot>, Clink Johnson service station, North Shore garage, Florence Wood, Herbon Brothers, E. L Jewett, Wilmette Battery and Electric Service, Wilmette Motor sales; Linden Crest garage, Miller and Miller, Nick Spies, Robert Mcintyre. Wilmette Varit>ty store, First National hank, Wilmette State bank, George Baldwin, \Villiam Taylor, Dutch Oven, 'ferminal Electric Shore Repair shop, Renneckar Drug store, William Blasdell, Central Cafeteria, ·wilmette Home bakery, Ct af the Barber, Village theatre, Frank Wilson, Paul Davt>y, Albert Stachel, Wilming's pharmacy, William King, Wilmette Photo Print shop, Paul McNamee, Ct>cile shop, Uniqu · Style shop, Wilmette Window Shade and Paint store, Snider-Cazel drug store, Wilmette Shoe store, E. A. Dannemark, Sheridan caf1~ , Le Chalet. Roy Goodwin, Wilmette Stationery and Gift shop, Worthen-Carrico company, E. J Belrose, Burns Toggery, F. J. Budinger and company, Community Kitchen, Superior Fur shop, A. K. Mestjian, North Shore Paint and Wallnaper company, Handy Shoppe, Bell Dress shop, Meyer Coal and Material company, W. B. Lucke, B. E. Busscher, Warble Storage company, Wilmette cafe, · Wilmette Ice company, Novelty Sewing shop, Home Laundry, John Weiland, A. P. Hills, Dr. H. G. W. Ball, Terminal Hardware company, Martin Jacobsen, Wolff-GritHs Hardware company, H. Borgfeldt, Edinger and Son, Klensuds laundry, Cleaners De Luxe, Wilmette Shoe Shining parlor. Schultz· and Nord, B. B. Udell, Ballard Book shop, Krauss Cleaning and Dying company, Bonnem the Tailor, Consumers company, Lloyd Hollister, Tr.c., Printing Studio, D. Pagliarulo, Kathryn Beauty shop, Wilmette Beauty shop, Helene Beauty shop, Linden Crest Beauty shop, Emily IIJi Beauty shop, John Millen, W. G. Beyrer, William Kaplan, Wilmette Music shop, Patty Shoppe, McDaniel fltore, Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, Ajax Asphalt Shingle company, Dr. George Ambuehl, Arbuckle Brothers, Armour and company, Atlantic and Pacific Tea company, Aunt Lou's Home Made Bread, Barges Brothers, Dr. M. R. Barker, Battle Creek Food company, Beech-Nut Packing company, Henry Behrman, Dr. C. B. Blake, Bowman Dairy company, C. H. Brethold, Selesttnl and Vtnga company, City Market, Cosmos Brothers, Crescent Egg company, Cun- Lift> Photo hy L ehle Members of the Schaefer family, pioneers of Wilmette and vicinjty, enjoyed their annual pictiic at Glenacres in the Forest Preserves last · Sunday after the outing had been postponed because. of rain the pre\'ious Sunday. The Schaefer clan numbers about 500 people and has been prominently identified with \Vilmette ·and the. former Gross Point business life for a half-century. Here we have the group as they posed for the photographer betvveen events of the day that was crammed full of activity. ningham Ice Cream company, John H. Davies, East End Market, Eddin~ton and Allen, Dr. George F. Eisenbrand, Dr. C. H. Eldred, Dr. R. M. Evans, Peter Festas, Fitzpatrick Brothers, Flooroleum company,· George Foell Supply company, Franklin McVeagh company, Tony Fro!'1enstil, I<'ulton Packing company, H. B. Gates, Ben Gerschefske, Goldenrod Ice Cream company, Hammond Tee Cream company, N. A. Hanna and company, Roy Harrer, Dr. W. W. Hawkins, Dr. M. C. Hecht, Heinsen and Kroll, Dr. R. H. Henderson, Libby McNeil and Libby, Lomax Bottling company, Loost> Wiles Biscuit company, Matthew A. Luebers, Lulias Brothers, Harry Lyons, Maier and company, Mallott and Johnson, C. :M. McDonald, E. H. McGuire, McNulty Power company, N. J. Mergenthaler, Menghenelli confectionery, Miller and Hart, F. W. Moore, J. J. Moran, Sam 1\Joy, National Biscuit company, Fred l.';elsen, Nelson laundry, North Shore cafe, North Shore Candy shop, North Shore creamery, F. W. Norton, Palace Cash market, Palmolive Soap company, Papageorge Brothers, Papantony Brothers, A. C. Pearson, Pfalzer Brothers, Proctor and Gamble, Public Service company, Putnam Baking company, Ranft Candy company, Reid Murdock company, Carl Renneckar, Fred L. Rice, Ristow confectionery, .J. H. Schaefer and company, Paul Schroeder, Schultz Baking company, Dr. W. F. Schur, W. H. Scott, Sheridan delicatessen, Hetzel and company, Hill and Wheeler, Clarence Hirschorn, C. J. Hoey, Hoffmann Brothers, E. V. Holding, Inlander Steindler Paper company, R. M. Johnston, John Kerevan, Keystone confectionery Hoyt King, James S. Kirk and company, John Klein, Klingt> and '\-Vhite, Joseph Kneip, Kroll and Smith, Kutten Brotherl'!, F. E. Lewis, Dr. C. G. Smith, W. G. Stacey, John R. Sweet, Swift and company, Terminal grocery, A. S. VanDeusen, Village ChocolatE> shotJ, Ward Baking company, Dr. H. 0. Weishaar, Wieland Dairy company, White Cash market, Wilmette Food shop, Wilmette Glass works, WilmettE' Grocery and Market, Wilmette Sign shop, W. W. Winberg, A. J. Woodcock. Residents T'iew Biggest Parade on Wilmette Dav The largest parade ever seen in the village wound through the streets last \Vednesdav. vVilmette dav. Approximatelv lZ:S vehicles, including pleasure cars, trucks, floats, wagons and a ponv cart comprised the parade, which star.tcd from the Village hall at 9 :30 o'clock in the morning and ended at the American Legion park on Lake avenue about noon. The reviewing stand was located on the east side of Main street beh~'een Wilmette and Central avenues, where the judges decided the winners when the parade passed near the end of its journey. Large crowds witnessed the spe.ctacle. The winners in the various groups were as follows: best decorated residents' pleasure cars-Harold Nelson, first: Charles Brandt, second; Printing Studio, third: Orian Galitz, fourth: Floyd Koon, fifth: Rev. George P. Magill. sixth; William H. Scott, seventh, Henry Zeutschel, eighth. Best decorated business man's pleas": ure car-T. H. Schaefer, first: Herhon, second: First National hank, third: Wilmette State bank. fourth: Carl Sterner. -fifth: J. F. Gathercoal. sixth; Flovd Koon, seventh. Best decorated truck or float-Bowman Dairy company, first: Braun Brothers. second; Frank Hlavacek, third: Hubert Hoffman, fourth; Willia;11 Salmen, fifth: Wilmette Ice comnanv. sixth: Wilmette Bird store, seventh. The prize for horse-drawn vehicles was won bv Hoffman Brothers co~l comnanv and a special prize was awai·ded a ponv cart driven by \V. F. Morgan, Jr. Frederick E. Lewis also came in for a special prize . .Enthusi""ti~ applause greeted many of the displays. YOUNGSTERS READY FOR ANNUAL BEACH EVENTS (Continued from page 3) Hd>t<rholz, Xed K elley, Warrt>n :\To01·e , Yant·e Soule, '\-Villiam :\[organ, CharieR . 'tiles, ::\{arjorie \Verden, arl l\IichaelsPn. Miss Alice King is returning to her home at 914 Greenwood avenue this week-end after spending the summer on the Pacific coast. She attended the Kappa Alpha Theta convention in San Francisco early in the summer, and has since been visiting in Fresno, Los Angeles and the Yosemite National park. 51\ yard dash : boys, 15, 1 G and 17 : Francis Kennedy, Chuck Hoo\'er, :\Iarshall Pett~ rson, Heafer Rilt'y, .John Sheridan. GO yard dash-girls o\·er 17: Jean Evers, \\'inogene SpringPr, Anna :\Iar· garet Kennedy. 220 yard dash-Open to anyone 16 and under: Harriet Dauber, Stt·ve Hopkins, T,iII Holmes, \Vinfred Stoerk. 60 yard back stroke--op en to girls; Anna :\fargaret Kennedy. 100 yard hreast stroke--open to boys: Steve Hopkins, Chuck Hoover, Francis 1\. enndey, John C'awkwell, l\1arshall Peh :rson. 100 yard breast stroke -open to girls .: Harriet Dauber, :\[arion Michelson, Anna l\largaret Kennedy, Betty Brown, Dor· ot hy Tucker. Three-legged race--open to girls: Harriet Dauber, Dorothy Tucker, Helen Frimand, Helen Taft, Georgia Alice Vosburgh, Ht>len .Bent, Betty Brown. "Use Your Head"--open to boys and girls 14 and under: June Anderson, Jack liolmes, Martin Heberholz, . Marion Nichaelson, Harriet Dauber, Junior Kavanaugh, Steve Hopkins, Bill Holmes, Charles Stiles, Georgia Allee Vosburgn, Francis Kennedy, Dorothy Tucker, Paul Soule, George Quinlan, Warren Moore, Vance Soule, Helen Taft, Fred Kaumess. 240 yard relays-teams of 4: Johnny Sheridan, Laurin Bennett, Paul Boyer, Fred Waichner, Chuck Hoover, Laurie D:wis, Bob Joy, Arian Brower. 440 yard race--open to lG and ovt>r: Francis Kennedy, Chuck Hoover, Marshall Peterson, James Riley, Heafer Riley. Fancy diving--open to all three required and 2 optional dives): Georgia Alice Vosburgh, Chuck Hoover Helen Taft, James Sheridan, Paul Soule: Heafer Riley, 1, j/ I Mr. and Mrs. John Blair Whidden and their son_, 1009 Elmwood avenue, l1ave reurned to Wilmette after spending three weeks at Provincetown, Cape Cod, Mass.

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